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1. About This Reference
1.1. Conventions Used in This Reference
1.1.1. Applicable Products
1.1.2. Valid Products
1.2. Terminology
1.3. Command Characteristics
1.3.1. Data Input
1.3.2. Free-Format Input
1.3.3. Nonrestrictive Data Input
1.3.4. Condensed Data Input
1.3.5. Units
1.3.6. Command and Argument Defaults
1.3.7. File Names
1.3.8. Star and Slash Commands
2. Command Groupings
2.1. SESSION Commands
2.2. DATABASE Commands
2.3. GRAPHICS Commands
2.4. APDL Commands
2.5. PREP7 Commands
2.6. SOLUTION Commands
2.7. POST1 Commands
2.8. POST26 Commands
2.9. AUX2 Commands
2.10. AUX3 Commands
2.11. AUX12 Commands
2.12. AUX15 Commands
2.13. Mapping Processor Commands
3. Command Dictionary
I. Connection Commands
~CAT5IN - Transfers a .CATPart file into the Mechanical APDL program.
~CATIAIN - Transfers a CATIA model into the Mechanical APDL program.
~PARAIN - Transfers a Parasolid file into Mechanical APDL.
~PROEIN - Transfers a Creo Parametric part into Mechanical APDL.
~SATIN - Transfers a .sat file into Mechanical APDL.
~UGIN - Transfers an NX part into Mechanical APDL.
II. Plugin Commands
*DPF - Specifies an input data processing framework (DPF) workflow file or a DPF workflow output pin.
*PLUG - Loads a plugin into Mechanical APDL so that new functionalities can be dynamically added.
III. A Commands
A - Defines an area by connecting keypoints.
*ABBR - Defines an abbreviation.
AADD - Adds separate areas to create a single area.
*AFUN - Specifies units for angular functions in parameter expressions.
*ASK - Prompts the user to input a parameter value.
AATT - Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed areas.
*AXPY - Performs the matrix operation M2= v*M1 + w*M2.
ABBRES - Reads abbreviations from a coded file.
ABBSAV - Writes the current abbreviation set to a coded file.
ABEXTRACT - Extracts the alpha-beta damping multipliers for Rayleigh damping.
ABS - Forms the absolute value of a variable.
ACCAT - Concatenates multiple areas in preparation for mapped meshing.
ACCOPTION - Specifies GPU accelerator capability options.
ACEL - Specifies the linear acceleration of the global Cartesian reference frame for the analysis.
ACLEAR - Deletes nodes and area elements associated with selected areas.
ADAMS - Performs solutions and writes flexible body information to a modal neutral file (Jobname.MNF) for use in an ADAMS analysis.
ADD - Adds (sums) variables.
ADDAM - Specifies the acceleration spectrum computation constants for the analysis of shock resistance of shipboard structures.
ADELE - Deletes unmeshed areas.
ADGL - Lists keypoints of an area that lie on a parametric degeneracy.
ADPCI - Defines parameters associated with adaptive crack initiation.
ADRAG - Generates areas by dragging a line pattern along a path.
AEROCOEFF - Computes the aero-damping and stiffness coefficients and writes them to an APDL array.
AESIZE - Specifies the element size to be meshed onto areas.
AFILLT - Generates a fillet at the intersection of two areas.
AFLIST - Lists the current data in the database.
AFSURF - Generates surface elements overlaid on the surface of existing solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node.
AGEN - Generates additional areas from a pattern of areas.
AGLUE - Generates new areas by "gluing" areas.
AINA - Finds the intersection of areas.
AINP - Finds the pairwise intersection of areas.
AINV - Finds the intersection of an area with a volume.
AIRL - Specifies that automatic inertia relief calculations are to be performed.
AL - Generates an area bounded by previously defined lines.
ALIST - Lists the defined areas.
ALLSEL - Selects all entities with a single command.
ALPHAD - Defines the mass matrix multiplier for damping.
AMAP - Generates a 2D mapped mesh based on specified area corners.
AMBEAM - Specifies energy source parameters in an additive manufacturing analysis.
AMBUILD - Specifies printer parameters for the build and other options in an additive manufacturing analysis.
AMENV - Specifies the build-environment thermal boundary conditions in an additive manufacturing analysis.
AMESH - Generates nodes and area elements within areas.
AMMAT - Specifies the melting and relaxation temperatures of the build material in an additive manufacturing analysis.
AMPOWDER - Specifies the thermal conditions of the powder in an additive manufacturing analysis.
AMRESULT - Specifies additive manufacturing result data written to a .txt file.
AMSTEP - Specifies the process-sequence steps in an additive manufacturing analysis.
AMSUPPORTS - Specifies information about the supports in an additive manufacturing analysis.
AMTYPE - Specifies the printing process in an additive manufacturing analysis.
/AN3D - Specifies 3D annotation functions
ANCNTR - Produces an animated sequence of a contoured deformed shape.
ANCUT - Produces an animated sequence of Q-slices.
ANCYC - Applies a traveling wave animation to graphics data in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.
ANDATA - Displays animated graphics data for nonlinear problems.
ANDSCL - Produces an animated sequence of a deformed shape.
ANDYNA - Produces an animated sequence of contour values through substeps.
/ANFILE - Saves or resumes an animation sequence to or from a file.
ANFLOW - Produces an animated sequence of a charged particle traveling in an electric or magnetic field.
/ANGLE - Rotates the display about an axis.
ANHARM - Produces an animated sequence of time-harmonic results or complex mode shapes.
ANIM - Displays animated graphics data for linear problems.
ANISOS - Produces an animated sequence of an isosurface.
ANMODE - Produces an animated sequence of a mode shape.
/ANNOT - Activates graphics for annotating displays (GUI).
ANORM - Reorients area normals.
ANPRES - Produces an animated sequence of the time-harmonic pressure variation of an engine-order excitation in a cyclic harmonic analysis.
ANSOL - Specifies averaged element nodal data to be stored from the results file.
ANSTOAQWA - Creates an AQWA-LINE input file from the current Mechanical APDL model.
ANSTOASAS - Creates an ASAS input file from the current Mechanical APDL model.
ANTIME - Generates a sequential contour animation over a range of time.
ANTYPE - Specifies the analysis type and restart status.
/ANUM - Specifies the annotation number, type, and hot spot (GUI).
AOFFST - Generates an area, offset from a given area.
AOVLAP - Overlaps areas.
APLOT - Displays the selected areas.
APORT - Specifies input data for plane wave and acoustic duct ports.
APPEND - Reads data from the results file and appends it to the database.
APTN - Partitions areas.
ARCLEN - Activates the arc-length method.
ARCTRM - Controls termination of the solution when the arc-length method is used.
AREAS - Specifies "Areas" as the subsequent status topic.
AREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified areas.
AREMESH - Generates an area in which to create a new mesh for rezoning.
AREVERSE - Reverses the normal of an area, regardless of its connectivity or mesh status.
AROTAT - Generates cylindrical areas by rotating a line pattern about an axis.
ARSCALE - Generates a scaled set of areas from a pattern of areas.
ARSYM - Generates areas from an area pattern by symmetry reflection.
ASBA - Subtracts areas from areas.
ASBL - Subtracts lines from areas.
ASBV - Subtracts volumes from areas.
ASBW - Subtracts the intersection of the working plane from areas (divides areas).
ASCRES - Specifies the output type for an acoustic scattering analysis.
ASEL - Selects a subset of areas.
ASIFILE - Writes or reads one-way acoustic-structural coupling data.
ASKIN - Generates an area by "skinning" a surface through guiding lines.
ASLL - Selects those areas containing the selected lines.
ASLV - Selects those areas contained in the selected volumes.
ASOL - Specifies the acoustic solver with scattered field formulation.
/ASSIGN - Reassigns a file name to a Mechanical APDL file identifier.
ASUB - Generates an area using the shape of an existing area.
ASUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected areas.
ATAN - Forms the arctangent of a complex variable.
ATRAN - Transfers a pattern of areas to another coordinate system.
ATYPE - Specifies "Analysis types" as the subsequent status topic.
/AUTO - Resets the focus and distance specifications to "automatically calculated."
AUTOTS - Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping.
/AUX2 - Enters the binary file dumping processor.
/AUX3 - Enters the results file editing processor.
/AUX12 - Enters the radiation processor.
/AUX15 - Enters the IGES file transfer processor.
AVPRIN - Specifies how principal and vector sums are to be calculated.
AVRES - Specifies how results data will be averaged when PowerGraphics is enabled.
AWAVE - Specifies input data for an acoustic incident wave.
/AXLAB - Labels the X and Y axes on graph displays.
IV. B Commands
/BATCH - Sets the program mode to "batch."
BCSOPTION - Sets memory option for the sparse solver.
BETAD - Defines the stiffness matrix multiplier for damping.
BF - Defines a nodal body-force load.
BFA - Defines a body-force load on an area.
BFADELE - Deletes body-force loads on an area.
BFALIST - Lists the body-force loads on an area.
BFCUM - Specifies that nodal body-force loads are to be accumulated.
BFDELE - Deletes nodal body-force loads.
BFE - Defines an element body-force load.
BFECUM - Specifies whether to ignore subsequent element body force loads.
BFEDELE - Deletes element body-force loads.
BFELIST - Lists the element body-force loads.
BFESCAL - Scales element body-force loads.
BFINT - Activates the body force interpolation operation.
BFK - Defines a body-force load at a keypoint.
BFKDELE - Deletes body-force loads at a keypoint.
BFKLIST - Lists the body-force loads at keypoints.
BFL - Defines a body-force load on a line.
BFLDELE - Deletes body-force loads on a line.
BFLIST - Lists the body-force loads on nodes.
BFLLIST - Lists the body-force loads on a line.
BFPORT - Transfers body-force loads (heat generation, temperature, and body-force density) from selected MESH200 elements to reinforcing elements.
BFSCALE - Scales body-force loads at nodes.
BFTRAN - Transfers solid model body-force loads to the finite element model.
BFUNIF - Assigns a uniform body-force load to all nodes.
BFV - Defines a body-force load on a volume.
BFVDELE - Deletes body-force loads on a volume.
BFVLIST - Lists the body-force loads on a volume.
BIOOPT - Specifies "Biot-Savart options" as the subsequent status topic.
BIOT - Calculates the Biot-Savart source magnetic field intensity.
BLC4 - Creates a rectangular area or block volume by corner points.
BLC5 - Creates a rectangular area or block volume by center and corner points.
BLOCK - Creates a block volume based on working plane coordinates.
BOOL - Specifies "Booleans" as the subsequent status topic.
BOPTN - Specifies Boolean operation options.
BSAX - Specifies the axial strain and axial force relationship for beam sections.
BSMD - Specifies mass per unit length for a nonlinear general beam section.
BSM1 - Specifies the bending curvature and moment relationship in plane XZ for beam sections.
BSM2 - Specifies the bending curvature and moment relationship in plane XY for beam sections.
BSPLIN - Generates a single line from a spline fit to a series of keypoints.
BSS1 - Specifies the transverse shear strain and force relationship in plane XZ for beam sections.
BSS2 - Specifies the transverse shear strain and force relationship in plane XY for beam sections.
BSTE - Specifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a nonlinear general beam section.
BSTQ - Specifies the cross section twist and torque relationship for beam sections.
BTOL - Specifies the Boolean operation tolerances.
BUCOPT - Specifies buckling analysis options.
V. C Commands
C*** - Places a comment in the output.
CALC - Specifies "Calculation settings" as the subsequent status topic.
CAMPBELL - Prepares the result file for a subsequent Campbell diagram of a prestressed structure.
CBDOF - Activates cut-boundary interpolation (for submodeling).
CBMD - Specifies preintegrated section mass matrix for composite-beam sections.
CBMX - Specifies preintegrated cross-section stiffness for composite beam sections.
CBTE - Specifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a composite beam section.
CBTMP - Specifies a temperature for composite-beam input.
CDOPT - Specifies format to be used for archiving geometry.
CDREAD - Reads a file of solid model and database information into the database.
CDWRITE - Writes geometry and load database items to a file.
CE - Defines a constraint equation relating degrees of freedom.
CECHECK - Check constraint equations and couplings for rigid body motions.
CECMOD - Modifies the constant term of a constraint equation during solution.
CECYCMS - Generates the constraint equations for a multistage cyclic symmetry analysis.
CEDELE - Deletes constraint equations.
CEFILTER - Controls the automatic solution termination of models having constraint equations with too many terms.
CEINTF - Generates constraint equations at an interface.
CEIMS - Generates constraint equations at the interstage boundary in a multistage cyclic symmetry analysis.
CELIST - Lists the constraint equations.
CENTER - Defines a node at the center of curvature of 2 or 3 nodes.
CEQN - Specifies "Constraint equations" as the subsequent status topic.
CERIG - Defines a rigid region.
CESEL - Selects constraint equations via predefined reference numbers.
CESGEN - Generates a set of constraint equations from existing sets.
CFACT - Defines complex scaling factors to be used with operations.
*CFCLOS - Closes the "command" file.
*CFOPEN - Opens a "command" file.
/CFORMAT - Controls the graphical display of alphanumeric character strings for parameters, components, assemblies, and tables.
*CFWRITE - Writes a Mechanical APDL command (or similar string) to a "command" file.
CGLOC - Specifies the origin location of the acceleration coordinate system.
CGOMGA - Specifies the rotational velocity of the global origin.
CGROW - Specifies crack-growth options in a fracture analysis.
CHECK - Checks current database items for completeness.
CHKMSH - Checks area and volume entities for previous meshes.
CINT - Defines parameters associated with fracture-parameter calculations.
CIRCLE - Generates circular arc lines.
CISOL - Stores fracture parameter information in a variable.
CJUMP - Initiates a cycle-jump analysis.
/CLABEL - Specifies contour labeling.
/CLEAR - Clears the database.
CLOAD - Initiates a cyclic-loading analysis.
CLOCAL - Defines a local coordinate system relative to the active coordinate system.
CLOG - Forms the common log of a variable
/CLOG - Copies the session log file to a named file.
CLRMSHLN - Clears meshed entities.
CM - Groups geometry items into a component.
CMACEL - Specifies the translational acceleration of an element component
/CMAP - Changes an existing or creates a new color mapping table.
CMATRIX - Performs electrostatic field solutions and calculates the self and mutual capacitances between multiple conductors.
CMDELE - Deletes a component or assembly definition.
CMDOMEGA - Specifies the rotational acceleration of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis.
CMEDIT - Edits an existing assembly.
CMGRP - Groups components and assemblies into an assembly.
CMLIST - Lists the contents of a component or assembly.
CMMOD - Modifies the specification of a component.
CMOMEGA - Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis.
CMPLOT - Plots the entities contained in a component or assembly.
CMROTATE - Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component in a brake-squeal analysis.
CMSEL - Selects a subset of components and assemblies.
CMSFILE - Specifies a list of component mode synthesis (CMS) results files for plotting results on the assembly.
CMSOPT - Specifies component mode synthesis (CMS) analysis options.
CMWRITE - Writes node and element components and assemblies to a file.
CNCHECK - Provides and/or adjusts the initial status of contact pairs.
CNKMOD - Modifies contact element key options.
CNTR - Redirects contact pair output quantities to a text file.
CNVTOL - Sets convergence values for nonlinear analyses.
/COLOR - Specifies the color mapping for various items.
/COM - Places a comment in the output.
*COMP - Compresses a matrix using a specified algorithm.
COMBINE - Combines distributed memory parallel (DMP) files.
COMPRESS - Deletes all specified sets.
CON4 - Creates a conical volume anywhere on the working plane.
CONE - Creates a conical volume centered about the working plane origin.
/CONFIG - Assigns values to Mechanical APDL configuration parameters.
CONJUG - Forms the complex conjugate of a variable.
/CONTOUR - Specifies the uniform contour values on stress displays.
/COPY - Copies a file.
CORIOLIS - Applies the Coriolis effect to a rotating structure.
COUPLE - Specifies "Node coupling" as the subsequent status topic.
COVAL - Defines PSD cospectral values.
CP - Defines (or modifies) a set of coupled degrees of freedom.
CPCYC - Couples the two side faces of a cyclically symmetric model for loadings that are the same on every segment.
CPDELE - Deletes coupled degree of freedom sets.
CPINTF - Defines coupled degrees of freedom at an interface.
/CPLANE - Specifies the cutting plane for section and capped displays.
CPLGEN - Generates sets of coupled nodes from an existing set.
CPLIST - Lists the coupled degree of freedom sets.
CPMERGE - Merges different couple sets with duplicate degrees of freedom into one couple set.
CPNGEN - Defines, modifies, or adds to a set of coupled degrees of freedom.
CPSEL - Selects coupled degree-of-freedom sets via predefined reference numbers.
CPSGEN - Generates sets of coupled nodes from existing sets.
CQC - Specifies the complete quadratic mode combination method.
*CREATE - Opens (creates) a macro file.
CS - Defines a local coordinate system by three node locations.
CSCIR - Locates the singularity for non-Cartesian local coordinate systems.
CSDELE - Deletes local coordinate systems.
CSKP - Defines a local coordinate system by three keypoint locations.
CSLIST - Lists coordinate systems.
CSWPLA - Defines a local coordinate system at the origin of the working plane.
CSYS - Activates a previously defined coordinate system.
/CTYPE - Specifies the type of contour display.
CURR2D - Calculates current flow in a 2D conductor.
CUTCONTROL - Controls time-step cutback during a nonlinear solution.
/CVAL - Specifies nonuniform contour values on stress displays.
CVAR - Computes covariance between two quantities.
/CWD - Changes the current working directory.
CYCCALC - Calculates results from a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition analysis using the specifications defined by CYCSPEC.
/CYCEXPAND - Graphically expands displacements, stresses and strains of a cyclically symmetric model.
CYCFILES - Specifies the data files where results are to be found for a cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic analysis.
CYCFREQ - Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic analysis.
*CYCLE - Bypasses commands within a do-loop.
CYCLIC - Specifies a cyclic symmetry analysis.
CYCOPT - Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry analysis.
CYCPHASE - Provides tools for determining minimum and maximum possible result values from frequency couplets produced in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.
CYCSPEC - Defines the set of result items for a subsequent CYCCALC command in postprocessing a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition analysis.
CYL4 - Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume anywhere on the working plane.
CYL5 - Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume by end points.
CYLIND - Creates a cylindrical volume centered about the working plane origin.
CZDEL - Edits or clears cohesive zone sections.
CZMESH - Create and mesh an interface area composed of cohesive zone elements.
VI. D Commands
D - Defines degree-of-freedom constraints at nodes.
DA - Defines degree-of-freedom constraints on areas.
DADELE - Deletes degree-of-freedom constraints on an area.
DALIST - Lists the DOF constraints on an area.
DAMORPH - Move nodes in selected areas to conform to structural displacements.
DAMPOPT - Sets damped eigensolver options.
DATA - Reads data records from a file into a variable.
DATADEF - Specifies "Directly defined data status" as the subsequent status topic.
/DBDECRYPT - Controls decryption of material data in the database file.
/DBENCRYPT - Controls encryption of material data in the database file.
DCGOMG - Specifies the rotational acceleration of the global origin.
DCUM - Specifies that DOF constraint values are to be accumulated.
DDASPEC - Specifies the shock spectrum computation constants for DDAM analysis.
DDELE - Deletes degree-of-freedom constraints.
DDOPTION - Sets domain decomposer option for a distributed-memory parallel (DMP) solution.
DEACT - Specifies "Element birth and death" as the subsequent status topic.
/DECRYPT - Controls decryption of command input.
DEFINE - Specifies "Data definition settings" as the subsequent status topic.
*DEL - Deletes a parameter or parameters (GUI).
DELETE - Specifies sets in the results file to be deleted before postprocessing.
/DELETE - Deletes a file.
DELTIM - Specifies the time step sizes to be used for the current load step.
DEMORPH - Move nodes in selected elements to conform to structural displacements.
DERIV - Differentiates a variable.
DESIZE - Controls default element sizes.
DESOL - Defines or modifies solution results at a node of an element.
DETAB - Modifies element table results in the database.
/DEVICE - Controls graphics device options.
/DFLAB - Changes degree-of-freedom labels for user custom elements.
DFLX - Imposes a uniform magnetic flux B on an edge-element electromagnetic model.
DFSWAVE - Specifies the incident planar waves with random phases for a diffuse sound field.
*DIM - Defines an array parameter and its dimensions.
/DIRECTORY - Put the file names in the current directory into a string parameter array.
DISPLAY - Specifies "Display settings" as the subsequent status topic.
/DIST - Specifies the viewing distance for magnifications and perspective.
DJ - Specifies boundary conditions on the components of relative motion of a joint element.
DJDELE - Deletes boundary conditions on the components of relative motion of a joint element.
DJLIST - Lists boundary conditions applied to joint elements.
DK - Defines DOF constraints at keypoints.
DKDELE - Deletes DOF constraints at a keypoint.
DKLIST - Lists the DOF constraints at keypoints.
DL - Defines DOF constraints on lines.
DLDELE - Deletes DOF constraints on a line.
DLIST - Lists DOF constraints.
DLLIST - Lists DOF constraints on a line.
*DMAT - Creates a dense matrix.
DMPEXT - Extracts modal damping coefficients in a specified frequency range.
DMPOPTION - Specifies distributed-memory parallel (DMP) file combination options.
DMPRAT - Sets a modal damping ratio.
DMPSTR - Sets constant structural damping data.
DNSOL - Defines or modifies solution results at a node.
*DO - Defines the beginning of a do-loop.
DOF - Adds degrees of freedom to the current DOF set.
DOFSEL - Selects a DOF label set for reference by other commands.
DOMEGA - Specifies the rotational acceleration of the structure.
*DOT - Computes the dot (or inner) product of two vectors.
*DOWHILE - Loops repeatedly through the next *ENDDO command.
DSCALE - Scales DOF constraint values.
/DSCALE - Sets the displacement multiplier for displacement displays.
DSPOPTION - Sets memory option for the sparse solver.
DSUM - Specifies the double sum mode combination method.
DSYM - Specifies symmetry or antisymmetry degree-of-freedom constraints on nodes.
DSYS - Activates a display coordinate system for geometry listings and plots.
DTRAN - Transfers solid model DOF constraints to the finite element model.
DUMP - Dumps the contents of a binary file.
/DV3D - Sets 3D device option modes.
DVAL - Defines values at enforced motion base.
DVMORPH - Move nodes in selected volumes to conform to structural displacements.
DYNOPT - Specifies "Dynamic analysis options" as the subsequent status topic.
VII. E Commands
E - Defines an element by node connectivity.
EALIVE - Reactivates an element (for the birth and death capability).
ECPCHG - Optimizes degree-of-freedom usage in a coupled acoustic model.
EDELE - Deletes selected elements from the model.
/EDGE - Displays only the common lines (“edges”) of an object.
EEMBED - Generates bonded connections between intersecting elements.
EENS - Evaluates element solutions based on assumed element deformation.
EEXTRUDE - Extrudes 2D plane elements into 3D solids during a 2D to 3D analysis.
/EFACET - Specifies the number of facets per element edge for PowerGraphics displays.
EGEN - Generates elements from an existing pattern.
EGID - Specifies a global identifier for a set of MESH200 elements.
*EIGEN - Performs a modal solution with unsymmetric or damping matrices.
EINFIN - Generates structural infinite elements from selected nodes.
EINTF - Defines two-node elements between coincident or offset nodes.
EKILL - Deactivates an element (for the birth and death capability).
ELBOW - Specifies degrees of freedom to be coupled for end release and applies section constraints to elbow elements.
ELEM - Specifies "Elements" as the subsequent status topic.
ELIST - Lists the elements and their attributes.
*ELSE - Separates the final if-then-else block.
*ELSEIF - Separates an intermediate if-then-else block.
EMAGERR - Calculates the relative error in an electrostatic or electromagnetic field analysis.
EMATWRITE - Forces the writing of all the element matrices to Jobname.emat.
EMF - Calculates the electromotive force (emf), or voltage drop along a predefined path.
EMFT - Summarizes electromagnetic forces and torques.
EMID - Adds or removes midside nodes.
EMIS - Specifies emissivity as a material property for the Radiation Matrix method.
EMODIF - Modifies a previously defined element.
EMORE - Adds more nodes to the just-defined element.
EMSEL - Selects a group of reinforcing members via a predefined global identifier.
EMSYM - Specifies circular symmetry for electromagnetic sources.
EMTGEN - Generates a set of TRANS126 elements.
EMUNIT - Specifies the system of units for magnetic field problems.
EN - Defines an element by its number and node connectivity.
/ENCRYPT - Controls encryption of command input.
*END - Closes a macro file.
*ENDDO - Ends a do-loop and starts the looping action.
*ENDIF - Ends an if-then-else.
*ENDPY - Terminates a block of content that is interpreted as Python commands.
ENDRELEASE - Specifies degrees of freedom to be decoupled for end release.
ENERSOL - Specifies the total energies to be stored.
ENGEN - Generates elements from an existing pattern.
ENORM - Reorients shell element normals or line element node connectivity.
ENSYM - Generates elements by symmetry reflection.
/EOF - Exits the file being read.
EORIENT - Reorients solid element normals.
EPLOT - Produces an element display.
EQSLV - Specifies the type of equation solver.
ERASE - Explicitly erases the current display.
/ERASE - Specifies that the screen is to be erased before each display.
EREAD - Reads elements from a file.
EREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified elements.
EREINF - Generates reinforcing elements from selected existing (base) elements.
ERESX - Specifies extrapolation of integration-point results.
ERNORM - Controls error estimation calculations.
ERRANG - Specifies the element range to be read from a file.
ESCHECK - Perform element shape checking for a selected element set.
ESEL - Selects a subset of elements.
/ESHAPE - Displays elements with shapes determined from the real constants, section definition, or other inputs.
ESIZE - Specifies the default number of line divisions.
ESLA - Selects those elements associated with the selected areas.
ESLL - Selects those elements associated with the selected lines.
ESLN - Selects those elements attached to the selected nodes.
ESLV - Selects elements associated with the selected volumes.
ESOL - Specifies element data to be stored from the results file.
ESORT - Sorts the element table.
ESTIF - Specifies the matrix multiplier for deactivated elements.
ESURF - Generates elements overlaid on the free faces of selected nodes.
ESYM - Generates elements from a pattern by a symmetry reflection.
ESYS - Sets the element coordinate system attribute pointer.
ET - Defines a local element type from the element library.
ETABLE - Fills a table of element values for further processing.
ETCHG - Changes element types to their corresponding types.
ETCONTROL - Control the element technologies used in element formulation (for applicable elements).
ETDELE - Deletes element types.
ETLIST - Lists currently defined element types.
ETYPE - Specifies "Element types" as the subsequent status topic.
EUSORT - Restores original order of the element table.
EWRITE - Writes elements to a file.
EXBOPT - Specifies .exb file output options in a CMS generation pass.
*EXIT - Exits a do-loop.
/EXIT - Stops the run and returns control to the system.
EXOPTION - Specifies the EXPROFILE options for the Mechanical APDL to Ansys CFX or Ansys Fluent profile file transfer.
EXP - Forms the exponential of a variable.
EXPAND - Displays the results of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.
/EXPAND - Allows the creation of a larger graphic display than represented by the actual finite element analysis model.
EXPASS - Specifies an expansion pass of an analysis.
*EXPORT - Exports a matrix to a file in the specified format.
EXPROFILE - Exports Mechanical APDL interface data on selected nodes to an Ansys CFX or Ansys Fluent Profile file.
EXPSOL - Specifies the solution to be expanded for mode-superposition analyses or substructure analyses.
EXTOPT - Controls options relating to the generation of volume elements from area elements.
EXTREM - Lists the extreme values for variables.
EXUNIT - Specifies the interface data unit labels to be written to the profile file from Mechanical APDL to Ansys CFX transfer.
VIII. F Commands
F - Defines force loads at nodes.
/FACET - Specifies the facet representation used to form solid model displays.
FC - Provides failure criteria information and activates a data table to input temperature-dependent stress and strain limits.
FCCHECK - Checks both the strain and stress input criteria for all materials.
FCDELE - Deletes previously defined failure criterion data for the given material.
/FCLEAN - Deletes all local files in all processors in a distributed parallel processing run.
FCLIST - To list what the failure criteria is that you have input.
/FCOMP - Specifies file-compression options.
FCUM - Specifies that force loads are to be accumulated.
FCTYP - Activates or removes failure-criteria types for postprocessing.
FDELE - Deletes force loads on nodes.
/FDELE - Deletes a binary file after it is used.
FEBODY - Specifies "Body loads on elements" as the subsequent status topic.
FECONS - Specifies "Constraints on nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
FEFOR - Specifies "Forces on nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
FESURF - Specifies "Surface loads on elements" as the subsequent status topic.
*FFT - Computes the fast Fourier transformation of a specified matrix or vector.
FILE - Specifies the data file where results are to be found.
FILEAUX2 - Specifies the binary file to be dumped.
FILEAUX3 - Specifies the results file to be edited.
FILL - Generates a line of nodes between two existing nodes.
FILLDATA - Fills a variable by a ramp function.
/FILNAME - Changes the Jobname for the analysis.
FINISH - Exits normally from a processor.
FITEM - Identifies items chosen by a picking operation (GUI).
FJ - Specify forces or moments on the components of the relative motion of a joint element.
FJDELE - Deletes forces (or moments) on the components of the relative motion of a joint element.
FJLIST - Lists forces and moments applied on joint elements.
FK - Defines force loads at keypoints.
FKDELE - Deletes force loads at a keypoint.
FKLIST - Lists the forces at keypoints.
FLIST - Lists force loads on the nodes.
FLST - Specifies data required for a picking operation (GUI).
FLUXV - Calculates the flux passing through a closed contour.
FLUREAD - Reads one-way Fluent-to-Mechanical APDL coupling data via a .cgns file with one-side fast Fourier transformation complex pressure peak value.
/FOCUS - Specifies the focus point (center of the window).
FORCE - Selects the element nodal force type for output.
FORM - Specifies the format of the file dump.
/FORMAT - Specifies format controls for tables.
*FREE - Deletes a matrix or a solver object and frees its memory allocation.
FREQ - Defines the frequency points for the SV vs. FREQ tables.
FRQSCL - Turns on automatic scaling of the entire mass matrix and frequency range for modal analyses.
FSCALE - Scales force load values in the database.
FSSECT - Calculates and stores total linearized stress components.
FSSPARM - Calculates reflection and transmission properties of a frequency selective surface.
FSUM - Sums the nodal force and moment contributions of elements.
FTRAN - Transfers solid model forces to the finite element model.
FTYPE - Specifies the file type and pressure type for the subsequent import of source points and pressures.
FVMESH - Generates nodes and tetrahedral volume elements from detached exterior area elements (facets).
IX. G Commands
GAUGE - Gauges the problem domain for a magnetic edge-element formulation.
GCDEF - Defines interface interactions between general contact surfaces.
GCGEN - Creates contact elements for general contact.
/GCMD - Controls the type of element or graph display used for the GPLOT command.
/GCOLUMN - Allows the user to apply a label to a specified curve.
GENOPT - Specifies "General options" as the subsequent status topic.
GEOM - Defines the geometry specifications for the radiation matrix calculation.
GEOMETRY - Specifies "Geometry" as the subsequent status topic.
*GET - Retrieves a value and stores it as a scalar parameter or part of an array parameter.
/GFILE - Specifies the pixel resolution on Z-buffered graphics files.
/GFORMAT - Specifies the format for the graphical display of numbers.
/GLINE - Specifies the element outline style.
/GMARKER - Specifies the curve marking style.
GMATRIX - Performs electric field solutions and calculates the self and mutual conductance between multiple conductors.
GMFACE - Specifies the facet representation used to form solid models.
*GO - Causes a specified line on the input file to be read next.
/GO - Reactivates suppressed printout.
/GOLIST - Reactivates the suppressed data input listing.
/GOPR - Reactivates suppressed printout.
GPLOT - Controls general plotting.
/GRAPHICS - Defines the type of graphics display.
/GRESUME - Sets graphics settings to the settings on a file.
/GRID - Selects the type of grid on graph displays.
/GROPT - Sets various line graph display options.
GRP - Specifies the grouping mode combination method.
/GRTYP - Selects single or multiple Y-axes graph displays.
/GSAVE - Saves graphics settings to a file for later use.
GSBDATA - Specifies the constraints or applies the load at the ending point for generalized plane strain option.
GSGDATA - Specifies the reference point and defines the geometry in the fiber direction for the generalized plane strain element option.
GSLIST - When using generalized plane strain, lists the input data or solutions.
GSSOL - Specifies which results to store from the results file when using generalized plane strain.
/GST - Enables the Graphical Solution Tracking (GST) feature.
GSUM - Calculates and prints geometry items.
/GTHK - Sets line thicknesses for graph lines.
/GTYPE - Controls the entities that the GPLOT command displays.
X. H Commands
HARFRQ - Defines the frequency range in a harmonic analysis.
/HBC - Determines how boundary condition symbols are displayed in a display window.
HBMAT - Writes an assembled global matrix in Harwell-Boeing format.
HBMOPT - Specifies solution options for a harmonic balance method (HBM) analysis.
/HEADER - Sets page and table heading print controls.
HELP - Displays help information for Mechanical APDL commands and element types.
HEMIOPT - Specifies options for Hemicube view factor calculation.
HFANG - Defines or displays spatial angles of a spherical radiation surface for sound radiation parameter calculations.
HFSYM - Indicates the presence of symmetry planes for the computation of acoustic fields in the near and far field domains (beyond the finite element region).
*HPROD - Performs a Hadamard vector product (C = A∘B).
HPTCREATE - Defines a hard point.
HPTDELETE - Deletes selected hardpoints.
HRCPLX - Computes and stores in the database the time-harmonic solution at a prescribed phase angle.
HREXP - Specifies the phase angle for the harmonic analysis expansion pass.
HROPT - Specifies harmonic analysis options.
HROCEAN - Perform the harmonic ocean wave procedure (HOWP).
HROUT - Specifies the harmonic analysis output options.
XI. I Commands
IC - Specifies initial conditions at nodes.
ICDELE - Deletes initial conditions at nodes.
ICLIST - Lists the initial conditions.
/ICLWID - Scales the line width of circuit builder icons.
ICROTATE - Specifies initial velocity at nodes as a sum of rotation about an axis and translation.
/ICSCALE - Scales the icon size for elements supported in the circuit builder.
*IF - Conditionally causes commands to be read.
IGESIN - Transfers IGES data from a file into Mechanical APDL.
IGESOUT - Writes solid model data to a file in IGES Version 5.1 format.
/IMAGE - Allows graphics data to be captured and saved.
IMAGIN - Forms an imaginary variable from a complex variable.
IMESH - Generates nodes and interface elements along lines or areas.
IMMED - Allows immediate display of a model as it is generated.
INISTATE - Defines initial-state data and parameters.
*INIT - Initializes a vector or matrix.
/INPUT - Switches the input file for the commands that follow.
*INQUIRE - Retrieves properties of an existing APDL Math object.
/INQUIRE - Returns system information to a parameter.
INRES - Identifies the data to be retrieved from the results file.
INRTIA - Specifies "Inertial loads" as the subsequent status topic.
INT1 - Integrates a variable.
INVOPT - Enables or disables inverse solving for the current load step.
IOPTN - Controls options relating to importing a model.
IRLF - Specifies that inertia relief calculations are to be performed.
IRLIST - Prints inertia relief summary table.
*ITENGINE - Performs a solution using an iterative solver.
XII. J Commands
JPEG - Provides JPEG file export for Mechanical APDL displays.
JSOL - Specifies result items to be stored for the joint element.
XIII. K Commands
K - Defines a keypoint.
KATT - Associates attributes with the selected, unmeshed keypoints.
KBC - Specifies ramped or stepped loading within a load step.
KBETW - Creates a keypoint between two existing keypoints.
KCENTER - Creates a keypoint at the center of a circular arc defined by three locations.
KCLEAR - Deletes nodes and point elements associated with selected keypoints.
KDELE - Deletes unmeshed keypoints.
KDIST - Calculates and lists the distance between two keypoints.
KEEP - Stores POST26 definitions and data during active session.
KESIZE - Specifies the edge lengths of the elements nearest a keypoint.
KEYOPT - Sets element key options.
KEYPTS - Specifies "Keypoints" as the subsequent status topic.
KEYW - Sets a keyword used by the GUI for context filtering (GUI).
KFILL - Generates keypoints between two keypoints.
KGEN - Generates additional keypoints from a pattern of keypoints.
KL - Generates a keypoint at a specified location on an existing line.
KLIST - Lists the defined keypoints or hard points.
KMESH - Generates nodes and point elements at keypoints.
KMODIF - Modifies an existing keypoint.
KMOVE - Calculates and moves a keypoint to an intersection.
KNODE - Defines a keypoint at an existing node location.
KPLOT - Displays the selected keypoints.
KPSCALE - Generates a scaled set of (meshed) keypoints from a pattern of keypoints.
KREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified keypoints.
*KRON - Computes the Kronecker product of two matrices/vectors, .
KRYOPT - Specifies solution options for a Krylov method harmonic analysis.
KSCALE - Generates a scaled pattern of keypoints from a given keypoint pattern.
KSCON - Specifies a keypoint about which an area mesh will be skewed.
KSEL - Selects a subset of keypoints or hard points.
KSLL - Selects those keypoints contained in the selected lines.
KSLN - Selects those keypoints associated with the selected nodes.
KSUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected keypoints.
KSYMM - Generates a reflected set of keypoints.
KTRAN - Transfers a pattern of keypoints to another coordinate system.
KUSE - Specifies whether or not to reuse factorized matrices.
KWPAVE - Moves the working plane origin to the average location of keypoints.
KWPLAN - Defines the working plane using three keypoints.
XIV. L Commands
L - Defines a line between two keypoints.
L2ANG - Generates a line at an angle with two existing lines.
L2TAN - Generates a line tangent to two lines.
LANBOPTION - Specifies Block Lanczos eigensolver options.
LANG - Generates a straight line at an angle with a line.
LARC - Defines a circular arc.
/LARC - Creates annotation arcs (GUI).
LAREA - Generates the shortest line between two keypoints on an area.
LARGE - Finds the largest (the envelope) of three variables.
LATT - Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed lines.
LAYER - Specifies the element layer for which data are to be processed.
LAYERP26 - Specifies the element layer for which data are to be stored.
LAYLIST - Lists real constants material properties for layered elements.
LAYPLOT - Displays the layer stacking sequence for layered elements.
LCABS - Specifies absolute values for load case operations.
LCASE - Reads a load case into the database.
LCCALC - Specifies "Load case settings" as the subsequent status topic.
LCCAT - Concatenates multiple lines into one line for mapped meshing.
LCDEF - Creates a load case from a set of results on a results file.
LCFACT - Defines scale factors for load case operations.
LCFILE - Creates a load case from an existing load case file.
LCLEAR - Deletes nodes and line elements associated with selected lines.
LCOMB - Combines adjacent lines into one line.
LCOPER - Performs load case operations.
LCSEL - Selects a subset of load cases.
LCSL - Divides intersecting lines at their point(s) of intersection.
LCSUM - Specifies whether to process non-summable items in load case operations.
LCWRITE - Creates a load case by writing results to a load case file.
LCZERO - Zeroes the results portion of the database.
LDELE - Deletes unmeshed lines.
LDIV - Divides a single line into two or more lines.
LDRAG - Generates lines by sweeping a keypoint pattern along path.
LDREAD - Reads results from the results file and applies them as loads.
LESIZE - Specifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines.
LEXTND - Extends a line at one end by using its slope.
LFILLT - Generates a fillet line between two intersecting lines.
LFSURF - Generates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node.
LGEN - Generates additional lines from a pattern of lines.
LGLUE - Generates new lines by "gluing" lines.
LGWRITE - Writes the database command log to a file.
/LIGHT - Specifies the light direction for the display window.
LINA - Finds the intersection of a line with an area.
LINE - Specifies "Lines" as the subsequent status topic.
/LINE - Creates annotation lines (GUI).
LINES - Specifies the length of a printed page.
LINL - Finds the common intersection of lines.
LINP - Finds the pairwise intersection of lines.
LINV - Finds the intersection of a line with a volume.
LIST - Lists out the sets in the results file.
*LIST - Displays the contents of an external, coded file.
LLIST - Lists the defined lines.
LMESH - Generates nodes and line elements along lines.
LNSRCH - Activates a line search to be used with Newton-Raphson.
LOCAL - Defines a local coordinate system by a location and orientation.
LOVLAP - Overlaps lines.
LPLOT - Displays the selected lines.
LPTN - Partitions lines.
LREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified lines.
LREVERSE - Reverses the normal of a line, regardless of its connectivity or mesh status.
LROTAT - Generates circular lines by rotating a keypoint pattern about an axis.
LSBA - Subtracts areas from lines.
*LSBAC - Performs the solve (forward/backward substitution) of a factorized linear system.
LSBL - Subtracts lines from lines.
LSBV - Subtracts volumes from lines.
LSBW - Subtracts the intersection of the working plane from lines (divides lines).
LSCLEAR - Clears loads and load step options from the database.
LSDELE - Deletes load step files.
*LSDUMP - Dumps a linear solver engine to a binary File.
LSEL - Selects a subset of lines.
*LSENGINE - Creates a linear solver engine.
*LSFACTOR - Performs the numerical factorization of a linear solver system.
LSLA - Selects those lines contained in the selected areas.
LSLK - Selects those lines containing the selected keypoints.
LSOPER - Specifies "Load step operations" as the subsequent status topic.
/LSPEC - Specifies annotation line attributes (GUI).
LSREAD - Reads load and load step option data into the database.
*LSRESTORE - Restores a linear solver engine from a binary file.
LSSCALE - Generates a scaled set of lines from a pattern of lines.
LSSOLVE - Reads and solves multiple load steps.
LSTR - Defines a straight line irrespective of the active coordinate system.
LSUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected lines.
LSWRITE - Writes load and load step option data to a file.
/LSYMBOL - Creates annotation symbols (GUI).
LSYMM - Generates lines from a line pattern by symmetry reflection.
LTAN - Generates a line at the end of, and tangent to, an existing line.
LTRAN - Transfers a pattern of lines to another coordinate system.
LUMPM - Specifies a lumped mass matrix formulation.
LVSCALE - Scales the load vector for mode-superposition analyses.
LWPLAN - Defines the working plane normal to a location on a line.
XV. M Commands
M - Defines master degrees of freedom (MDOFs) for superelement generation analyses.
MACOPT - Specifies modal assurance criterion (MAC) or frequency response function (FRF) correlation criteria calculation options for RSTMAC.
MAGOPT - Specifies options for a 3D magnetostatic field analysis.
MAGSOLV - Specifies magnetic solution options and initiates the solution.
MAP - Maps pressures from source points to target surface elements.
/MAP - Enters the mapping processor.
MAP2DTO3D - Initiates a 2D to 3D analysis and maps variables.
MAPSOLVE - Maps solved node and element solutions from an original mesh to a new mesh.
MAPVAR - Defines tensors and vectors in user-defined state variables for rezoning and in 2D to 3D analyses.
MASCALE - Activates scaling of the entire system matrix.
MASTER - Specifies "Master DOF" as the subsequent status topic.
MAT - Sets the element material attribute pointer.
MATER - Specifies "Material properties" as the subsequent status topic.
MAXCYCMODE - Computes the maximum results value of cyclic mode pairs at the same frequency or the amplitude of a single complex mode.
MCHECK - Checks mesh connectivity.
MCFOPT - Specifies options for the Modal Coordinates File (Jobname.mcf).
MDAMP - Defines the damping ratios as a function of mode.
MDELE - Deletes master degrees of freedom.
MDPLOT - Plots frequency-dependent modal damping coefficients calculated by DMPEXT.
MEMM - Allows the current session to keep allocated memory
/MENU - Activates the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
*MERGE - Merges two dense matrices or vectors into one.
MESHING - Specifies "Meshing" as the subsequent status topic.
*MFOURI - Calculates the coefficients for, or evaluates, a Fourier series.
*MFUN - Copies or transposes an array parameter matrix.
MGEN - Generates additional MDOF from a previously defined set.
MIDTOL - Sets midstep residual criterion values for structural transient analyses.
/MKDIR - Creates a directory.
MLIST - Lists the MDOF of freedom.
MMASS - Specifies the missing mass response calculation.
MMF - Calculates the magnetomotive force along a path.
MODCONT - Specify additional modal analysis options.
MODDIR - Enables remote read-only usage of modal analysis files or substructuring analysis files.
MODE - Specifies the harmonic loading term for this load step.
MODIFY - Changes the listed values of the data in a set.
MODMSH - Controls the relationship of the solid model and the FE model.
MODSELOPTION - Specifies the criteria for selecting the modes to be expanded.
MODOPT - Specifies modal analysis options.
MONITOR - Controls contents of variable fields in the nonlinear solution monitor file.
*MOPER - Performs matrix operations on array parameter matrices.
MOPT - Specifies meshing options.
MORPH - Specifies morphing and remeshing controls.
MOVE - Calculates and moves a node to an intersection.
MP - Defines a linear material property as a constant or a function of temperature.
MPAMOD - Modifies temperature-dependent secant coefficients of thermal expansion.
MPCHG - Changes the material number attribute of an element.
MPCOPY - Copies linear material model data from one material reference number to another.
MPDATA - Defines property data to be associated with the temperature table.
MPDELE - Deletes linear material properties.
MPDRES - Reassembles existing material data with the temperature table.
/MPLIB - Sets the default material library read and write paths.
MPLIST - Lists linear material properties.
MPPLOT - Plots linear material properties as a function of temperature.
MPREAD - Reads a file containing material properties.
MPRINT - Specifies that radiation matrices are to be printed.
MPTEMP - Defines a temperature table for material properties.
MPTGEN - Adds temperatures to the temperature table by generation.
MPTRES - Restores a temperature table previously defined.
MPWRITE - Writes linear material properties in the database to a file (if the LIB option is not specified) or writes both linear and nonlinear material properties (if LIB is specified) from the database to a file.
/MREP - Enables you to reissue the graphics command macro "name" during a replot or zoom operation.
MRPM - Defines the revolutions per minute (RPM) for a machine rotation.
MSAVE - Sets the solver memory saving option. This option only applies to the PCG solver (including PCG Lanczos).
*MSG - Writes an output message via the Mechanical APDL message subroutine.
MSHAPE - For elements that support multiple shapes, specifies the element shape to be used for meshing.
MSHCOPY - Simplifies the generation of meshes that have matching node element patterns on two different line groups (in 2D) or area groups (3D).
MSHKEY - Specifies whether free meshing or mapped meshing should be used to mesh a model.
MSHMID - Specifies placement of midside nodes.
MSHOPTIM - Optimizes a selected mesh based on predefined finite element specifications.
MSHPATTERN - Specifies pattern to be used for mapped triangle meshing.
MSOLVE - Starts multiple solutions for an acoustic analysis.
MSOPT - Specifies solution options for a multistage cyclic symmetry analysis.
/MSTART - Controls the initial GUI components.
MSTOLE - Adds two extra nodes from FLUID116 elements to SURF151 or SURF152 elements for convection analyses.
*MULT - Performs the matrix multiplication M3 = M1(T1)*M2(T2).
*MWRITE - Writes a matrix to a file in a formatted sequence.
MXPAND - Specifies modal or buckling analysis expansion options.
XVI. N Commands
N - Defines a node.
NANG - Rotates a nodal coordinate system by direction cosines.
NAXIS - Generates nodes for general axisymmetric element sections.
NCNV - Sets the key to terminate an analysis.
NDELE - Deletes nodes.
NDIST - Calculates and lists the distance between two nodes.
NDSURF - Generates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node.
NEQIT - Specifies the maximum number of equilibrium iterations for nonlinear analyses.
/NERR - Limits the number of warning and error messages displayed.
NFORCE - Sums the nodal forces and moments of elements attached to nodes.
NGEN - Generates additional nodes from a pattern of nodes.
NKPT - Defines a node at an existing keypoint location.
NLADAPTIVE - Defines the criteria under which the mesh is refined or modified during a nonlinear solution.
NLDIAG - Sets nonlinear diagnostics functionality.
NLDPOST - Gets element component information from nonlinear diagnostic files.
NLGEOM - Includes large-deflection effects in a static or full transient analysis.
NLHIST - Specify results items to track during solution.
NLIST - Lists nodes.
NLMESH - Controls remeshing in nonlinear adaptivity.
NLOG - Forms the natural log of a variable.
NLOPT - Specifies "Nonlinear analysis options" as the subsequent status topic.
NMODIF - Modifies an existing node.
NODES - Specifies "Nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
/NOERASE - Prevents the screen erase between displays.
/NOLIST - Suppresses the data input listing.
NOOFFSET - Prevents the CDREAD command from offsetting specified data items
/NOPR - Suppresses the expanded interpreted input data listing.
NORA - Rotates nodal coordinate systems to surface normal
NORL - Rotates nodal coordinate systems perpendicular to line normal
/NORMAL - Allows displaying area elements by top or bottom faces.
NPLOT - Displays nodes.
NPRINT - Defines which time points stored are to be listed.
NREAD - Reads nodes from a file.
NREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified nodes.
NRLSUM - Specifies the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) sum mode combination method.
*NRM - Computes the norm of the specified matrix or vector.
NROPT - Specifies the Newton-Raphson options in a static or full transient analysis.
NROTAT - Rotates nodal coordinate systems into the active system.
NRRANG - Specifies the range of nodes to be read from the node file.
NSCALE - Generates a scaled set of nodes from a pattern of nodes.
NSEL - Selects a subset of nodes.
NSLA - Selects those nodes associated with the selected areas.
NSLE - Selects those nodes attached to the selected elements.
NSLK - Selects those nodes associated with the selected keypoints.
NSLL - Selects those nodes associated with the selected lines.
NSLV - Selects those nodes associated with the selected volumes.
NSMASS - Applies nonstructural mass to selected elements.
NSMOOTH - Smooths selected nodes among selected elements.
NSOL - Specifies nodal data to be stored from the results file.
NSORT - Sorts nodal data.
NSTORE - Defines which time points are to be stored.
NSUBST - Specifies the number of substeps to be taken this load step.
NSVR - Defines the number of variables for user-programmable element options.
NSYM - Generates a reflected set of nodes.
/NUMBER - Specifies whether numbers, colors, or both are used for displays.
NUMCMP - Compresses the numbering of defined items.
NUMEXP - Specifies solutions to be expanded from mode-superposition analyses or substructure analyses.
NUMMRG - Merges coincident or equivalently defined items.
NUMOFF - Adds a number offset to defined items.
NUMSTR - Establishes starting numbers for automatically numbered items.
NUMVAR - Specifies the number of variables allowed in POST26.
NUSORT - Restores original order for nodal data.
NWPAVE - Moves the working plane origin to the average location of nodes.
NWPLAN - Defines the working plane using three nodes.
NWRITE - Writes nodes to a file.
XVII. O Commands
OCDATA - Defines an ocean load using non-table data.
OCDELETE - Deletes a previously defined ocean load.
OCLIST - Summarizes all currently defined ocean loads.
OCREAD - Reads externally defined ocean data.
OCTABLE - Defines an ocean load using table data.
OCTYPE - Specifies the type of ocean load data to follow.
OCZONE - Specifies the type of ocean zone data to follow.
OMEGA - Specifies the rotational velocity of the structure.
OPERATE - Specifies "Operation data" as the subsequent status topic.
OPNCONTROL - Sets decision parameter for automatically increasing the time step interval in a pure thermal analysis.
OSRESULT - Controls the selected result data written to the database.
OUTAERO - Outputs the superelement matrices and load vectors to formatted files for aeroelastic analysis.
OUTGEOM - Controls geometry-related data written to the results file.
OUTOPT - Specifies "Output options" as the subsequent status topic.
OUTPR - Controls the solution printout.
/OUTPUT - Redirects text output to a file or to the screen.
OUTRES - Controls the solution-result data written to the database.
XVIII. P Commands
PADELE - Deletes a defined path.
/PAGE - Defines the printout and screen page size.
PAGET - Writes current path information into an array variable.
PAPUT - Retrieves path information from an array variable.
PARESU - Restores previously saved paths from a file.
PARRES - Reads parameters from a file.
PARSAV - Writes parameters to a file.
PASAVE - Saves selected paths to an external file.
PATH - Defines a path name and establishes parameters for the path.
PAUSE - Temporarily releases the current product license.
/PBC - Shows boundary condition (BC) symbols and values on displays.
/PBF - Shows magnitude of body-force loads on displays.
PCALC - Forms additional labeled path items by operating on existing path items.
PCGOPT - Controls PCG solver options.
PCIRC - Creates a circular area centered about the working plane origin.
/PCIRCLE - Creates an annotation circle (GUI).
PCROSS - Calculates the cross product of two path vectors along the current path.
PDEF - Interpolates an item onto a path.
PDOT - Calculates the dot product of two path vectors along the current path.
PERBC2D - Generates periodic constraints for 2D planar magnetic field analyses.
PERTURB - Sets linear perturbation analysis options.
PFACT - Calculates participation factors for the PSD or multi-point response spectrum table.
PIVCHECK - Controls the behavior of an analysis when a negative or zero equation solver pivot value is encountered.
PLAS - Plots a specified acoustic quantity during postprocessing of an acoustic analysis.
PLCAMP - Plots Campbell diagram data for applications involving rotating structure dynamics.
PLCFREQ - Plots the frequency response for the given CYCSPEC specification.
PLCHIST - Plots a histogram of the frequency response of each sector for the given CYCSPEC specification.
PLCINT - Plots the fracture parameter (CINT) result data.
PLCKSURF - Plots the Φ = 0 level set surface in an XFEM-based crack analysis
PLCPLX - Specifies the part of a complex variable to display.
PLDISP - Displays the displaced structure.
PLESOL - Displays solution results as discontinuous element contours.
PLETAB - Displays element table items.
PLFAR - Plots pressure far fields and far-field parameters.
PLF2D - Generates a contour line plot of equipotentials.
PLGEOM - Plots target and source geometries.
PLLS - Displays element table items as contoured areas along elements.
PLMAP - Plots target and source pressures.
PLMC - Plots the modal coordinates from a mode-superposition solution.
PLNEAR - Plots the pressure in the near zone exterior to the equivalent source surface.
PLNSOL - Displays solution results as continuous element contours.
/PLOPTS - Controls graphics options on subsequent displays.
PLORB - Displays the orbital motion of a rotating structure
PLOTTING - Specifies "Plotting settings" as the subsequent status topic.
PLPAGM - Displays path items along the path geometry.
PLPATH - Displays path items on a graph.
PLSECT - Displays membrane and membrane-plus-bending linearized stresses.
PLTIME - Defines the time range for which data are to be displayed.
PLTRAC - Displays a charged particle trace on an element display.
PLVAR - Displays up to ten variables in the form of a graph.
PLVECT - Displays results as vectors.
PLZZ - Plots the interference diagram from a cyclic modal analysis.
/PMACRO - Specifies that macro contents be written to the session log file.
PMAP - Creates mapping of the path geometry by defining path interpolation division points.
PMGTRAN - Summarizes electromagnetic results from a transient analysis.
PMLOPT - Defines perfectly matched layers (PMLs) or irregular perfectly matched layers (IPML).
PMLSIZE - Determines number of PML or IPML layers.
/PMORE - Creates an annotation polygon (GUI).
PNGR - Provides PNG file export for Mechanical APDL displays.
/PNUM - Controls entity numbering/coloring on plots.
POINT - Specifies "Point flow tracing settings" as the subsequent status topic.
POLY - Creates a polygonal area based on working plane coordinate pairs.
/POLYGON - Creates annotation polygons (GUI).
/POST1 - Enters the database results postprocessor.
/POST26 - Enters the time-history results postprocessor.
POWERH - Calculates the rms power loss in a conductor or lossy dielectric.
PPATH - Defines a path by picking or defining nodes, or locations on the currently active working plane, or by entering specific coordinate locations.
PRANGE - Determines the path range.
PRAS - Prints a specified acoustic quantity during postprocessing of an acoustic analysis.
PRCAMP - Prints Campbell diagram data for applications involving rotating structure dynamics.
PRCINT - Lists fracture parameter (CINT) results data.
PRCPLX - Defines the output form for complex variables.
PRED - Activates a predictor in a nonlinear analysis.
PRENERGY - Prints the total energies of a model or the energies of the specified components.
/PREP7 - Enters the model creation preprocessor.
PRERR - Prints SEPC and TEPC.
PRESOL - Prints the solution results for elements.
PRETAB - Prints the element table items.
PRFAR - Prints acoustic far field parameters.
PRI2 - Creates a polygonal area or a prism volume by vertices (GUI).
PRIM - Specifies "Solid model primitives" as the subsequent status topic.
PRINT - Specifies "Print settings" as the subsequent status topic.
*PRINT - Prints the matrix values to a file.
PRISM - Creates a prism volume based on working plane coordinate pairs.
PRITER - Prints solution summary data.
PRJSOL - Prints joint element output.
PRMC - Prints the modal coordinates from a mode-superposition solution.
PRNEAR - Prints the pressure in the near zone exterior to the equivalent source surface.
PRNLD - Prints the summed element nodal loads.
PRNSOL - Prints nodal solution results.
PROD - Multiplies variables.
PRORB - Prints the orbital motion characteristics of a rotating structure
PRPATH - Prints path items along a geometry path.
PRRFOR - Prints the constrained node reaction solution. Used with the FORCE command.
PRRSOL - Prints the constrained node reaction solution.
PRSCONTROL - Specifies whether to include pressure load stiffness in the element stiffness formation.
PRSECT - Calculates and prints linearized stresses along a section path.
PRTIME - Defines the time range for which data are to be listed.
PRVAR - Lists variables vs. time (or frequency).
PRVECT - Prints results as vector magnitude and direction cosines.
PSCONTROL - Enables or disables shared-memory parallel operations.
PSDCOM - Specifies the power spectral density mode combination method.
PSDFRQ - Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum tables PSDVAL vs. PSDFRQ for PSD analysis.
PSDGRAPH - Displays input PSD curves.
PSDRES - Controls solution output written to the results file from a PSD analysis.
PSDSPL - Defines a partially correlated excitation in a PSD analysis.
PSDUNIT - Defines the type of input PSD.
PSDVAL - Defines PSD values.
PSDWAV - Defines a wave propagation excitation in a PSD analysis.
/PSEARCH - Specifies a directory to be searched for "unknown command" macro files.
PSEL - Selects a path or paths.
/PSF - Shows surface load symbols on model displays.
PSMAT - Writes an assembled global matrix to a postscript format that graphically displays nonzero matrix values.
PSMESH - Creates and meshes a pretension section (PRETS179) or a preload section (MPC184).
/PSPEC - Creates annotation polygon attributes (GUI).
/PSTATUS - Displays the global or window display specifications.
PSTRES - Specifies whether prestress effects are calculated or included.
/PSYMB - Shows various symbols on displays.
PSYS - Sets the PML element coordinate system attribute pointer.
PTR - Dumps the record of a binary file.
PTXY - Defines coordinate pairs for use in polygons and prisms.
PVECT - Interpolates a set of items onto a path.
/PWEDGE - Creates an annotation wedge (GUI).
*PYTHON - Initiates a block of content that is interpreted as Python commands.
XIX. Q Commands
QDVAL - Defines PSD quadspectral values.
QRDOPT - Specifies additional QRDAMP modal analysis options.
QSOPT - Specifies quasi static radiation options.
QUAD - Generates a quadratic line of nodes from three nodes.
/QUIT - Exits a processor.
QUOT - Divides two variables.
XX. R Commands
R - Defines the element real constants.
RACE - Defines a "racetrack" current source.
RADOPT - Specifies Radiosity Solver options.
RAPPND - Appends results data from the database to the results file.
RATE - Specifies whether the effect of creep strain rate will be used in the solution of a load step.
/RATIO - Distorts the object geometry.
RBE3 - Distributes the force/moment applied at an independent node to a set of dependent nodes.
RBGEN - Generates a rigid body.
RCON - Specifies "Real constants" as the subsequent status topic.
RCYC - Calculates cyclic results for a mode-superposition harmonic solution.
RDEC - Defines the decimation parameters used by the radiosity solver method.
RDELE - Deletes real constant sets.
READ - Reads coordinate and pressure data from a file.
REAL - Sets the element real constant set attribute pointer.
REALVAR - Forms a variable using only the real part of a complex variable.
RECTNG - Creates a rectangular area anywhere on the working plane.
REMESH - Specifies the starting and ending remeshing points, and other options, for rezoning.
*REMOVE - Suppresses rows or columns of a dense matrix or a vector.
*RENAME - Renames an existing vector or matrix.
/RENAME - Renames a file.
*REPEAT - Repeats the previous command.
/REPLOT - Reissues the last display command.
RESCOMBINE - Reads results from local results files into the database after a distributed-memory parallel solution.
RESCONTROL - Controls file writing for multiframe restarts.
RESET - Resets all POST1 or POST26 specifications to initial defaults.
/RESET - Resets display specifications to their initial defaults.
RESP - Generates a response spectrum.
RESUME - Resumes the database from the database file.
RESVEC - Calculates or includes residual vectors or residual responses
RESWRITE - Appends results data from the database to a results file.
*RETURN - Returns input stream to a higher level.
REZONE - Initiates the rezoning process, sets rezoning options, and rebuilds the database.
RFORCE - Specifies the total reaction force data to be stored.
/RGB - Specifies the RGB color values for indices and contours.
RIGID - Specifies known rigid body modes (if any) of the model.
RIGRESP - Specifies the rigid response calculation.
RLIST - Lists the real constant sets.
/RMDIR - Removes (deletes) a directory.
RMFLVEC - Writes eigenvectors of fluid nodes to a file for use in damping parameter extraction.
RMODIF - Modifies real constant sets.
RMORE - Adds real constants to a set.
ROCK - Specifies a rocking response spectrum.
ROSE - Specifies the Rosenblueth mode combination method.
RPOLY - Creates a regular polygonal area centered about the working plane origin.
RPR4 - Creates a regular polygonal area or prism volume anywhere on the working plane.
RPRISM - Creates a regular prism volume centered about the working plane origin.
RPSD - Calculates response power spectral density (PSD).
RSMESH - Generates a result section.
RSOPT - Creates or loads the radiosity mapping data file for SURF251 or SURF252 element types.
RSPLIT - Creates one or more results file(s) from the current results file based on subsets of elements.
RSTCONTROL - Controls whether element single value results are written to the results file.
RSTMAC - Calculates modal assurance criterion (MAC/FRF) and matches nodal solutions from two results files or from one results file and one universal format file.
RSTOFF - Offsets node or element IDs in the FE geometry record.
RSURF - Generates the radiosity surface elements and stores them in the database.
RSYMM - Defines symmetry, rotation, or extrusion parameters for the radiosity method.
RSYS - Activates a coordinate system for printout or display of element and nodal results.
XXI. S Commands
SABS - Specifies absolute values for element table operations.
SADD - Forms an element table item by adding two existing items.
SALLOW - Defines the allowable stress table for safety factor calculations.
SAVE - Saves all current database information.
SBCLIST - Lists solid model boundary conditions.
SBCTRAN - Transfers solid model loads and boundary conditions to the FE model.
*SCAL - Scales a vector or matrix by a constant or a vector.
SCCONNECT - Specifies System Coupling connection parameters.
SCOPT - Specifies System Coupling options.
SDELETE - Deletes sections from the database.
SE - Defines a superelement.
SECCONTROL - Supplements or overrides default section properties.
SECDATA - Describes the geometry of a section.
SECFUNCTION - Specifies shell section thickness as a tabular function.
SECJOINT - Defines local coordinate systems at joint element nodes and other data for joint elements.
/SECLIB - Sets the default section library path for the SECREAD command.
SECLOCK - Specifies locks on the components of relative motion in a joint element.
SECMODIF - Modifies a pretension or joint section.
SECNUM - Sets the element section attribute pointer.
SECOFFSET - Defines the section offset for cross sections.
SECPLOT - Plots the geometry of a beam, pipe, elbow, shell, or reinforcing section to scale.
SECREAD - Reads a custom section library or a user-defined section mesh into Mechanical APDL.
SECSTOP - Specifies stops on the components of relative motion in a joint element.
SECTYPE - Associates section type information with a section ID number.
SECWRITE - Creates an ASCII file containing user mesh section information.
SED - Defines the excitation direction for response spectrum and PSD analyses.
SEDLIST - Lists the DOF solution of a superelement after the use pass.
SEEXP - Specifies options for the substructure expansion pass.
/SEG - Allows graphics data to be stored in the local terminal memory.
SELIST - Lists the contents of a superelement matrix file.
SELM - Specifies "Superelements" as the subsequent status topic.
SELTOL - Sets the tolerance for subsequent select operations.
SEMIIMPLICIT - Specifies parameters for a semi-implicit solution.
SENERGY - Determines the stored magnetic energy or co-energy.
SEOPT - Specifies substructure analysis options.
SESYMM - Performs a symmetry operation on a superelement within the use pass.
*SET - Assigns values to user-named parameters.
SET - Defines the data set to be read from the results file.
SETFGAP - Updates or defines the real constant table for squeeze film elements.
SETRAN - Creates a superelement from an existing superelement.
SEXP - Forms an element table item by exponentiating and multiplying.
SF - Defines surface loads on nodes.
SFA - Specifies surface loads on the selected areas.
SFACT - Allows safety factor or margin of safety calculations to be made.
SFADELE - Deletes surface loads from areas.
SFALIST - Lists the surface loads for the specified area.
SFBEAM - Specifies surface loads on beam and pipe elements.
SFCALC - Calculates the safety factor or margin of safety.
SFCONTROL - Defines structural surface-load properties on selected elements and nodes for subsequent loading commands.
SFCUM - Specifies that surface loads are to be accumulated.
SFDELE - Deletes surface loads.
SFE - Defines surface loads on elements.
SFEDELE - Deletes surface loads from elements.
SFELIST - Lists the surface loads for elements.
SFFUN - Specifies a varying surface load.
SFGRAD - Specifies a gradient (slope) for surface loads.
SFL - Specifies surface loads on lines of an area.
SFLDELE - Deletes surface loads from lines.
SFLEX - Sets flexibility factors for the currently defined pipe element section.
SFLIST - Lists surface loads.
SFLLIST - Lists the surface loads for lines.
SFSCALE - Scales surface loads on elements.
SFTRAN - Transfer the solid model surface loads to the finite element model.
/SHADE - Defines the type of surface shading used with Z-buffering.
SHELL - Selects a shell element or shell layer location for results output.
/SHOW - Specifies the device and other parameters for graphics displays.
SHPP - Controls element shape checking.
SHSD - Creates or deletes a shell-solid interface to be used in shell-to-solid assemblies.
/SHRINK - Shrinks elements, lines, areas, and volumes for display clarity.
SLIST - Summarizes the section properties for all defined sections in the current session.
SLOAD - Loads a pretension section.
SMALL - Finds the smallest of three variables.
*SMAT - Creates a sparse matrix.
SMAX - Forms an element table item from the maximum of two other items.
/SMBC - Controls the display of solid model boundary condition symbols and labels.
SMBODY - Specifies "Body loads on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SMCONS - Specifies "Constraints on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SMFOR - Specifies "Forces on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SMIN - Forms an element table item from the minimum of two other items.
SMOOTH - Allows smoothing of noisy data and provides a graphical representation of the data.
SMRTSIZE - Specifies meshing parameters for automatic (smart) element sizing.
SMSURF - Specifies "Surface loads on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SMULT - Forms an element table item by multiplying two other items.
SNOPTION - Specifies Supernode (SNODE) eigensolver options.
SOLOPTION - Specifies solution transition options.
SOLU - Specifies solution summary data per substep to be stored.
/SOLU - Enters the solution processor.
SOLUOPT - Specifies "Solution options" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLVE - Starts a solution.
*SORT - Sorts the values of the specified vector.
SORT - Specifies "Sort settings" as the subsequent status topic.
SOURCE - Defines a default location for undefined nodes or keypoints.
SPACE - Defines a space node for radiation using the Radiation Matrix method.
SPCNOD - Defines a space node for radiation using the Radiosity method.
SPCTEMP - Defines a free-space ambient temperature for radiation using the Radiosity method.
SPDAMP - Defines input spectrum damping in a multi-point response spectrum analysis.
SPEC - Specifies "Miscellaneous specifications" as the subsequent status topic.
SPFREQ - Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum tables SPVAL vs. SPFREQ for multi-point spectrum analysis.
SPGRAPH - Displays input spectrum curves for MPRS analysis.
SPH4 - Creates a spherical volume anywhere on the working plane.
SPH5 - Creates a spherical volume by diameter end points.
SPHERE - Creates a spherical volume centered about the working plane origin.
SPLINE - Generates a segmented spline through a series of keypoints.
SPLOT - Displays the selected areas and a faceted view of their underlying surfaces
SPMWRITE - Calculates the state-space matrices and writes them to the SPM file.
SPOINT - Defines a point for force/moment summations or inertia calculation
SPOPT - Selects the spectrum type and other spectrum options.
SPREAD - Turns on a dashed tolerance curve for the subsequent curve plots.
SPTOPT - Specifies "Spectrum analysis options" as the subsequent status topic.
SPUNIT - Defines the type of multi-point response spectrum.
SPVAL - Defines multi-point response spectrum values.
SQRT - Forms the square root of a variable.
*SREAD - Reads a file into a string array parameter.
SRSS - Specifies the square root of sum of squares mode combination method.
SSBT - Specifies preintegrated bending thermal effects for shell sections.
/SSCALE - Sets the contour multiplier for topographic displays.
SSLN - Selects and displays small lines in the model.
SSMT - Specifies preintegrated membrane thermal effects for shell sections.
SSOPT - Defines a solution option for soil analysis.
SSPA - Specifies a preintegrated membrane stiffness for shell sections.
SSPB - Specifies a preintegrated coupling stiffness for shell sections.
SSPD - Specifies a preintegrated bending stiffness for shell sections.
SSPE - Specifies a preintegrated transverse shear stiffness for shell sections.
SSPM - Specifies mass density for a preintegrated shell section.
SSTATE - Defines a steady-state rolling analysis.
SSUM - Calculates and prints the sum of element table items.
STABILIZE - Activates stabilization for all elements that support nonlinear stabilization.
STAT - Displays the status of database settings.
*STATUS - Lists the current parameters and abbreviations.
/STATUS - Lists the status of items for the run.
STEF - Specifies Stefan-Boltzmann radiation constant.
/STITLE - Defines subtitles.
STORE - Stores data in the database for the defined variables.
SUBOPT - Specifies Subspace (SUBSP) eigensolver options.
SUBSET - Reads results for the selected portions of the model.
SUCALC - Create new result data by operating on two existing result data sets on a given surface.
SUCR - Create a surface.
SUDEL - Delete geometry information as well as any mapped results for specified surface.
SUEVAL - Perform operations on a mapped item and store result in a scalar parameter.
SUGET - Moves surface geometry and mapped results to an array parameter.
SUMAP - Map results onto selected surface(s).
SUMTYPE - Sets the type of summation to be used in the following load case operations.
SUPL - Plot result data on all selected surfaces or on a specified surface.
SUPR - Print global status, geometry information and/or result information.
SURESU - Read a set of surface definitions and result items from a file and make them the current set.
SUSAVE - Saves surface definitions to a file.
SUSEL - Selects a subset of surfaces
SUVECT - Create new result data by operating on two existing result vectors on a given surface.
SV - Defines spectrum values to be associated with frequency points.
SVPLOT - Displays input spectrum curves.
SVTYP - Defines the type of single-point response spectrum.
SWADD - Adds more surfaces to an existing spot weld set.
SWDEL - Deletes spot weld sets.
SWGEN - Creates a new spot weld set.
SWLIST - Lists spot weld sets.
SYNCHRO - Specifies whether the excitation frequency is synchronous or asynchronous with the rotational velocity of a structure.
/SYP - Passes a command string and arguments to the operating system.
/SYS - Passes a command string to the operating system.
XXII. T Commands
TALLOW - Defines the temperature table for safety factor calculations.
TARGET - Specifies the target nodes for mapping pressures onto surface effect elements.
*TAXIS - Defines table index numbers.
TB - Activates a data table for linear and nonlinear material properties or special element input.
TBCOPY - Copies a data table from one material to another.
TBDATA - Defines data for the material data table.
TBDELE - Deletes previously defined material data tables.
TBEO - Sets special options or parameters for material data tables.
TBIN - Sets parameters used for interpolation of the material data tables.
TBFIELD - Defines values of field variables for material data tables.
TBFPLOT - Plots material curve-fitting data.
TBFT - Performs material curve-fitting operations.
TBLE - Specifies "Data table properties" as the subsequent status topic.
TBLIST - Lists the material data tables.
TBMODIF - Modifies data for the material data table (GUI).
TBPLOT - Displays the material data table.
TBPT - Defines a point on a nonlinear data curve.
TBTEMP - Defines a temperature for a material data table.
TCHG - Converts 20-node degenerate tetrahedral elements to their 10-node non-degenerate counterparts.
/TEE - Writes a list of commands to a specified file at the same time that the commands are being executed.
THEXPAND - Enables or disables thermal loading
THOPT - Specifies nonlinear transient thermal solution options.
TIFF - Provides TIFF file export for Mechanical APDL displays.
TIME - Sets the time for a load step.
TIMERANGE - Specifies the time range for which data are to be stored.
TIMINT - Turns on transient effects.
TIMP - Improves the quality of tetrahedral elements that are not associated with a volume.
TINTP - Defines transient integration parameters.
/TITLE - Defines a main title.
/TLABEL - Creates annotation text (GUI).
TOFFST - Specifies the temperature offset from absolute zero to zero.
*TOPER - Operates on table parameters.
TORUS - Creates a toroidal volume.
TRANSFER - Transfers a pattern of nodes to another coordinate system.
*TREAD - Reads data from an external file into a table array parameter.
TREF - Defines the reference temperature for thermal strain calculations.
/TRIAD - Shows the global XYZ coordinate triad on displays.
/TRLCY - Specifies the level of translucency.
TRNOPT - Specifies transient analysis options.
TRPDEL - Deletes charged particle trace points.
TRPLIS - Lists charged particle trace points.
TRPOIN - Defines a point through which a charged particle trace will travel.
TRTIME - Defines the options used for the PLTRAC (charged particle trace) command.
TSHAPE - Defines simple 2D and 3D geometric surfaces for target segment elements.
/TSPEC - Creates annotation text attributes (GUI).
TSRES - Defines an array of key times at which the time-stepping strategy changes.
TUNIF - Assigns a uniform temperature to all nodes.
TVAR - Changes time to the cumulative iteration number.
/TXTRE - Controls application of texture to selected items.
/TYPE - Defines the type of display.
TYPE - Sets the element type attribute pointer.
XXIII. U Commands
/UCMD - Assigns a user-defined command name.
/UDOC - Determines position and content for the multi-legend options.
/UI - Activates specified GUI dialog boxes.
UIMP - Defines constant material properties (GUI).
/UIS - Controls the GUI behavior.
/UPF - Links a user-programmable routine into Mechanical APDL.
*ULIB - Identifies a macro library file.
UNDELETE - Removes results sets from the group of sets selected for editing.
UNDO - Enables the user to modify or save commands issued since the last RESUME or SAVE.
/UNITS - Annotates the database with the system of units used.
UNPAUSE - Restores use of a temporarily released product license.
UPCOORD - Modifies the coordinates of the active set of nodes, based on the current displacements.
UPGEOM - Adds displacements from a previous analysis and updates the geometry to the deformed configuration.
*USE - Executes a macro file.
/USER - Conveniently resets /FOCUS and /DIST to USER.
USRCAL - Allows user-solution subroutines to be activated or deactivated.
USRDOF - Specifies the degrees of freedom for the user-defined element USER300.
USRELEM - Specifies the characteristics of the user-defined element USER300.
XXIV. V Commands
V - Defines a volume through keypoints.
V2DOPT - Specifies 2D/axisymmetric view factor calculation options.
VA - Generates a volume bounded by existing areas.
*VABS - Applies the absolute value function to array parameters.
VADD - Adds separate volumes to create a single volume.
VARDEL - Deletes a variable (GUI).
VARNAM - Names (or renames) a variable.
VATT - Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed volumes.
VCLEAR - Deletes nodes and volume elements associated with selected volumes.
*VCOL - Specifies the number of columns in matrix operations.
/VCONE - Defines the view cone angle for perspective displays.
VCROSS - Forms element table items from the cross product of two vectors.
*VCUM - Allows array parameter results to add to existing results.
VDDAM - Specifies the velocity spectrum computation constants for the analysis of shock resistance of shipboard structures.
VDELE - Deletes unmeshed volumes.
VDGL - Lists keypoints of a volume that lie on a parametric degeneracy.
VDOT - Forms an element table item from the dot product of two vectors.
VDRAG - Generates volumes by dragging an area pattern along a path.
*VEC - Creates a vector.
*VEDIT - Allows numerical array parameters to be graphically edited.
VEORIENT - Specifies brick element orientation for volume mapped (hexahedron) meshing.
VEXT - Generates additional volumes by extruding areas.
*VFACT - Applies a scale factor to array parameters.
VFCO - Controls the use and level of view factor condensation for symmetric radiation.
VFDI - Specifies view factor diagnostic options.
*VFILL - Fills an array parameter.
VFOPT - Specifies options for the view factor file and calculates view factors.
VFQUERY - Queries and prints element Hemicube view factors and average view factor.
VFSM - Adjusts view factor matrix to satisfy reciprocity and/or row sum properties (view factor smoothing).
*VFUN - Performs a function on a single array parameter.
VFUP - Controls view factor updating at the substep level for a coupled-field radiation analysis that includes large-deflection effects.
VGEN - Generates additional volumes from a pattern of volumes.
*VGET - Retrieves values and stores them into an array parameter.
VGET - Moves a variable into an array parameter vector.
VGLUE - Generates new volumes by "gluing" volumes.
/VIEW - Defines the viewing direction for the display.
VIMP - Improves the quality of the tetrahedral elements in the selected volume(s).
VINP - Finds the pairwise intersection of volumes.
VINV - Finds the intersection of volumes.
*VITRP - Forms an array parameter by interpolation of a table.
*VLEN - Specifies the number of rows to be used in array parameter operations.
VLIST - Lists the defined volumes.
VLSCALE - Generates a scaled set of volumes from a pattern of volumes.
*VMASK - Specifies an array parameter as a masking vector.
VMESH - Generates nodes and volume elements within volumes.
VOFFST - Generates a volume, offset from a given area.
VOLUMES - Specifies "Volumes" as the subsequent status topic.
*VOPER - Operates on two array parameters.
VOVLAP - Overlaps volumes.
*VPLOT - Graphs columns (vectors) of array parameters.
VPLOT - Displays the selected volumes.
VPTN - Partitions volumes.
*VPUT - Restores array parameter values into the Mechanical APDL database.
VPUT - Moves an array parameter vector into a variable.
*VREAD - Reads data and produces an array parameter vector or matrix.
VROTAT - Generates cylindrical volumes by rotating an area pattern about an axis.
VSBA - Subtracts areas from volumes.
VSBV - Subtracts volumes from volumes.
VSBW - Subtracts intersection of the working plane from volumes (divides volumes).
/VSCALE - Scales the length of displayed vectors.
*VSCFUN - Determines properties of an array parameter.
VSEL - Selects a subset of volumes.
VSLA - Selects those volumes containing the selected areas.
*VSTAT - Lists the current specifications for the array parameters.
VSUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected volumes.
VSWEEP - Fills an existing unmeshed volume with elements by sweeping the mesh from an adjacent area through the volume.
VSYMM - Generates volumes from a volume pattern by symmetry reflection.
VTRAN - Transfers a pattern of volumes to another coordinate system.
VTYPE - Specifies the viewing procedure used to determine the form factors for the Radiation Matrix method.
/VUP - Specifies the global Cartesian coordinate system reference orientation.
*VWRITE - Writes data to a file in a formatted sequence.
XXV. W Commands
/WAIT - Causes a delay before the reading of the next command.
/WINDOW - Defines the window size on the screen.
WPAVE - Moves the working plane origin to the average of specified points.
WPCSYS - Defines the working plane location based on a coordinate system.
WPLANE - Defines a working plane to assist in picking operations.
WPOFFS - Offsets the working plane.
WPROTA - Rotates the working plane.
WPSTYL - Controls the display and style of the working plane.
WRFULL - Stops solution after assembling global matrices.
WRITE - Writes the radiation matrix file.
WRITEMAP - Writes interpolated pressure data to a file.
*WRK - Sets the active workspace number.
WSPRINGS - Creates weak springs on corner nodes of a bounding box of the currently selected elements.
WTBCREATE - Creates a USER300 element to model the turbine for full aeroelastic coupling analysis and specifies relevant settings for the analysis.
XXVI. X Commands
XFCRKMESH - Defines a crack in the model when the crack surface is discretized by MESH200 elements
XFDATA - Defines a crack in the model by specifying nodal level set values
XFENRICH - Defines parameters associated with crack propagation using XFEM
XFLIST - Lists enrichment details and associated crack information
/XFRM - Controls the centroid or the axis of dynamic rotation.
*XPL - Accesses content of a Mechanical APDL file.
/XRANGE - Specifies a linear abscissa (X) scale range.
XVAR - Specifies the X variable to be displayed.
XXVII. Y Commands
/YRANGE - Specifies a linear ordinate (Y) scale range.
XXVIII. Z Commands
/ZOOM - Zooms a region of a display window.