, Frequency
, --
, Filetype
Controls file writing for multiframe restarts.
Command action:
Specifies how often .
restart files (default) or .rdnn
remeshing database files (for nonlinear mesh adaptivity analysis) are written for a load step. The file type controlled by this command is determined byFiletype
.This action does not support linear static applications. For linear static analyses, use the LINEAR action for the same DEFINE effect.
Same as
= DEFINE, but for linear static applications only. For a linear static analysis, the restart capability is normally not needed; however, it is typically needed when a subsequent linear perturbation analysis is desired. By default, none of the restart files are written for a linear static analysis.FILE_SUMMARY
Prints the substep and load-step information for all .
or .rdnn
files for the current jobname in the current directory. If specified, all other arguments are ignored.STATUS
Issuing the command lists the current status in the tables of restart controls specified previously by RESCONTROL. If this option is specified, all other arguments are ignored.
Cleans up some of the restart files after a distributed-memory parallel (DMP) solution. (Not valid for nonlinear mesh adaptivity.)
The master process will not have the following files in the working directory at the end of the run: .esav, .osav, .
, .rdb, .ldhi. The worker processes will not have the following files in the working directory at the end of the run: .esav, .osav, .xnnn
, .rst (or .rth, etc.). Some restart files are never written, some are removed upon exiting the solution processor (for example, upon FINISH), and some are removed upon exiting the program.This option is useful for cleaning up files written by all distributed processes, especially when you know that these restart files will not be needed later. If this option is specified, all other arguments are ignored.
If this option is used in a shared-memory parallel (SMP) environment, most restart files in the working directory are removed. It has the same effect as issuing RESCONTROL,,NONE.
Delete the restart control specification corresponding to the
label on a previous RESCONTROL,DEFINE command.Ldstep
Specifies how the .
or .rdnn
files are written for the specified load steps. This option also affects how often the load history information is written to the .ldhi file.ALL
Write the .
or .rdnn
files at the same substepFrequency
for all load steps; write the load history information to the .ldhi file for all load steps. For .rdnn
files, this option is the default.LAST
Write the .
or .rdnn
files for the last load step only; write load-history information to the .ldhi file for the last load step only. This option is the default for nonlinear static and full transient analyses for .xnnn
files. If specified, all remaining arguments are ignored.N
Number that indicates how often the .
or .rdnn
files are written.Input a positive number to write the .
or .rdnn
files at the substepFrequency
indicated only for load stepN
. Other load steps will be written at the default substep frequency or at a frequency defined by a previous RESCONTROL specification. Load-history information is written to the .ldhi file only for load stepsN
.Specifying a negative number (-
) is valid for controlling .xnnn
files only. The files are written for everyN
th load step at the specified substepFrequency
. The load history information is written to the .ldhi file everyN
th load step. This option is suitable for restart applications in which more than a few hundred load steps are required. Compared to the ALL and positiveN
options, it can save disk space, as the .ldhi file is smaller and fewer .xnnn
files are written.If
= -N
, all otherLdstep
options specified by RESCONTROL are ignored and the program follows the -N
option (write load history information everyN
th load step). If you want to change this pattern, issue RESCONTROL,DELETE, -N
, then issue another RESCONTROL command with the desiredLdstep
No multiframe restart files (.rdb, .ldhi, .
) are created. (Not valid for nonlinear mesh adaptivity analysis.)This option is the default for mode-superposition analyses. The remaining arguments are ignored.
For nonlinear static, linear static, and full transient analyses, this option enables a restart to occur at the last or abort point (using the .emat, .esav or .osav, and .db files).
For mode-superposition transient analyses, this option allows a restart from the last point using the .rdsp and .db files.
Frequency at which the .
files are written at the substep level, or at which the .rdnn
files are written at the remeshing level:NONE
Do not write .
files for this load step (not available for .rdnn
Write the .
files for the last substep of the load step only (default for nonlinear static and full transient analyses), or write the .rdnn
files for the last remesh of the load step only (default for nonlinear mesh adaptivity analysis).N
is positive, write the .xnnn
files at everyN
th substep of a load step, or write the .rdnn
files at everyN
th remesh of a load step.If
is negative (not valid for .rdnn
files), writeN
equally spaced .xnnn
files within a load step.In nonlinear static and full transient analyses,
is valid only when automatic time stepping is enabled (AUTOTS,ON).In mode-superposition analyses, negative
is always valid.MAXFILES
Maximum number of .
files to save within a load step (not available for .rdnn
Overwrite existing .
files (default). The total maximum number of .xnnn
files for one run is 999. If this number is reached before the analysis is complete, the program will reset the .xnnn
file numbering back to 1 and continue to write .xnnn
files; the program keeps the newest 999 restart files and overwrites the oldest restart files. For this option, the maximum number of files can be changed to a number less than 999 by setting the MAXTotalFiles argument.0
Do not overwrite any existing .
files. The total maximum number of .xnnn
files for one run is 999. If this number is reached before the analysis is complete, the analysis continues but no longer writes any .xnnn
Maximum number of .
files to keep for each load step. WhenN
files have been written for a load step, the program overwrites the first .xnnn
file of that load step for subsequent substeps.N
must be <= 999. If a total of 999 restart files is reached before the analysis is complete, the analysis continues but writes no additional .xnnn
Reserved for future use.
Total number of restart files to keep. Default = 999 for .
files and 99 for .rdnn
files. This option is valid only whenMAXFILES
= -1 (default).Valid
values are 1 through 999 for .xnnn
files, and 1 through 99 for .rdnn
files.When the total number of restart files written exceeds
, the program resets the .xnnn
or .rdnn
file numbering back to 1 and continues to write .xnnn
or .rdnn
files. The newest files are retained and the oldest files are overwritten.The
value specified applies to all subsequent load steps. To reset it to the default, reissue the command withMAXTotalFiles
= 0 or some negative value.If
is set to different values at different load steps, and if the value ofMAXTotalFiles
specified in the prior load step is larger than that of the current load step, the program can only overwrite the current number of maximum restart files up to the numberMAXTotalFiles
currently specified (which is smaller than the previous number).The recommended way to control the maximum number of restart files is to specify
at the first load step and not vary it in subsequent load steps. Also,MAXTotalFiles
is best used whenLdstep
= -N
or ALL.Filetype
The type of restart file to be controlled by this command. Valid only when
Control .
files (default).RDNN
Control .rd
remeshing database files. Needed only for a nonlinear mesh adaptivity or SMART crack growth analysis.
Command Default
If the RESCONTROL command is not issued during a structural analysis, the .rdb and .ldhi files are written as described in Restarting an Analysis.
For nonlinear static and full transient analysis:
The default behavior is multiframe restart: RESCONTROL,DEFINE,LAST,LAST |
The .xnnn file is written
at the last substep of the last load step. An .rnnn file is also written at the iteration prior to the abort
point of the run if a jobname.abt file was used (or the
button was pressed in the GUI), or if the job terminated
because of a failure to reach convergence or some other solution error. No information at
the aborted substep is saved to the .xnnn
file. |
For nonlinear mesh adaptivity analysis:
The default behavior for .rdnn files written is:
The .rdnn file is written
at the last remesh of every load step by default. |
The .rdnn and
.rnnn files interact with
each other. Generally, .rdnn file
writing is superior to that of .rnnn file writing. For example, if no
RESCONTROL,DEFINE command is issued, the default behavior is that both
.rdnn and
.rnnn files are written at
the last occurrence of every load step (equivalent to
When a rebalance factor is seen during the solution after remeshing, see Notes for file writing details. |
For SMART crack-growth analysis:
The default behavior of restart control for SMART crack growth is: RESCONTROL,DEFINE,LAST,LAST. |
Given the command RESCONTROL, the rule controlling the writing of
.rdnn files in SMART
crack-growth analysis is as follows: (1) each .rdnn file must be associated with at least one
.rnnn file, and (2) each
.rnnn file must have one
.rdnn file associated with
it. When the frequency of .rdnn
file writing differs from the frequency of .rnnn file writing, the frequency of .rnnn file writing takes precedence, and an
.rdnn file is not written at
a substep in which an .rnnn file
is not written. |
Note that if you would like to limit the total number of restart files written
(MAXTotalFiles ) for both .rnnn and .rdnn files, it is required to define the rule for both file types
separately. For example: |
will write restart files at all substeps of all loadsteps but only keep the
.rnnn and
.rdnn files of the last two
substeps. |
RESCONTROL sets up the restart parameters for a multiframe restart,
enabling you to restart an analysis from any load step and substep for which there is an
file. You can perform a
multiframe restart for static and transient (full or mode-superposition method) analyses only.
For more information about multiframe restarts and descriptions of the contents of the files
used, see Restarting an Analysis in the Basic Analysis Guide.
Multiframe restart files are generically indicated here as
.xnnn files. They correspond to
.rnnn files for nonlinear static and
full transient analyses, and .mnnn files
for mode-superposition analyses. |
Remeshing database files are indicated as
.rdnn files. This type of restart file
is needed only after remeshing during a nonlinear
mesh adaptivity or SMART crack growth
analysis. |
When Action = DEFINE, the specified
Filetype determines the type of file
(.xnnn or
.rdnn ) controlled by this
command. |
Number of Restart Files Allowed
The total number of restart files for any analysis cannot exceed 999 (for example, jobname.r001 to jobname.r999). |
The total number of remeshing database files cannot exceed 99 (for example, jobname.rd01 to jobname.rd99). |
Considerations for Nonlinear Mesh Adaptivity Analysis
To control both
.xnnn and
.rdnn file writing
(Filetype = XNNN and Filetype =
RDNN, respectively), separate RESCONTROL commands are
necessary. |
Action = NORESTART and Ldstep
= NONE are not valid and will cause the analysis to fail. |
Ldstep = -N is not valid for
controlling .xnnn files. |
Following remeshing, when a rebalance factor is seen during the
solution after bisections to the minimum time increment, additional substeps are
automatically introduced to balance all residuals. The program does not consider these
rebalance substeps when determining the
.xnnn file writing frequency.
Additionally, only the substep that gives a balanced solution (rebalance factor of 1 and
stress field in equilibrium) is written to the .rst file. These
statements about the .xnnn and
.rst files apply regardless of whether you have issued the
RESCONTROL command. See Balancing Residual Forces. |
Limiting the Number of Files Saved
If you have many substeps for each load step and are writing .xnnn files frequently, you may want to set
MAXFILES to limit the number of .xnnn files saved, as they can fill your disk
quickly. |
You can specify MAXFILES and
Frequency for individual load steps. These arguments take on
the default value or the value defined by
if they are not explicitly defined for a specific load step. |
When .xnnn files are
written over many load steps, you may want to further limit the number of
.xnnn files by setting
MAXTotalFiles . |
Maximum Number of Load Steps
You can specify a maximum of ten load steps; that is, you can issue the RESCONTROL,,N command a maximum of ten times. Specified load steps cannot be changed in a restart. |
Specifying Ldstep
= LAST or
The program accepts only one occurrence of RESCONTROL with
Ldstep = LAST. If you issue
multiple times, the last specification overwrites the previous one. |
The program accepts only one occurrence of RESCONTROL with a
negative Ldstep value
N is a negative number). If you issue
RESCONTROL multiple times with a negative
Ldstep value, the last specification overwrites the previous
one. |
Using RESCONTROL in a Restarted Analysis
The RESCONTROL command is not valid in the restarted load step of a restart analysis. It is only valid in subsequent load steps. |