Specifies the melting and relaxation temperatures of the build material in an additive manufacturing analysis.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


The material ID of the build part. Default = 1.


Melting temperature of the build part (required).


Relaxation temperature of the build part (optional).

Command Default

The material ID of the build part is 1. A melting temperature is required.


This command is required in an additive manufacturing analysis.

If the part consists of multiple material IDs, you can specify any of the material IDs (MATPART), as all are of the same material.

The melting temperature (TMELT) is the temperature at which thermal strains begin to accumulate. This value is typically the liquidus-to-solidus temperature, but may be less for some phase-transition material (such as Ti64).

The relaxation temperature (TRELAX) is the temperature at which the strains are zeroed out (annealed). You can use TRELAX during the build process (AMSTEP,BUILD) to account for stress relaxation, but it serves primarily as a simplified stress-relaxation method during the heat-treat step (AMSTEP,HEATTREAT). (A creep model offers a more stringent stress-relaxation approach if needed.)

This command is also valid in PREP7.

For more information, including a list of the elements and commands used in an additive manufacturing analysis, see Additive Simulation in the Mechanical Application in the LPBF Simulation Guide.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.