, Cname
, -- ,
, DSUBres
Controls the solution-result data written to the database.
Solution item for database and file-write control:
All solution items except LOCI, SVAR, and NAR (default).
Write only NSOL, RSOL, NLOAD, STRS, FGRAD, and FFLUX records to the results file and database.
Resets OUTRES specifications to their default values.
Lists the current OUTRES specifications.
Nodal degree-of-freedom solution.
Nodal reaction loads.
Nodal velocity (applicable to structural transient analysis only (ANTYPE,TRANS)).
Nodal acceleration (applicable to structural transient analysis only (ANTYPE,TRANS)).
All available results generated by CINT.
State variables (used with supported subroutines that customize material behavior).
Enables or disables all of the following element-solution items. (These items can also be individually enabled or disabled.)
Element nodal, input constraint, and force loads (also used with POST1 commands PRRFOR, NFORCE, and FSUM to calculate reaction loads).
Element nodal stresses.
Element elastic strains.
Element thermal, initial, and swelling strains.
Element plastic strains.
Element creep strains.
Element diffusion strains.
Element nodal gradients.
Element nodal fluxes.
Integration point locations.
Element energies.
Element miscellaneous data (ETABLE SMISC and NMISC items).
Electromagnetic nodal forces.
Element source current density.
Element nonlinear data.
Element heat generation rate.
Element temperatures.
Element surface stresses.
Element contact data.
Element Euler angles.
Enables or disables all of the following advanced element-solution output items. (These items cannot be individually enabled or disabled.)
BKS - Back-stress for kinematic hardening. CDM - Damage variable for Mullins effect. ESIG - BIOT's effective stress. FFLX - Fluid flow flux in poromechanics. FICT - Fictive temperature. FSVAR - Fluence state variables. MPLS - Microplane damage. NS - Nominal strain. PDMG - Progressive damage parameters. PFC - Failure criteria based on the effective stresses in the damaged material. PMSV - Permeability state variables. SEND - Energy record. TF - Thermal flux. TG - Thermal gradient. YSIDX - Yield status for geomechanical materials. NAR
Enables or disables all of the following nodal-averaged solution items. (These items can also be individually enabled or disabled.)
Nodal-averaged stresses.
Nodal-averaged elastic strains.
Nodal-averaged plastic strains.
Nodal-averaged creep strains.
Nodal-averaged thermal and swelling strains.
Enables Jobname.dsub file writing for all superelements if the nodal degree-of-freedom solution (
= NSOL) file writing is disabled (see notes for details and an example).Freq
Specifies how often (that is, at which substeps) to write the specified solution item.
Writes the specified solution item only for the last substep of each load step (default).
Writes the specified solution item every
th (and the last) substep of each load step.-
Writes up to
equally spaced solutions.The time range is divided into equally spaced time points. The first solution at or just past the time point is written. If the time steps span two time points, only one is written.
Suppresses writing of the specified solution item for all substeps.
Writes the solution of the specified solution item for every substep. This value is the default for a harmonic analysis (ANTYPE,HARMIC) and for any expansion pass (EXPASS,ON).
is the name of ann
x 1 x 1 dimensional array parameter definingn
key times, the data for the specified solution item is written at those key times.Key times in the array parameter must appear in ascending order. Values must be greater than or equal to the beginning values of the load step, and less than or equal to the ending time values of the load step.
For multiple-load-step problems, either change the parameter values to fall between the beginning and ending time values of the load step or erase the current settings and reissue the command with a new array parameter.
For more information about defining array parameters, see *DIM.
The name of the component (created via CM) defining the selected set of elements or nodes for which this specification is active. If not specified, the set is all entities. A component name is not allowed with the ALL, BASIC, or RSOL items.
- --
The number of user-defined state variables (TB,STATE) to be written to the results file. Valid only when
= SVAR and user-defined state variables exist. The specified value cannot exceed the total number of state variables defined; if no value is specified, all user-defined state variables are written to the results file. This argument acts on all sets of user-defined state variables that exist for the model.DSUBres
Specifies whether to write additional results in Jobname.dsub during a substructure or CMS use pass in a transient or harmonic analysis.
Write the nodal degree-of-freedom solution in Jobname.dsub (default).
In addition to the nodal degree-of-freedom solution, also write necessary data to compute quantities using nodal velocity and nodal acceleration (damping force, inertial force, kinetic energy, etc.) in the subsequent expansion pass. For more information, see Step 3: Expansion Pass in the Substructuring Analysis Guide.
Command Default
Writes the specified solution item for every substep. Exceptions to the default behavior are as follows:
For static (ANTYPE,STATIC) or transient (ANTYPE,TRANS) analyses, the default is to write the specified solution item for the last substep of each load step.
For a harmonic analysis (ANTYPE,HARMIC) and any expansion pass, the default is to write the specified solution item for every substep.
For a mode-superposition transient analysis, the default is to write the reduced displacements file for every fourth substep (as well as the last substep).
OUTRES controls following output parameters:
The solution item (
) to write to the database (and to the reduced displacement and results files)The frequency (
) at which the solution item is written (applicable to static, transient, or full harmonic analyses)The set of elements or nodes (
) to which your specification applies.
The command generates a specification for controlling data storage for each substep, activating storage of the specified solution item for the specified substeps of the solution and suppressing storage of that item for all other substeps.
You can issue OUTRES multiple times in an analysis. After the initial command creating the storage specification, subsequent OUTRES commands modify the specification set for each substep. The command processes your specifications at each substep in the order in which you input them. If you specify a given solution item twice, output is based upon the last specification. Therefore, issue multiple OUTRES commands carefully and in the proper sequence.
In addition to OUTRES, these commands also control solution output: OUTPR, OUTGEOM, and OSRESULT.
You can issue up to 50 output-control commands for OUTRES, OUTPR, OUTGEOM in an analysis. There is no limit on the number of OSRESULT commands.
OUTRES,ERASE erases the existing output specifications and resets the counted number of OUTRES commands to zero. The ERASE argument works in a similar manner for OUTPR, OUTGEOM, and OSRESULT.
A given OUTRES command generally has no effect on solution items not specified. For example, an OUTRES,ESOL,LAST command does not affect NSOL data; that is, it neither activates nor suppresses NSOL data storage in any substep. An exception to this behavior involves the EANGL solution item.
OUTRES controls element Euler angle (EANGL) data output as follows:
= NONE, no element Euler angles are output at any substeps.Without Euler angles, element results postprocessing can occur in the element solution coordinate system only (that is, RSYS has no effect on element results); therefore, nodal averaging of element solution items may not be applicable when element solution coordinate systems are not uniform. When
= any other value (including the command default), element Euler angles are output at substeps specified byFreq
, and at any substeps where one or more tensorial element solution items (STRS, EPEL, EPTH, EPPL, EPCR, EPDI, FGRAD, FFLUX, and AESO) are output.
Additional results in the Jobname.dsub file
= ALL) can only be requested in the first load step.
Important: In the results-item hierarchy, certain items are subsets of other items. For example, element solution (ESOL) data is a subset of all (ALL) solution data. An OUTRES,ALL command can therefore affect ESOL data. Likewise, an OUTRES command that controls ESOL data can affect a portion of all data.
The example OUTRES commands illustrate the interrelationships between solution items and why it is necessary to issue OUTRES thoughtfully.
To suppress all data at every substep, issue the OUTRES,ALL,NONE command. (OUTRES,ERASE does not suppress all data at every substep.)
The NSOL, RSOL, V, and A solution items are associated with nodes. The CINT solution item is associated with fracture. All remaining solution items are associated with elements.
Enabling nodal-averaged results (Item
= NAR or any of the
associated labels) generally reduces the results file size, provided the equivalent element-based
results are concurrently disabled. When nodal-averaged results are enabled, element values for
stress and strain are averaged and stored as nodal values. Some limitations apply when using
nodal averaged results. For more information and an example, see Nodal-Averaged Results in the Element Reference.
The boundary conditions (constraints and force loads) are written to the results file only if either nodal or reaction loads (NLOAD or RSOL items) are also written.
Usage considerations when specifying Freq
The only valid labels for
are NONE or ALL for the following:When superelements exist in the model, the
specified forItem
= NSOL controls the write frequency of the nodal degree-of-freedom solution to the Jobname.rst file and the superelements reduced nodal degree-of-freedom solution to the Jobname.dsub file. The program only considers aFreq
specification forItem
= DSUB if file writing forItem
= NSOL is disabled.Example 11: To enable Jobname.dsub file writing (
= DSUB at a specifiedFreq
), first disable nodal DOF solution writing to the Jobname.rst file (Item
= NSOL)OUTRES,ERASE !reset specifications to default values OUTRES,ALL,NONE !disable writing of all solution items, including NSOL OUTRES,DSUB,ALL !enable Jobname.dsub file writing at every substep
After issuing the above commands, the nodal degree-of-freedom solutions are not written to Jobname.rst, but the reduced nodal degree-of-freedom solutions are written to Jobname.dsub for every substep.
For additive manufacturing analyses during the build step (AMSTEP,BUILD),
refers to the layer number (for example, output ALL layers, LAST
layer, or every N
th layer).
If the minimum time step value is small
) while
contains a large value, then the time steps will not be written
to the .rst file due to the resulting calculation of these set of
To specify selected results to output to the database, see OSRESULT.
OUTRES is also valid in PREP7.
When issuing an OUTRES command, think of a matrix in which you set switches on and off. When a switch is on, a solution item is stored for the specified substep. When a switch is off, a solution item is suppressed for a specified substep.
Assuming a static (ANTYPE,STATIC) analysis, this example shows how the matrix looks after issuing each OUTRES command in this six-substep solution.
To simplify the example, only a subset of the available solution items appears in the matrix.
OUTRES,ERASE -- After issuing this command, the default output specifications are in effect, as shown:
Substep | Results Item Specification | ||||||
ALL | |||||||
BASIC | |||||||
NSOL | RSOL | ESOL | |||||
1 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
2 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
3 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
4 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
5 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
6 | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON |
OUTRES,NSOL,2 -- This command modifies the initial specifications so that NSOL is enabled for substeps 2, 4 and 6, and disabled for substeps 1, 3 and 5, as shown:
Substep | Results Item Specification | ||||||
ALL | |||||||
BASIC | |||||||
NSOL | RSOL | ESOL | |||||
1 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
2 | ON | off | off | off | off | off | off |
3 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
4 | ON | off | off | off | off | off | off |
5 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
6 | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON |
OUTRES,ALL,3 -- This command further modifies the specifications so that ALL is enabled for substeps 3 and 6, and disabled for substeps 1, 2, 4 and 5, as shown:
Substep | Results Item Specification | ||||||
ALL | |||||||
BASIC | |||||||
NSOL | RSOL | ESOL | |||||
1 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
2 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
3 | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON |
4 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
5 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
6 | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON |
OUTRES,ESOL,4 -- This command once again modifies the specifications so that ESOL is enabled for the fourth and last substeps, and disabled for substeps 1, 2, 3 and 5, as shown:
Substep | Results Item Specification | ||||||
ALL | |||||||
BASIC | |||||||
NSOL | RSOL | ESOL | |||||
1 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
2 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
3 | ON | ON | off | off | off | off | off |
4 | off | off | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON |
5 | off | off | off | off | off | off | off |
6 | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON |
When obtaining the solution, results data are stored as follows:
Substep | Results Items Stored |
1 | No data |
2 | No data |
3 | NSOL and RSOL data |
4 | ESOL data |
5 | No data |
6 | ALL data |