*FFT, Type, InputData, OutputData, DIM1, DIM2, ResultFormat
Computes the fast Fourier transformation of a specified matrix or vector.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

Argument Descriptions


Type of FFT transformation:

FORW -- 

Forward FFT computation (default).

BACK -- 

Backward FFT computation.


Name of matrix or vector for which the FFT will be computed. This can be a dense matrix (created by the *DMAT command) or a vector (created by the *VEC command). Data can be real or complex values. There is no default value for this argument.


Name of matrix or vector where the FFT results will be stored. The type of this argument must be consistent with InputData (see table below). There is no default value for this argument.

FFT DomainForwardBackward
Input DataOutput DataInput DataOutput Data

The number of terms to consider for a vector, or the number of rows for a matrix. Defaults to the whole input vector or all the rows of the matrix.


The number of columns to consider for a matrix. Defaults to all the columns of the matrix. (Valid only for matrices.)


Specifies the result format:

FULL -- 

Returns the full result. That is, the result matches the dimension specified on this command (DIM1, DIM2).

PART -- 

Returns partial results. For real input data, there is a symmetry in the results of the Fourier transform as some coefficients are conjugated. The partial format uses this symmetry to optimize the storage of the results. (Valid only for real data.)


In the example that follows, the fast Fourier transformation is used to filter frequencies from a noisy input signal.

Example Usage

The fast Fourier transformation can be used to create a filter to remove noise from a noisy input signal.

Figure 5: Input Signal

Input Signal

The input signal is decomposed in the Fourier space using the *FFT,FORW command so that the frequencies that compose the signal can be observed.

Figure 6: Amplitude Spectrum of the FFT

Amplitude Spectrum of the FFT

The filter applies a threshold on the Fourier coefficients. Fourier coefficients of small amplitude are the result of the noise in the input signal. Only coefficients of a large amplitude are significant. The inversion of the *FFT command (*FFT,BACK command) rebuilds the signal from the remaining coefficients.

Figure 7: Signal Obtained with the Filter

Signal Obtained with the Filter

Example input demonstrating *FFT usage is provided below:

/com,*  Usage example of the *FFT APDLMath command.  *
/com,*  Use FFT to filter a noisy sinusoidal signal. *


/com, *** Definition of the parameters for the signal

pi             = acos(-1)
periode1       = 2*pi/40.0
phase1         = 4.0
amplitude1     = 2.5
periode2       = 2*pi/150.0
phase2         = 0.0
amplitude2     = 2.0
periode3       = 2*pi/140.0
phase3         = 0.0
amplitude3     = 1.5
amplitudenoise = 6.0
n              = 400       !number of points in the sampling input signal
tbegin         = 0.0       !start time for the signal
dt             = 0.001     !time step
tend           = tbegin + (n-1)*dt

/com, *** Definition of the parameters

threshold = 150.0
FFTmethod = 1 !0 = FFT giving partial results , 1 = FFT giving full results

/com, *** Create a signal from two sinus and add noise


omega1 = (2.0*pi) / periode1
omega2 = (2.0*pi) / periode2
omega3 = (2.0*pi) / periode3

  noisec     =  amplitudenoise * noise(ii)
  tc         =  tbegin + (ii-1)*dt
  t(ii)      =  tc
 signal(ii) = amplitude1*sin(omega1*tc+phase1) + amplitude2*sin(omega2*tc+phase2) + amplitude3*sin(omega3*tc+phase3) + noisec

/com, *** Display the input signal




/com, *** Copy signal in an APDLMath vector

 sigvec(ii) = signal(ii)

/com, *** Perform a Fast Fourier Transform

  *FFT,FORW,sigvec,VFFT,,,PART   !partial FFT (use symmetry properties)
  *FFT,FORW,sigvec,VFFT,,,FULL   !full FFT

/com, *** Determine the real part and the imaginary part of the Fourier's coefficients


/com, *** Compute the modulus of the Fourier's coeff


sizeVR = VR_rowDim

  sizeVR = sizeVR/2


  ind(ii)   = ii
  modfft(ii)= sqrt( fftr(ii)*fftr(ii) + ffti(ii)*ffti(ii) )

/com,*** Display the Amplitude spectrum of the FFT

   modfftdisp(ii) = modfft(ii)

/AXLAB,X,Amplitude spectrum of the FFT

/com, *** Threshold on Fourier coefficients

  module = modfft(ii)
    VR(ii) = 0.0
    VI(ii) = 0.0

/com, *** Invert Fourier Transform



/com, *** Display the filtered signal


   fsignal(ii) = filterSignal(ii)


/com, *** Free the APDLMath objects

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.