Assigns values to Mechanical APDL configuration parameters.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Configuration parameter to be changed:



Option to write or not write geometry data to the results file:

When VAL = 0, write geometry data (default).
When VAL = 1, does not write geometry data.

Useful when complex analyses are likely to create abnormally large files.



The number of buffers (VAL = 1 to 32) per file in the solver. Default: VAL = 4.



File open and close actions:

When VAL = 0, global (default).
When VAL = 1, local.

Applies to File.erot, File.esav, and File.emat.

Typically used for large problems where locally closed files may be deleted earlier in the run via /FDELE.



Record size (VAL = 1024 to 4194304) of binary files (in integer words).

Default: VAL = 16384 (system-dependent).



Defines split points for binary files. VAL is the file split point in megawords.

Default: VAL = Maximum file size for the system.



Maximum number of nodes.

Default: VAL = 100 at first encounter.

Dynamically expanded by doubling, even at first encounter, when the maximum is exceeded.



Maximum number of elements. Default and expansion as for MXND.



Maximum number of keypoints. Default and expansion as for MXND.



Maximum number of lines. Default and expansion as for MXND.



Maximum number of areas. Default and expansion as for MXND.



Maximum number of volumes. Default and expansion as for MXND.



Maximum number of sets of real constants (element attributes). Default and expansion as for MXND.



Maximum number of sets of coupled degrees of freedom. Default and expansion as for MXND.



Maximum number of constraint equations. Default and expansion as for MXND.



Option to write or not write results into the database after a solution.

When VAL = 0 (default), writes results into the database.
When VAL = 1, does not write results into the database.



Maximum number of load vectors written on Jobname.mode file when MSUPkey = YES on the MXPAND command.

Default: VAL = 1000 at first encounter.

When the maximum is exceeded, the value is not expanded.

The NUMLV option is not supported for fast load vector generation (FastLV = ON on the MODCONT command).



Maximum number of load vectors written on Jobname.sub file in substructure/CMS generation pass.

Default: VAL = 31 at first encounter.

When the maximum is exceeded, the value is not expanded.



Option to automatically grow the number of file buffers for most binary files (.esav, .emat, .full, and so on), with the exception of the results file and files written by the sparse and PCG equation solvers (for example, .DSPxxxx and .pcn).

When VAL = -1, the number of file buffers does not grow automatically for any file.
When VAL = 0 (default), the number of file buffers may or may not grow automatically. The logic is program-controlled.
When VAL = 1, the number of file buffers automatically grows for most binary files to reduce the amount of I/O. This option may require a significantly greater amount of memory than the default behavior (VAL = 0).



Option to control automatic checkout of a Mechanical batch license during solution when the capability is not enabled, useful for PrepPost sessions:

When VAL = 0 (default), check out a license automatically when needed.
When VAL = 1, bypass automatic license checkout.



Displays current values set by the /CONFIG command.



Option to control the precision when the program writes the results file:

When VAL = 0 (default if /CONFIG,RESUPREC is issued without a value), the entire results file is written in double-precision format.
When VAL = 1 (default if /CONFIG,RESUPREC is not issued), element results are written in single-precision format, and other results are written in double-precision format.
When VAL = 2, geometry records are written in double-precision format, and other results are written in single-precision format.

Value (an integer number) assigned to the specified configuration parameter.


All configuration parameters have initial defaults, which in most cases do not need to be changed. Where a specially configured version of the Mechanical APDL program is desired, the parameters can be changed with this command.

Issue /CONFIG,STAT to display current values.

Define changes before the parameter is required.

These changes (and others) may also be incorporated into the config.ans file, read in upon execution of the program. (See The Configuration File in the Basic Analysis Guide.) If the same configuration parameter appears in both the configuration file and this command, this command overrides.

Distributed-memory parallel DMP solutions use the default FSPLIT value and force NOELDB = 1 for all results files. You cannot change the FSPLIT and NOELDB options for a DMP solution.

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>List>Status>Configuration