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/- PADELE - Deletes a defined path.
- /PAGE - Defines the printout and screen page size.
- PAGET - Writes current path information into an array variable.
- PAPUT - Retrieves path information from an array variable.
- PARESU - Restores previously saved paths from a file.
- PARRES - Reads parameters from a file.
- PARSAV - Writes parameters to a file.
- PASAVE - Saves selected paths to an external file.
- PATH - Defines a path name and establishes parameters for the path.
- PAUSE - Temporarily releases the current product license.
- /PBC - Shows boundary condition (BC) symbols and values on displays.
- /PBF - Shows magnitude of body-force loads on displays.
- PCALC - Forms additional labeled path items by operating on existing path items.
- PCGOPT - Controls PCG solver options.
- PCIRC - Creates a circular area centered about the working plane origin.
- /PCIRCLE - Creates an annotation circle (GUI).
- PCROSS - Calculates the cross product of two path vectors along the current path.
- PDEF - Interpolates an item onto a path.
- PDOT - Calculates the dot product of two path vectors along the current path.
- PERBC2D - Generates periodic constraints for 2D planar magnetic field analyses.
- PERTURB - Sets linear perturbation analysis options.
- PFACT - Calculates participation factors for the PSD or multi-point response spectrum table.
- PIVCHECK - Controls the behavior of an analysis when a negative or zero equation solver pivot value is encountered.
- PLAS - Plots a specified acoustic quantity during postprocessing of an acoustic analysis.
- PLCAMP - Plots Campbell diagram data for applications involving rotating structure dynamics.
- PLCFREQ - Plots the frequency response for the given CYCSPEC specification.
- PLCHIST - Plots a histogram of the frequency response of each sector for the given CYCSPEC specification.
- PLCINT - Plots the fracture parameter (CINT) result data.
- PLCKSURF - Plots the Φ = 0 level set surface in an XFEM-based crack analysis
- PLCPLX - Specifies the part of a complex variable to display.
- PLDISP - Displays the displaced structure.
- PLESOL - Displays solution results as discontinuous element contours.
- PLETAB - Displays element table items.
- PLFAR - Plots pressure far fields and far-field parameters.
- PLF2D - Generates a contour line plot of equipotentials.
- PLGEOM - Plots target and source geometries.
- PLLS - Displays element table items as contoured areas along elements.
- PLMAP - Plots target and source pressures.
- PLMC - Plots the modal coordinates from a mode-superposition solution.
- PLNEAR - Plots the pressure in the near zone exterior to the equivalent source surface.
- PLNSOL - Displays solution results as continuous element contours.
- /PLOPTS - Controls graphics options on subsequent displays.
- PLORB - Displays the orbital motion of a rotating structure
- PLOTTING - Specifies "Plotting settings" as the subsequent status topic.
- PLPAGM - Displays path items along the path geometry.
- PLPATH - Displays path items on a graph.
- PLSECT - Displays membrane and membrane-plus-bending linearized stresses.
- PLTIME - Defines the time range for which data are to be displayed.
- PLTRAC - Displays a charged particle trace on an element display.
- PLVAR - Displays up to ten variables in the form of a graph.
- PLVECT - Displays results as vectors.
- PLZZ - Plots the interference diagram from a cyclic modal analysis.
- /PMACRO - Specifies that macro contents be written to the session log file.
- PMAP - Creates mapping of the path geometry by defining path interpolation division points.
- PMGTRAN - Summarizes electromagnetic results from a transient analysis.
- PMLOPT - Defines perfectly matched layers (PMLs) or irregular perfectly matched layers (IPML).
- PMLSIZE - Determines number of PML or IPML layers.
- /PMORE - Creates an annotation polygon (GUI).
- PNGR - Provides PNG file export for Mechanical APDL displays.
- /PNUM - Controls entity numbering/coloring on plots.
- POINT - Specifies "Point flow tracing settings" as the subsequent status topic.
- POLY - Creates a polygonal area based on working plane coordinate pairs.
- /POLYGON - Creates annotation polygons (GUI).
- /POST1 - Enters the database results postprocessor.
- /POST26 - Enters the time-history results postprocessor.
- POWERH - Calculates the rms power loss in a conductor or lossy dielectric.
- PPATH - Defines a path by picking or defining nodes, or locations on the currently active working plane, or by entering specific coordinate locations.
- PRANGE - Determines the path range.
- PRAS - Prints a specified acoustic quantity during postprocessing of an acoustic analysis.
- PRCAMP - Prints Campbell diagram data for applications involving rotating structure dynamics.
- PRCINT - Lists fracture parameter (CINT) results data.
- PRCPLX - Defines the output form for complex variables.
- PRED - Activates a predictor in a nonlinear analysis.
- PRENERGY - Prints the total energies of a model or the energies of the specified components.
- /PREP7 - Enters the model creation preprocessor.
- PRERR - Prints SEPC and TEPC.
- PRESOL - Prints the solution results for elements.
- PRETAB - Prints the element table items.
- PRFAR - Prints acoustic far field parameters.
- PRI2 - Creates a polygonal area or a prism volume by vertices (GUI).
- PRIM - Specifies "Solid model primitives" as the subsequent status topic.
- PRINT - Specifies "Print settings" as the subsequent status topic.
- *PRINT - Prints the matrix values to a file.
- PRISM - Creates a prism volume based on working plane coordinate pairs.
- PRITER - Prints solution summary data.
- PRJSOL - Prints joint element output.
- PRMC - Prints the modal coordinates from a mode-superposition solution.
- PRNEAR - Prints the pressure in the near zone exterior to the equivalent source surface.
- PRNLD - Prints the summed element nodal loads.
- PRNSOL - Prints nodal solution results.
- PROD - Multiplies variables.
- PRORB - Prints the orbital motion characteristics of a rotating structure
- PRPATH - Prints path items along a geometry path.
- PRRFOR - Prints the constrained node reaction solution. Used with the FORCE command.
- PRRSOL - Prints the constrained node reaction solution.
- PRSCONTROL - Specifies whether to include pressure load stiffness in the element stiffness formation.
- PRSECT - Calculates and prints linearized stresses along a section path.
- PRTIME - Defines the time range for which data are to be listed.
- PRVAR - Lists variables vs. time (or frequency).
- PRVECT - Prints results as vector magnitude and direction cosines.
- PSCONTROL - Enables or disables shared-memory parallel operations.
- PSDCOM - Specifies the power spectral density mode combination method.
- PSDFRQ - Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum tables PSDVAL vs. PSDFRQ for PSD analysis.
- PSDGRAPH - Displays input PSD curves.
- PSDRES - Controls solution output written to the results file from a PSD analysis.
- PSDSPL - Defines a partially correlated excitation in a PSD analysis.
- PSDUNIT - Defines the type of input PSD.
- PSDVAL - Defines PSD values.
- PSDWAV - Defines a wave propagation excitation in a PSD analysis.
- /PSEARCH - Specifies a directory to be searched for "unknown command" macro files.
- PSEL - Selects a path or paths.
- /PSF - Shows surface load symbols on model displays.
- PSMAT - Writes an assembled global matrix to a postscript format that graphically displays nonzero matrix values.
- PSMESH - Creates and meshes a pretension section (PRETS179) or a preload section (MPC184).
- /PSPEC - Creates annotation polygon attributes (GUI).
- /PSTATUS - Displays the global or window display specifications.
- PSTRES - Specifies whether prestress effects are calculated or included.
- /PSYMB - Shows various symbols on displays.
- PSYS - Sets the PML element coordinate system attribute pointer.
- PTR - Dumps the record of a binary file.
- PTXY - Defines coordinate pairs for use in polygons and prisms.
- PVECT - Interpolates a set of items onto a path.
- /PWEDGE - Creates an annotation wedge (GUI).
- *PYTHON - Initiates a block of content that is interpreted as Python commands.