REMESH, Action
, Filename
, Ext
, --
, Opt1
, Opt2
Specifies the starting and ending remeshing points, and
other options, for rezoning.
Starts the remeshing operation.
Ends the remeshing operation.
Reads in a generic (.cdb format) new mesh file generated by a third-party application. This remeshing option applies to both 2D and 3D rezoning.
Splits selected elements of an existing 2D or 3D mesh such that a quadrilateral element is split into four quadrilaterals, a degenerate quadrilateral is split into three quadrilaterals, and a quadratic triangular element is split into four quadratic triangles. A tetrahedral element is split into eight tetrahedra.
Name of a .cdb generic mesh file. The default value is
. Valid only whenAction
= READ.Ext
File name extension. The only valid (and the default) extension is CDB. Valid only when
= READ.--
Unused field.
Specifies options for the new mesh when using a generic imported mesh file or the mesh-splitting remeshing method. Valid only when
= READ orAction
Regenerates all node and element numbers on the new mesh using an offset of the highest existing node and element numbers. This is the default behavior when
= READ; otherwise, this value is ignored.KEEP
Keeps the similarly numbered nodes and elements in the new and the old meshes unchanged. Valid only when
Generates transition elements to ensure nodal compatibility between split and unsplit parts of the mesh. Valid only when
= SPLIT for 2D analyses.Opt2
Specifies transition options for the mesh when elements are split. These options are valid only when
= SPLIT for 2D analyses.QUAD
Minimizes the number of degenerate elements in the transition mesh and tries to maximize the number of quadrilateral transition elements across several layers of elements from the split regions. This is the default behavior.
Creates transition zones between the split and unsplit parts of the mesh using mostly degenerate elements with a single element layer.
This command is valid only during the rezoning (REZONE) process.
In rezoning, REMESH,START exits the solution processor temporarily and enters a special mode of the PREP7 preprocessor, after which a limited number of preprocessing commands are available for mesh control, but no solution commands are valid.
REMESH,FINISH exits the remeshing process and reenters the solution processor, at which point no preprocessing commands are available. If the new mesh exists, the command creates contact elements if needed, and transfers all boundary conditions (BCs) and loads from the original mesh to the new mesh. You can issue any list or plot command to verify the created contact elements, transferred BCs, and loads. REMESH,FINISH is valid only after a previously issued REMESH,START, and is the only way to safely end the remeshing operation (and exit the special mode of PREP7).
REMESH,READ is valid only when you want to perform a rezoning operation
using a generic new mesh generated by a third-party application (rather than a new mesh generated
internally by Mechanical APDL). The command is valid between REMESH,START and
REMESH,FINISH. In this case, the only valid file extension is
.cdb (Ext
= CDB). When
= KEEP, Mechanical APDL assumes that the common node and element
numbers between the old and the new mesh are topologically similar (that is, these commonly
numbered areas have the same element connectivity and nodal coordinates).
REMESH,SPLIT is valid only when performing a rezoning operation via splitting the existing mesh. The command is valid between REMESH,START and REMESH,FINISH.
You can use REMESH,READ and REMESH,SPLIT for horizontal multiple rezoning provided that the meshes used in REMESH,READ do not intersect. (Avoid issuing AREMESH after issuing either of these commands.)
For more information about the remeshing options available during rezoning, see Rezoning in the Nonlinear Adaptivity Analysis Guide.
Distributed-Memory Parallel (DMP) Restriction — This command is not supported in a DMP solution.
Example Usage
See example problems listed here: Rezoning Examples in the Nonlinear Adaptivity Analysis Guide.