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1. Introduction to Additive Manufacturing
2. Additive Simulation in the Mechanical Application
3. Preparing the Part for Simulation
4. Using the LPBF Setup Wizard
4.1. Wizard Step 1: Model Setup
4.2. Wizard Step 2: Build Settings (for Inherent Strain Simulations)
4.3. Wizard Step 2: Build Settings (for Thermal-Structural Simulations)
4.4. Wizard Step 3: Postprocessing Options
5. Workflow Through the Project Tree
5.1. Create the Analysis System
5.2. Define Engineering Data
5.3. Attach Geometry and Launch Mechanical Application
5.3.1. Attaching Geometry from an .stl File
5.3.2. Importing Geometry from a .3MF File
5.3.3. Working with Supports from Additive Prep
5.4. Identify Geometries (AM Process Object)
5.5. Assign Materials
5.6. Apply Mesh Controls and Generate Mesh
5.7. Identify and/or Generate Supports
5.8. Define Connections
5.9. Define AM Process Steps
5.10. Define Build Settings
5.11. Establish Thermal Analysis Settings (Thermal-Structural System)
5.12. Apply Thermal Boundary Conditions (Thermal-Structural System)
5.13. Solve the Transient Thermal Analysis (Thermal-Structural System)
5.14. Establish Structural Analysis Settings
5.15. Apply Structural Boundary Conditions
5.16. Solve the Static Structural Analysis
5.17. Review Results
6. Advanced Topics
6.1. Using Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing
6.2. Using the Inherent Strain Method
6.3. Using JAHM Temperature-Dependent Material Data in AM Simulation
6.3.1. Review of Required Material Properties
6.3.2. Workflow Using JAHM Material Obtain JAHM Material Data from Granta MI Enter JAHM Material into Engineering Data Add JAHM Material to a Project and Assign it to a Geometry in a Simulation
6.4. Using AM Octree Adaptive Meshing
6.5. Using Variable Layer Height
6.6. Understanding Machine Learning Thermal Strain
6.7. Performing a Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Process Simulation (Simplified Approach)
6.8. Simulating Heat Treatment after the Build
6.8.1. Overview of Heat Treatment Workflow
6.8.2. Define Engineering Data - Unsuppress Creep Properties
6.8.3. Add Transient Thermal System to the Project
6.8.4. Define AM Process Steps - Add Base Unbolting and Heat Treatment Steps to the Sequencer
6.8.5. Establish Analysis Settings - Define Creep Relaxation Temperature
6.8.6. Apply Boundary Conditions - Add Convection for Heat Treatment Step
6.8.7. Solve the Simulation - Check Units First!
6.8.8. Heat Treatment Examples Example LPBF process simulation with and without heat treatment
6.9. Capturing a Buckled Shape with Large Deflection
6.10. Modeling a Symmetrical Part
6.11. Modeling Powder with Elements
6.12. Modeling Clamps, Measuring Devices and Other Non-Build Components
6.13. Troubleshooting
7. Performing a Calibration
7.1. When to Calibrate
7.2. Calibration Simulation Workflow
7.3. Known Limitations
8. Object Reference
8.1. AM Bond
8.2. AM Process
8.3. Build Settings
8.4. Generated Support
8.5. LPBF High Strain
8.6. LPBF Hotspot
8.7. LPBF Hotspot Time Correction (Beta)
8.8. LPBF Recoater Interference
8.9. Predefined Support
8.10. STL Support
8.11. Support Group
8.12. Weak Springs