*GET, Par
, Entity
, Item1
, Item2
Retrieves a value and stores it as a scalar parameter
or part of an array parameter.
The name of the resulting parameter. See *SET for name restrictions.
Entity keyword. Valid keywords are NODE, ELEM, KP, LINE, AREA, VOLU, etc., as shown for
= in the tables below.ENTNUM
The number or label for the entity (as shown for
= in the tables below). In some cases, a zero (or blank)ENTNUM
represents all entities of the set.Item1
The name of a particular item for the given entity. Valid items are as shown in the
columns of the tables below.IT1NUM
The number (or label) for the specified
(if any). ValidIT1NUM
values are as shown in theIT1NUM
columns of the tables below. SomeItem1
labels do not require anIT1NUM
A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item for which data are to be retrieved. Most items do not require this level of information.
*GET retrieves a value for a specified item and stores the value as a scalar parameter, or as a value in a user-named array parameter. An item is identified by various keyword, label, and number combinations. Usage is similar to the *SET command except that the parameter values are retrieved from previously input or calculated results.
Example 8: *GET Usage
*GET,A,ELEM,5,CENT,X returns the centroid x location of element 5 and stores the result as parameter A.
*GET command operations, and corresponding get functions, return values in the active coordinate system (CSYS for input data or RSYS for results data) unless stated otherwise.
A get function is an alternative in-line function that can be used instead of the *GET command to retrieve a value. For more information, see Using In-line Get Functions in the Ansys Parametric Design Language Guide.
Both *GET and *VGET retrieve information from the active data stored in memory. The database is often the source, and sometimes the information is retrieved from common memory blocks that the program uses to manipulate information. Although POST1 and POST26 operations use a *.rst file, *GET data is accessed from the database or from the common blocks. Get operations do not access the *.rst file directly. For repeated gets of sequential items, such as from a series of elements, see the *VGET command.
Most items are stored in the database after they are calculated and are available anytime thereafter. Items are grouped according to where they are usually first defined or calculated. Preprocessing data will often not reflect the calculated values generated from section data. Do not use *GET to obtain data from elements that use calculated section data, such as beams or shells.
When the value retrieved by *GET is a component name, the resulting character parameter is limited to 32 characters. If the component name is longer than 32 characters, the remaining characters are ignored.
Most of the general items listed below are available from all modules. Each of the sections for accessing *GET parameters are shown in the following order:
The *GET command is valid in any processor.
General Items
*GET General Entity Items
Table 115: *GET General Items, Entity = ACTIVE
Entity = ACTIVE, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par,
ACTIVE, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
INT | Current interactive key: 0=off, 2=on. | |
IMME | Current immediate key: 0=off, 1=on. | |
MENU | Current menu key: 0=off, 1=on. | |
PRKEY | Printout suppression status: 0=/NOPR, 1=/GOPR or /GO | |
UNITS | Units specified by /UNITS command: 0 = USER, 1 = SI, 2 = CGS, 3 = BFT, 4 = BIN, 5 = MKS, 6 = MPA, 7 = uMKS. | |
ROUT | Current routine: 0 = Begin level, 17 = PREP7, 21 = SOLUTION, 31 = POST1, 36 = POST26, 52 = AUX2, 53 = AUX3, 62 = AUX12, 65 = AUX15. | |
TIME | WALL,CPU | Current wall clock or CPU time. Current wall clock will continue to accumulate during a run and is not reset to zero at midnight. |
DBASE | LDATE | Date of first modification of any database quantity
required for POST1 operation. The parameter returned is Par = YEAR*10000 + MONTH*100 + DAY. |
DBASE | LTIME | Time of last modification of any
database quantity required for POST1 operation. The parameter returned
is Par = HOURS*10000 + MINUTES*100
REV | Minor release revision number (5.6, 5.7, 6.0 etc.). Letter notation (for example, 5.0A) is not included. | |
TITLE | 0,1,2,3,4 | Item2: START IT2NUM: N Current title string of the main title (IT1NUM =0 or blank) or subtitle 1, 2, 3, or
4 (IT1NUM =1,2,3, or 4). A character
parameter of up to 8 characters, starting at position N , is returned. |
JOBNAM | Item2: START IT2NUM:N Current Jobname. A character parameter of up to 8 characters, starting
at position N , is returned.
Use *DIM and *DO to get all
32 characters. | |
PLATFORM | The current platform. | |
NPROC | CURR, MAX, MAXP | The number of processors being used for the current session, or the maximum total number of processors (physical and virtual) available on the machine, or the maximum number of physical processors available on the machine. This only applies to shared-memory parallelism. |
NUMCPU | Number of distributed processes being used (distributed-memory parallel solution). |
Table 116: *GET General Items, Entity = CMD
Entity = CMD, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank)The following items are valid for all commands except star (*) commands and non-graphics slash (/) commands. | ||
*GET, Par , CMD, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
STAT | Status of previous command: 0=found, 1=not found (unknown). | |
NARGS | Field number of last nonblank field on the previous command. | |
FIELD | 2,3...N | Numerical
value of the N th field on the
previous command. Field 1 is the command name (not available) |
Table 117: *GET General Items, Entity = COMP
Entity = COMP, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , COMP, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NCOMP | Total number of components and assemblies currently defined. |
Entity = COMP, ENTNUM = n (n th component) | ||
*GET, Par , COMP, n , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NAME | Name of the N th item (component or assembly) in the list
of components and assemblies. A character parameter is returned. |
Entity = COMP, ENTNUM = Cname (component or assembly
name) | ||
*GET, Par , COMP, Cname , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TYPE | Type of component Cname: 1=Nodes, 2=Elements, 6=Keypoints,
7=Lines, 8=Areas, 9=Volumes, 11-15=Subcomponents (11=subcomponent
at level 1, 12=subcomponent at level 2, etc.). | |
NSCOMP | Number of subcomponents (for assemblies). | |
SNAME | N | Name of N th subcomponent of
assembly Cname . A character
parameter is returned. |
Table 118: *GET General Items, Entity = GRAPH
Entity =GRAPH, ENTNUM = N (window
number) | ||
*GET, Par , GRAPH, N, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
ACTIVE | /WINDOW status: 0=off, 1=on. | |
ANGLE | /ANGLE THETA angle. | |
CONTOUR | Name | /CONTOUR value for Name , where Name = VMIN, VINC,
or NCONT. |
DIST | /DIST DVAL value. | |
EDGE | /EDGE KEY value. | |
CIN , YF ,
or ZF value. |
GLINE | /GLINE STYLE value. | |
MODE | /USER or /AUTO setting: 0=user, 1=auto. | |
NORMAL | /NORMAL KEY value. | |
RANGE | XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX | /WINDOW XMIN , XMAX , YMIN , or YMAX screen coordinates. |
RATIO | X, Y | /RATIO RATOX or RATOY value. |
TYPE | /TYPE Type value. | |
VIEW | X, Y, Z | /VIEW XV , YV , or ZV value. |
Entity =GRAPH, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , GRAPH, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
DISPLAY | /SHOW VECT setting: 0=raster, 1=vector. | |
ERASE | /ERASE or /NOERASE setting: 0=no erase, 1=erase. | |
NDIST | Largest nodal range for current model (DX, DY, or DZ of the model). | |
NUMBER | /NUMBER NKEY value. | |
PLOPTS | Name | /PLOPTS setting of Name , where Name =LEG1, LEG2, LEG3,
SEG | Segment capability of graphics driver: 0=no segments available, 1=erasable segments available, 2=non-erasable segments available. | |
Table 119: *GET General Items, Entity = PARM
Entity =
PARM, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , PARM, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
MAX | Total number of parameters currently defined. | |
BASIC | Number of scalar parameters (excluding parameters beginning with an underscore _, array parameters, and character parameters). | |
LOC | Num | Name of the parameter at the Num location in the parameter table. A character parameter
is returned. |
Entity = PARM, ENTNUM = Name (parameter name) | ||
*GET, Par , PARM, Name , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TYPE | Parameter type: 0 = scalar, 1 = array, 2 = table, 3 = character scalar, 4 = character array, -1 = undefined | |
DIM | X(1), Y(2), Z(3), (4), (5) | Row (X or 1), Column (Y or 2), Plane (Z or 3), Book (4), or Shelf (5) dimension of array parameter. |
CSYS | Local coordinate system number | |
VAR | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | Name of primary variables 1-5. Primary variable names are character strings. |
If Item1
= DIM and ITNUM refers to a dimension that does not exist, the program
assigns a value of -1 to If Item1 = CSYS and no local coordinate system number
was assigned to the array parameter ( If Item1 = VAR and if IT1NUM refers
to a primary variable that does not exist, the program assigns a blank
value to |
Table 120: *GET General Items, Entity = TBTYPE
Entity =
MatID (where TBTYPE is the material table type as
defined via the TB command, such (ELASTIC, CTE, etc.), and
Evaluates a material property coefficient for a given set of input field variables. | ||
*GET, Par , TBTYPE , MatID , Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM , Fld1 ,
Fld2 ,... | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TBEV: Material table evaluation for query at a given field variable | SINDEX = Subtable index (1
- max number of subtables) | Item2:
CINDEX = Coefficient index |
IT2NUM: | ||
Preprocessing Items
*GET Preprocessing Entity Items
Table 121: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = ACTIVE
Entity = ACTIVE, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , ACTIVE, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
SEG | Segment capability of graphics driver: 0=no segments available, 1=erasable segments available, 2=non-erasable segments available. | |
CSYS | Active coordinate system. | |
DSYS | Active display coordinate system. | |
MAT | Active material. | |
TYPE | Active element type. | |
REAL | Active real constant set. | |
ESYS | Active element coordinate system. | |
SECT | Active section. | |
CP | Maximum coupled node set number in the model (includes merged and deleted sets until compressed out). | |
CE | Maximum constraint equation set number in the model (includes merged and deleted sets until compressed out). |
Table 122: *GET Preprocessing items, Entity = AREA
Entity = AREA, ENTNUM = N (area number) | ||
*GET, Par , AREA, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
ATTR | Name | Number assigned to the attribute, Name , where Name =MAT, TYPE, REAL,
ESYS, KB,KE,SECN, NNOD, NELM, or ESIZ. (NNOD=number of nodes, NELM=number
of elements, ESIZ=element size.) |
ASEL | Select
status of area N : -1=unselected,
0=undefined, 1=selected. Alternative get function: ASEL(N ). | |
NXTH | Next
higher area number above N in
selected set (or zero if none found). | |
NXTL | Next lower area number below N in selected set (or zero if none found). | |
AREA | Area of area N . (ASUM or GSUM must have been
performed sometime previously with at least this area N selected). | |
LOOP | 1,2,...,I | Item2 : LINE, IT2NUM : 1,2,...,p Line number of position p of loop I |
Entity = AREA, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , AREA, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NUM | MAX, MIN | Highest or lowest area number in the selected set. |
NUM | MAXD, MIND | Highest or lowest area number defined. |
COUNT | Number of areas in the selected set. | |
AREA | Combined areas (from last ASUM or GSUM). | |
VOLU | Combined volume of areas (from last ASUM or GSUM. For 3D area elements, thickness is determined from area attributes (AATT). For 2D elements, area attributes are ignored and unit thickness is assumed. | |
CENT | X, Y, Z | Centroid X, Y, or Z location of areas (from last ASUM or GSUM). |
IOR | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX | Moments of inertia about origin (from last ASUM or GSUM). |
IMC | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX | Moments of inertia about mass centroid (from last ASUM or GSUM). |
IPR | X, Y, Z | Principal moments of inertia (from last ASUM or GSUM). |
IXV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation X vector components (from last ASUM or GSUM). |
IYV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation Y vector components (from last ASUM or GSUM). |
IZV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation Z vector components (from last ASUM or GSUM). |
Table 123: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = AXIS
Entity = AXIS, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , AXIS, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
COUNT | -- | Number of defined sections. |
NUM | MAX | Largest section number defined. |
Entity = AXIS, ENTNUM = ID (axis section identifier) | ||
*GET, Par , AXIS, ID , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TYPE | -- | Section type, for ID -- SECTYPE command (always AXIS for axis sections). |
NAME | -- | Name defined for the given section ID number. |
DATA | nnn | Where nnn is the location
in the SECDATA command for the given section ID
number. |
Table 124: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = CDSY
Entity = CDSY, ENTNUM = N (coordinate system number) | ||
*GET, Par , CDSY, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
LOC | X, Y, Z | X, Y, or Z origin location in global Cartesian system. |
ANG | XY, YZ, ZX | THXY, THYZ, or THZX rotation angle (in degrees) relative to the global Cartesian coordinate system. |
ATTR | Name | Number assigned to Name , where Name =KCS, KTHET, KPHI,
PAR1, or PAR2. The value -1.0 is returned for KCS if the coordinate
system is undefined. |
NUM | MAX | The maximum coordinate system number |
Table 125: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = CE
Entity = CE, ENTNUM = N (constraint equation set) | ||
*GET, Par , CE, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
If N = 0, then | ||
MAX | Maximum constraint equation number | |
NUM | Number of constraint equations | |
If N > 0, then | ||
NTERM | Number of terms in this constraint equation | |
CONST | Constant term for this constraint equation | |
TERM | number | Item2 = NODE: Gives the node for this position in the constraint equation. Item2 = DOF: Gives the DOF number for this position in the constraint equation. (1–UX, 2–UY, 3–UZ, 4–ROTX, etc.) Item2 = COEF: Gives the coefficient for this position in the constraint equation. |
Table 126: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = CMPB
Entity = CMPB, ENTNUM = N (composite beam section
identification number) | |||||
*GET, Par , CMPB, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | |||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description | |||
COUNT | Number of defined sections. If Item1 = COUNT, then N is blank. | ||||
NUM | MAX | Largest section number defined. If IT1NUM = MAX, then N is blank. | |||
EXIS | Returns a 1 if the section exists and if it is a CMPB section. | ||||
NAME | The 8-character section name defined via the SECTYPE command. | ||||
One of the following:
| Item2 = NTEM (the number of temperatures for CBMX, CBTE, or CBMD data). | ||||
One of the following:
| Item2 = TVAL; IT2NUM = nnn where | ||||
One of the following:
| nnn | Item2 = TEMP; IT2NUM = tval Where |
Table 127: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = CP
Entity = CP, ENTNUM = N (coupled node set) | ||
*GET, Par , CP, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
If N = 0, then | ||
MAX | Maximum coupled set number | |
NUM | Number of coupled sets | |
If N > 0, then | ||
DOF | The degree of freedom for this set (1–UX, 2–UY, 3–UZ, 4–ROTX, etc.) | |
NTERM | Number of nodes in this set. | |
TERM | number | Item2 = NODE: Gives the node for this position number in the coupled set. |
Table 128: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = CSEC
Entity = CSEC, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , CSEC, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
COUNT | -- | Number of defined sections. |
NUM | MAX | Largest section number defined. |
Entity = CSEC, ENTNUM = ID (contact section identifier) | ||
*GET, Par , CSEC, ID , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TYPE | -- | Section type, for ID -- SECTYPE command (always CONT for contact sections). |
NAME | -- | Name defined for the given section ID number. |
DATA | nnn | Where nnn is the location
in the SECDATA command for the given section ID
number. |
Table 129: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = ELEM
Entity = ELEM, ENTNUM = N (element
number) | ||
*GET, Par , ELEM, N ,
Item1 , IT1NUM ,
Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NODE | 1, 2, ... 20 | Node number at position 1,2,... or 20 of elementN . Alternative get function: NELEM(n,npos ), where npos is
1,2,...20. |
CENT | X, Y, Z | Centroid X, Y, or Z location (based on shape function) in the
active coordinate system. The original locations is used even if large deflections are
active. Alternative get functions: CENTRX(N ),
CENTRY(N ), and CENTRZ(N ) always retrieve the element centroid in global Cartesian
coordinates, and are determined from the selected nodes on the elements. |
ADJ | 1, 2, ... 6 | Element number adjacent to face 1,2,...6. Alternative get
function: ELADJ(N ,face ). Only elements (of the same dimensionality) adjacent to lateral
faces are considered. |
ATTR | Name | Number assigned to the attribute Name , where Name = MAT, TYPE,
REAL, ESYS, PSTAT, LIVE, or SECN. Returns a zero if the element is unselected. If
Name = LIVE, returns a 1 if the element is
selected and active, and a -1 if it is selected and inactive. Name = SECN returns the section number of the selected beam
element. Name = ISOLID returns
the underlying element number of the selected contact or target element. A
CNCHECK command is needed before the *GET
command. |
LENG | Length of line element (straight line between ends). | |
LPROJ | X, Y, Z | Projected line element length (in the active coordinate system). X is x-projection onto y-z plane, Y is y projection onto z-x plane, and Z is z-projection onto x-y plane. |
AREA | Area of area element. | |
APROJ | X, Y, Z | Projected area of area element area (in the active coordinate system). X is x-projection onto y-z plane, Y is y projection onto z-x plane, and Z is z-projection onto x-y plane. |
VOLU | Element volume. Based on unit thickness for 2D plane elements
(unless the thickness option is used) and on the full 360 degrees for 2D axisymmetric
elements. For general axisymmetric elements SOLID272 and SOLID273, only the area of the element on the master plane is reported before solving, not the volume. After solving, the volume is reported. Note: If results data are in the database, the volume returned is the volume calculated during solution. | |
ESEL | Select status of element N :
-1 = unselected, 0 = undefined, 1 = selected. Alternative get function:
ESEL(N ). | |
NXTH | Next higher element number above N in selected set (or zero if none found). Alternative get function:
ELNEXT(N ) | |
NXTL | Next lower element number below N in selected set (or zero if none found). | |
HGEN | Heat generation on selected element N . | |
DGEN | Diffusing substance generation on selected node N (returns 0.0 if node is unselected, or if the DOF is inactive). | |
HCOE | face | Heat coefficient for selected element N on specified face. Returns the value at the first node that forms
the face. |
TBULK | face | Bulk temperature for selected element N on specified face. Returns the value at the first node that forms
the face. |
PRES | face | Pressure on selected element, N on specified face. Returns the value at the first node that forms
the face.Returns the value of the first component (KCSYS = 0/1, LCOMP=0) if the pressure is input using the SFCONTROL command. |
SHPAR | Test | Element shape test result for selected element N , where Test = ANGD,
ASPE (aspect ratio), JACR (Jacobian ratio), MAXA (maximum corner angle), PARA
(deviation from parallelism of opposite edges), or WARP (warping factor). |
MEMBER | COUNT | Number of reinforcing members (individual reinforcings) in the
element N . |
EGID | COUNT | Number of non-duplicate global identifiers in the element
N . |
MIN, MAX | Lowest or highest global identifier in the element
N . |
= 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , ELEM, 0, Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NUM | MAX,MIN | Highest or lowest element number in the selected set. |
NUM | MAXD, MIND | Highest or lowest element number defined. |
COUNT | Number of elements in the selected set. | |
MATM | Highest material number that is referenced by an element. | |
TYPM | Highest element type number that is referenced by an element. | |
RELM | Highest real constant number that is referenced by an element. | |
ESYM | Highest element coordinate system number that is referenced by an element. | |
SECM | Highest section ID number that is referenced by an element. | |
PRTM | Highest part number that is referenced by an element. | |
MEMBER | COUNT | Number of reinforcing members (individual reinforcings) in the selected set of reinforcing elements. |
EGID | COUNT | Number of non-duplicate global identifiers in the selected set of reinforcing elements. |
MIN, MAX | Lowest or highest global identifier in the selected set of reinforcing elements. | |
MIND, MAXD | Lowest or highest global identifier defined. |
Table 130: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = ETYP
Entity = ETYP, ENTNUM = N (element type number) | ||
*GET, Par , ETYP, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
ATTR | Name | Number assigned to the attribute Name , where Name =ENAM, KOP1, KOP2, ..., KOP9, KO10, KO11, etc. |
Entity = ETYP, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET,Par ,ETYP, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NUM | MAX | Maximum element type. |
Table 131: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = GCN
Entity = GCN, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||||||
*GET, Par , GCN, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description | ||||
MAT | Sect1 | Item2 = 0 or blank; IT2NUM = Sect2 . Material ID to be used for general contact between Sect1 and Sect2 . Alternative get function: SECTOMAT(Sect1 ,Sect2 ). | ||||
REAL | Sect1 | Item2 = 0 or blank; IT2NUM = Sect2 . Real constant ID to be used for general contact between Sect1 and Sect2 . Alternative get function: SECTOREAL(Sect1 ,Sect2 ). | ||||
DEF | Sect1 | Item2 = 0 or blank; IT2NUM = Sect2 . Number indicating the type of contact for the general contact definition
between Sect1 and Sect2 :
| ||||
Sect1 and Sect2 are section numbers associated with general contact
surfaces. |
Table 132: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = GENB
Entity = GENB, ENTNUM =N (nonlinear beam general
section identification number) | ||||||||||||||||
*GET, Par , GENB, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||||||||||||||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description | ||||||||||||||
COUNT | (Blank) | Number of defined sections.
If Item1 = COUNT, then N is blank. | ||||||||||||||
NUM | MAX | Largest section number
defined. If IT1NUM = MAX, then N is blank. | ||||||||||||||
EXIS | (Blank) | Returns a 1 if the section exists and if it is a GENB section. | ||||||||||||||
SUBTYPE | (Blank) | Section subtype for the section ID specified via the SECTYPE command. | ||||||||||||||
NAME | (Blank) | The 8-character section name defined via the SECTYPE command. | ||||||||||||||
One of the following:
| (Blank) | Item2 = NTEM, the number
of temperatures for BSAX, BSM1, BSM2, BSTQ, BSS1, BSS2, BSMD, or BSTE data. | ||||||||||||||
One of the following:
| (Blank) | Item2 = TVAL; IT2NUM = nnn Where | ||||||||||||||
One of the
| nnn | Item2 =
TEMP; IT2NUM = tval Where Examples for
| ||||||||||||||
One of the following:
| (Blank) | Item2 = TEMP; IT2NUM = tval ; Item3 = NCONSTThe number of constants at |
Table 133: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = GENS
Entity = GENS, ENTNUM =N (preintegrated shell general
section identification number) | |||||||||
*GET, Par , GENS, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | |||||||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description | |||||||
COUNT | (Blank) | Number of defined sections.
If Item1 = COUNT, then N is blank. | |||||||
NUM | MAX | Largest section number
defined. If IT1NUM = MAX, then N is blank. | |||||||
EXIS | (Blank) | Returns a 1 if the section exists and if it is a GENS section. | |||||||
NAME | (Blank) | The 8-character section name defined via the SECTYPE command. | |||||||
One of the following:
| (Blank) | Item2 = NTEM, the number
of temperatures for SSPA, SSPB, SSPD, SSPE, SSMT, SSBT, or SSPM data. | |||||||
One of the
| (Blank) | Item2 = TVAL; IT2NUM = nnn Where | |||||||
One of the
| nnn | Item2 =
TEMP; IT2NUM = tval Where |
Table 134: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = KP
Entity = KP, ENTNUM = N (keypoint number) | ||
*GET, Par , KP, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
LOC | X, Y, Z | X, Y, or Z location in the active
coordinate system. Alternative get functions: KX(N ), KY(N ), KZ(N ). Inverse get function: KP(x,y,z ) returns the number of the selected
keypoint nearest the x,y,z location
(in the active coordinate system, lowest number for coincident keypoints). |
ATTR | Name | Number assigned to the attribute Name , where Name = MAT, TYPE, REAL,
KSEL | Select status
of keypoint N : -1 = unselected,
0 = undefined, 1 = selected. Alternative get function: KSEL(N ). | |
NXTH | Next
higher keypoint number above N in selected set (or zero if none found). Alternative get function:
KPNEXT(N ). | |
NXTL | Next lower keypoint number below N in selected set (or zero if none found). | |
DIV | Divisions (element size setting) from KESIZE command. |
Entity = KP, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , KP, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NUM | MAX, MIN | Highest or lowest keypoint number in the selected set. |
NUM | MAXD, MIND | Highest or lowest keypoint number defined |
COUNT | Number of keypoints in the selected set. | |
CENT | X, Y, Z | Centroid X, Y, or Z location of keypoints (from last KSUM or GSUM). |
IOR | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX | Moments of inertia about origin (from last KSUM or GSUM). |
IMC | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX | Moments of inertia about mass centroid (from last KSUM or GSUM). |
IPR | X, Y, Z | Principal moments of inertia (from last KSUM or GSUM). |
IXV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation X vector components (from last KSUM or GSUM). |
IYV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation Y vector components (from last KSUM or GSUM). |
IZV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation Z vector components (from last KSUM or GSUM). |
MXLOC | X, Y, Z | Maximum X, Y, or Z keypoint coordinate in the selected set (in the active coordinate system). |
MNLOC | X, Y, Z | Minimum X, Y, or Z keypoint coordinate in the selected set (in the active coordinate system). |
NRELM | m | Keypoint number of meshed region nearest centroid of element m . |
Table 135: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = LINE
Entity = LINE, ENTNUM = N (line number) | ||
*GET, Par , LINE, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
KP | 1,2 | Keypoint number at position 1 or 2. |
ATTR | Name | Number assigned to the attribute, Name , where Name =MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, NNOD, NELM, NDIV, NDNX, SPAC, SPNX, KYND,
KYSP, LAY1, or LAY2. (NNOD=number of nodes, returns --1 for meshed
line with no internal nodes, NELM=number of elements, NDIV=number
of divisions in an existing mesh, NDNX=number of divisions assigned
for next mesh, SPAC=spacing ratio in an existing mesh, SPNX=spacing
ratio for next mesh, KYND=soft key for NDNX, KYSP=soft key for SPNX,
LAY1=LAYER1 setting, LAY2=LAYER2 setting.) |
LSEL | Select status of line N : -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected. Alternative get function:
LSEL(N ). | |
NXTH | Next higher line number above N in the selected set (or zero if none found). Alternative
get function: LSNEXT(N ) | |
NXTL | Next lower line number below N in selected set (or zero if none found). | |
LENG | Length. A get function LX(n,lfrac ) also exists to return the X coordinate
location of line N at the length
fraction lfrac (0.0 to 1.0).
Similar LY and LZ functions exist. |
Entity = LINE, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , LINE, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NUM | MAX, MIN | Highest or lowest line number in the selected set. |
NUM | MIND, MAXD | Highest or lowest line number defined. |
COUNT | Number of lines in the selected set. | |
LENG | Combined length of lines (from last LSUM or GSUM). | |
CENT | X, Y, Z | Centroid X, Y, or Z location of lines (from last LSUM or GSUM). |
IOR | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX | Moments of inertia about origin (from last LSUM or GSUM). |
IMC | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX | Moments of inertia about mass centroid (from last LSUM or GSUM). |
IPR | X, Y, Z | Principal moments of inertia (from last LSUM or GSUM). |
IXV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation X vector components (from last LSUM or GSUM). |
IYV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation Y vector components (from last LSUM or GSUM). |
IZV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation Z vector components (from last LSUM or GSUM). |
Table 136: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = LINK
Entity =
= 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , LINK,
Item1 ,
Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
COUNT | Number of defined sections. | |
NUM | MAX | Largest section number defined. |
Entity = LINK,
id (link section
identification number) | ||
*GET, Par , LINK,
id ,
Item1 ,
Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TYPE | Section type
(SECTYPE) (always LINK for link
sections) associated with the section identified
via id
| |
NAME | Name defined for the given section identification number | |
DATA | nnn | Location in the
SECDATA command for the given
id |
PROP | AREA | Area value |
ADDMAS | Added mass per unit length | |
TENSKEY | Tension/compression key |
Table 137: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = MAT
Entity = MAT, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , MAT, 0, Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
COUNT | Number of materials. | |
NUM | MAX | Largest material number for which at least one property is defined. |
Table 138: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = MPLAB
Entity = MPlab, ENTNUM =N (MPlab = material property label from MP command; N = material number.) | ||
*GET, Par , MPlab, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TEMP | val | Material property value at temperature
of val . For temperature dependent
materials, the program interpolates the property at temperature input
for val . |
Table 139: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = NODE
Entity = NODE, ENTNUM = N (node number) | ||
*GET, Par , NODE, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
LOC | X, Y, Z | X, Y, Z location in the active
coordinate system. Alternative get functions: NX(N ), NY(N ), NZ(N ). Inverse get function. NODE(x,y,z ) returns the number of the selected
node nearest the x,y,z location
(in the active coordinate system, lowest number for coincident nodes). |
ANG | XY, YZ, ZX | THXY, THYZ, THZX rotation angle. |
NSEL | Select status of node N : -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected.
Alternative get function: NSEL(N ). | |
NXTH | Next higher node number
above N in selected set (or
zero if none found). Alternative get function: NDNEXT(N ). | |
NXTL | Next
lower node number below N in
selected set (or zero if none found). | |
F | FX, MX, ... | Applied force at selected node N in
direction IT1NUM (returns 0.0 if no force is
defined, if node is unselected, or if the DOF is inactive). If ITEM2 is IMAG, return the imaginary part.
If the applied force is defined as a constant for this load step, regardless of the
KBC setting, the result will be the force at the end time of a load
step. |
D | UX, ROTX, ... | Applied constraint force at selected node N in direction IT1NUM (returns a
large number, such as 2e100, if no constraint is specified, if the node is unselected,
or if the DOF is inactive). If ITEM2 is IMAG,
return the imaginary part. If the applied constraint
force is defined as a constant for this load step, regardless of the KBC setting, the
result will be the force at the end time of a load step. |
HGEN | Heat generation on selected node N (returns 0.0 if node is unselected, or
if the DOF is inactive). | |
NTEMP | Temperature on selected node N (returns 0.0 if node is unselected) | |
CPS | Lab | Couple set number with direction Lab = any active
DOF, which contains the node N . |
DGEN | Diffusing substance generation on selected node N (returns 0.0 if node is unselected, or if the DOF is inactive). |
= 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , NODE, 0, Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NUM | MAX, MIN | Highest or lowest node number in the selected set. |
NUM | MAXD, MIND | Highest or lowest node number defined. |
COUNT | Number of nodes in the selected set. | |
MXLOC | X, Y, Z | Maximum X, Y, or Z node coordinate in the selected set (in the active coordinate system). |
MNLOC | X, Y, Z | Minimum X, Y, or Z node coordinate in the selected set (in the active coordinate system). |
Note: If the
application creates internal nodes during solution, the internal nodes will not be
included. You can include them by using KINTERNAL . The
command syntax is: *GET, The options for the |
Table 140: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = OCEAN
Entity = OCEAN, ENTNUM = Type (where
Type is a valid label on the
DataType field of the OCTYPE
command) | ||
Par , OCEAN, Type , Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NAME | Name defined for a given Type | |
DATA | 1 | Depth when Type =
2 | Material ID when Type = BASI | |
8 | KFLOOD when Type
= BASI | |
9 | Cay when Type =
BASI | |
10 | Cb when Type =
BASI | |
11 | Zmsl when Type =
BASI | |
13 | Caz when Type =
BASI | |
14 | Ktable when Type
= BASI | |
1 | KWAVE when Type
= WAVE | |
2 | THETA when Type
= WAVE | |
3 | WAVELOC when Type = WAVE | |
4 | KCRC when Type =
WAVE | |
5 | KMF when Type =
WAVE | |
6 | PRKEY when Type
= WAVE | |
PROP | NROW | Number of rows defined by OCTABLE command |
TABL | i | Data in table defined by OCTABLE command
i = row number; Item2 = column number |
Entity = OCEAN, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , OCEAN, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
COUNT | Number of defined global ocean entities (BASIC/CURRENT/WAVE) | |
It may be necessary to determine Cay , Caz , CMy , or CMz during the solution process.
In such cases, a negative value (-1.0) is returned to Par if the item is not specified in the database. |
Table 141: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = OCZONE
Entity = OCZONE, ENTNUM = Name (where Name is a valid label on the ZoneName field of the OCZONE command) | ||
*GET, Par , OCZONE, Name , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
DATA | 8 | KFLOOD for a given ENTNUM = Name |
9 | Cay for a given ENTNUM = Name | |
10 | Cb for a given ENTNUM = Name | |
13 | Caz for a given ENTNUM = Name | |
PROP | NROW | Number of rows defined by OCTABLE command |
TABL | i | Data in table defined by OCTABLE command i = row number; Item2 = column
number |
TYPE | Ocean zone type (returns 1, 2 or 3 for ZLOC-, COMP-, or PIP-type zones, respectively) | |
COMP | Component name when the given ocean zone type is COMP, or internal component name when the given ocean zone type is PIP | |
COMP2 | External component name when the type of given ocean zone is PIP |
Entity = OCZONE, ENTNUM = N | ||
*GET, Par , OCZONE, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
NAME | Name defined
for a given zone ID (ENTNUM ) |
Entity = OCZONE, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , OCZONE, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
COUNT | Number of defined zones | |
If a requested
item is not specified in the database, a negative value (-1.0) is
returned to Par . |
Table 142: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = PIPE
Entity = PIPE, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , PIPE, NUM , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
COUNT | Number of defined sections | |
NUM | MAX | Largest section number defined |
Entity = PIPE, ENTNUM = id (pipe section identification
number) | ||
*GET, Par , PIPE, id , Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TYPE | Section type, for id - SECTYPE command (always PIPE for pipe sections) | |
SUBTYPE | Section type for id - SECTYPE command | |
NAME | Name defined for the given section id number | |
DATA | nnn | Where nnn is the location in the SECDATA command for the
given section id number |
SFLEX | nnn | Where nnn is the location in the SFLEX command for the given section ID number |
PROP | AREA | Area value |
IYY, IYZ, IZZ | Moments of inertia | |
TORS | Torsion constant | |
SCYY, SCYZ, SCZZ | Shear correction factors | |
OFFY | Section offset in the Y direction. | |
OFFZ | Section offset in the Z direction. | |
ADDMAS | Added mass per unit length |
Table 143: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = PART
Entity = PART, ENTNUM = N (PART number) | ||
*GET, Par , PART, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TYPE | Element type number assigned to PART N . | |
MAT | Material
number assigned to PART N . | |
REAL | Real constant number assigned to PART N . |
Entity = PART, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , PART,
0, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM | ||
NUMP | Total number of parts in the model. |
Table 145: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = REIN
= N (reinforcing section identification
number) | ||
*GET, Par , REIN, N ,
Item1 , IT1NUM ,
Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TYPE | Section type, for ID -- SECTYPE command (always REIN for reinforcing sections). | |
SUBTYPE | Section subtype for ID -- SECTYPE command. | |
NAME | Name defined for a given ID number. | |
NREIN | Number of reinforcing fibers. For reinforcing sections generated (EREINF) via the standard method, the number of fibers defined via SECDATA. For reinforcing sections generated (EREINF) via the mesh-independent method, the total number of fibers in the section. | |
TABL | ReinfNum,I | Reinforcing fiber data, as defined via SECDATA. This item is not allowed for reinforcing sections generated (EREINF) via the mesh-independent method. |
Table 146: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = SCTN
Entity = SCTN, ENTNUM = N (pretension section ID
number) | ||
*GET, Par , SCTN, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
1 | Section ID number. | |
2 | Section type (always 5 for pretension section). | |
3 | Pretension node number. | |
4 | Coordinate system number. | Section normal NX. |
5 | Coordinate system number. | Section normal NY. |
6 | Coordinate system number. | Section normal NZ. |
7 or 8 | Eight character section name. | |
9 | Initial action key. Returns 0 or 1 for lock, 2 for "free-to-slide," or 3 for tiny. | |
10 | Force displacement key. Returns 0 or 1 for force, or 2 for displacement. | |
11 | First preload value. | |
12 | Load step in which first preload value is to be applied. | |
13 | Load step in which first preload value is to be locked. | |
14... | 14 through 17 is a repeat of 10 through 13, but for the second preload value; 18 through 21 is for the third preload value; and so forth. |
Table 147: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = SECP
Entity = SECP, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , SECP, NUM , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
COUNT | Number of defined sections | |
NUM | MAX | Largest section number defined |
Entity = SECP, ENTNUM = id (beam section identification
number) | |||||
*GET, Par , SECP, id , Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM | |||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description | |||
TYPE | Section type, for id - SECTYPE command (always BEAM for beam sections) | ||||
SUBTYPE | Section type for id - SECTYPE command | ||||
NAME | Name defined for the given section id number | ||||
DATA | nnn | Where nnn is the location in the SECDATA command for the
given section id number | |||
PROP | AREA | Area value | |||
IYY, IYZ, IZZ | Moments of inertia | ||||
WARP | Warping constant | ||||
TORS | Torsion constant | ||||
CGY, CGZ | Y or Z coordinate center of gravity | ||||
SHCY, SHCZ | Y or Z coordinate shear center | ||||
SCYY, SCYZ, SCZZ | Shear correction factors | ||||
OFFSET | Offset location:
| ||||
OFFY | Section offset in the Y direction. | ||||
OFFZ | Section offset in the Z direction. | ||||
TXY | User transverse shear stiffness XY | ||||
TXZ | User transverse shear stiffness XZ | ||||
ADDMAS | Added mass per unit length |
Table 148: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = SHEL
Entity = SHEL, ENTNUM = N (shell section identification number) | ||
Par , SHEL, N ,
Item1 , IT1NUM ,
Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TYPE | Section type, for id -- SECTYPE command. (always SHEL for shell sections) | |
NAME | Name defined for a given id number. | |
PROP | TTHK | Total thickness. |
NLAY | Number of layers. | |
NSP | Number of section integration points. | |
POS | Node position (as defined by SECOFFSET). | |
0 = User Defined. | ||
1 = Middle. | ||
2 = Top. | ||
3 = Bottom. | ||
OFFZ | User-defined section offset (POS = 0). | |
TS11 | Transverse shear stiffness factors. | |
TS22 | Transverse shear stiffness factors. | |
TS12 | Transverse shear stiffness factors. | |
HORC | Homogeneous or complete section flag. | |
0 = Homogeneous. | ||
1 = Composite. | ||
FUNC | Tabular function name for total thickness. | |
UT11 | User transverse shear stiffness 11. | |
UT22 | User transverse shear stiffness 22. | |
UT12 | User transverse shear stiffness 12. | |
AMAS | Added mass. | |
MSCF | Hourglass control membrane scale factor. | |
BSCF | Hourglass control bending scale factor. | |
DSTF | Drill stiffness scale factor. | |
LDEN | Laminate density. | |
FKCN | KCN field value from the
SECFUNCTION command, in which the array or table is
interpreted. | |
ABD | Section membrane and bending stiffness matrix. Valid ITEM2 = 1,6 and IT2NUM = 1,6. | |
E | Section transverse shear stiffness matrix. Valid ITEM2 = 1,2 and IT2NUM = 1,2. | |
LAYD | LayerNumber,THIC | Layer thickness. |
LayerNumber,MAT | Layer material. | |
LayerNumber,ANGL | Layer orientation angle. | |
LayerNumber,NINT | Number of layer integration points. |
Table 149: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = TBFT
Entity = TBFT, ENTNUM = blank | ||
*GET, Par , TBFT, , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
nmat | Number of defined material models. | |
matnum | index | Material number in array (index varies for 1 to num materials). |
Entity = TBFT, ENTNUM = matid (For getting names of constitutive function, matid = the material
ID number) | ||
*GET, Par , TBFT, matid , nfun , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
nfun | Number of constitutive functions for this material. | |
Entity = TBFT, ENTNUM = matid (To query constitutive function data, matid = the material ID number) | ||
*GET, Par , TBFT, matid , func , fname , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
func | index | If Item2 = fname, the name of the constitutive function is returned. |
func | function name | If Item2 = ncon, the number of constants is returned for the function specified in IT1NUM by the constitutive function name. |
" | " | If Item2 = cons, set Item2num to index to return the value of the constant. |
" | " | If Item2 = fixe, set Item2num to index to return the fix flag status. |
" | " | If Item2 = RESI, returns the residual error while fitting the data. |
" | " | If Item2 = type, returns the category of the constitutive model (moon, poly, etc.) |
" | " | If Item2 = sord, returns the shear order of the prony visco model. |
" | " | If Item2 = bord, returns the bulk order of the prony visco model. |
" | " | If Item2 = shif, returns the shift function name of the prony visco model. |
Entity = TBFT, ENTNUM =
matid (For getting names of experimental data,
matid = the material ID number) | ||
Par , TBFT, matid ,
nexp , IT1NUM ,
Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
nexp | Number of experiments for this material. | |
Entity = TBFT, ENTNUM = matid (To query experimental data, matid = the material ID number)) | ||
*GET, Par , TBFT, matid , func , fname , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
" | expindex | If Item2 = type, returns experiments type string. |
" | " | If Item2 = numrow, returns number of rows in the data. |
" | " | If Item2 = numcol, returns the number of cols in a row (set Intem2num = Row index) |
" | " | If Item2 = data, returns the value of the data in row, col of exp expindex (set item2Num = row index and item3 = column index. All indices vary from 1 to the maximum value. |
" | " | If Item2 = natt, returns the number of attributes. |
" | " | If Item2 = attname, returns the attribute name (set Item2Num = Attr index). |
" | " | If Item2 = attvald, returns double value of attribute (set Item2Num = Attr index). |
" | " | If Item2 = attvali, returns integer valud of attribute (set Item2Num = Attr index). |
" | " | If Item2 = attvals, returns the string value of the attribute (set Item2Num = Attr index). |
Table 150: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = TBLAB
Entity = TBLAB, ENTNUM = N ..(TBlab = data table label from the TB command; N = material number.) | ||
*GET, Par , TBlab , N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM , TBOPT | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TEMP | T | Item2: CONST IT2NUM: Num Value
of constant number Num in the data table at temperature T . For constants, input an X,Y point; the constant numbers
are consecutive with the X constants being the odd numbers, beginning
with one. |
Important: To get all necessary output for materials defined via the TB command, you must specify the final argument |
Table 151: *GET Preprocessing Items, Entity = VOLU
Entity = VOLU, ENTNUM = N (volume number) | ||
*GET, Par , VOLU, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
ATTR | Name | Number assigned to the attribute Name , where Name =MAT, TYPE, REAL,
ESYS, NNOD, or NELM. (NNOD=number of nodes, NELM=number of elements.) |
VSEL | Select status of volume N : -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected.
Alternative get function: VSEL(N ). | |
NXTH | Next higher volume number
above N in selected set (or
zero if none found). Alternative get function: VLNEXT(N ). | |
NXTL | Next
lower volume number below N in
selected set (or zero if none found). | |
VOLU | Volume of volume N . (VSUM or GSUM must have been
performed sometime previously with at least this volume N selected). | |
SHELL | 1, 2, ..., m | Item2: AREA IT2NUM: 1,2,...,p Line number of
position p of shell m |
Entity = VOLU, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , VOLU, 0, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM | ||
NUM | MAX, MIN | Highest or lowest volume number in the selected set. |
NUM | MAXD, MIND | Highest or lowest volume number defined. |
COUNT | Number of volumes in the selected set. | |
VOLU | Combined volumes (from last VSUM or GSUM). | |
CENT | X, Y, Z | Centroid X, Y, or Z location of volumes (from last VSUM or GSUM). |
IOR | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX | Moments of inertia about origin (from last VSUM or GSUM). |
IMC | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX | Moments of inertia about mass centroid (from last VSUM or GSUM). |
IPR | X, Y, Z | Principal moments of inertia (from last VSUM or GSUM). |
IXV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation X vector components (from last VSUM or GSUM). |
IYV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation Y vector components (from last VSUM or GSUM). |
IZV | X, Y, Z | Principal orientation Z vector components (from last VSUM or GSUM). |
Solution Items
*GET Solution Entity Items
Table 152: *GET Solution Items, Entity = ACTIVE
Entity = ACTIVE, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , ACTIVE, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
ANTY | Current analysis type. | |
SOLU | DTIME | Time step size. |
NCMLS | Cumulative number of load steps. | |
NCMSS | Number of substeps. NOTE: Used only for static, transient, and harmonic balance method (HBM) analyses. | |
EQIT | Number of equilibrium iterations. | |
NCMIT | Cumulative number of iterations. | |
CNVG | Convergence indicator: 0=not converged, 1=converged. | |
MXDVL | Maximum degree of freedom value. | |
RESFRQ | Response frequency for 2nd order systems. | |
RESEIG | Response eigenvalue for 1st order systems. | |
DSPRM | Descent parameter. | |
FOCV | Force convergence value. | |
MOCV | Moment convergence value. | |
HFCV | Heat flow convergence value. | |
MFCV | Magnetic flux convergence value. | |
CSCV | Current segment convergence value. | |
CUCV | Current convergence value. | |
FFCV | Fluid flow convergence value. | |
DICV | Displacement convergence value. | |
ROCV | Rotation convergence value. | |
TECV | Temperature convergence value. | |
VMCV | Vector magnetic potential convergence value. | |
SMCV | Scalar magnetic potential convergence value. | |
VOCV | Voltage convergence value. | |
PRCV | Pressure convergence value. | |
VECV | Velocity convergence value. | |
CRPRAT | Maximum creep ratio. | |
PSINC | Maximum plastic strain increment. | |
CGITER | Number of iterations in the PCG and symmetric JCG (non-complex version) solvers. |
Table 153: *GET Solution Items, Entity = ELEM
Entity = ELEM, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , ELEM, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
MTOT | X, Y, Z | Total mass components. |
MC | X, Y, Z | Center of mass components. |
IOR | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX | Moment of inertia about origin. |
IMC | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX | Moment of inertia about the center of mass. |
IPRIN | X, Y, Z | Principal moments of inertia. |
IANG | XY, YZ, ZX | Angles of the moments of inertia principal axes. |
FMC | X, Y, Z | Force components at mass centroid (1). |
MMOR | X, Y, Z | Moment components at origin (1). |
MMMC | X, Y, Z | Moment components at mass centroid (1). |
Note: Items (1) are available only after inertia relief solution (IRLF,1) or pre-calculation of masses (IRLF,-1).
Item values are consistent with the mass summary printed in the output file. They are based on unscaled mass properties (see MASCALE command).
Table 154: *GET Solution Items, Entity = MODE
Entity = MODE, ENTNUM = N (mode number) | ||
*GET, Par , MODE, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
FREQ | Frequency of mode N .Returned values are valid for modal analyses which calculate real eigensolutions. | |
STAB | Stability value of mode N .Returned values are valid for modal analyses which calculate complex eigensolutions. The stability value is the real part of the complex eigenvalue. It contains information on the mode damping in a damped modal analysis. | |
DFRQ | Damped frequency of
mode N .Returned values are valid for modal analyses which calculate complex eigensolutions. The damped frequency is the imaginary part of the complex eigenvalue. | |
PFACT | Participation factor
of mode N .
For a PSD analysis with spatial correlation or wave excitation, the retrieved participation factors will correspond to the first degree of freedom that is excited. | |
EFFM | Effective mass of mode N .Returned values are valid only after a modal
analysis with effective mass calculation has been solved. The direction
is specified using | |
GENM | Generalized mass (also called modal mass) of mode
N .Returned values are valid only after a modal analysis with generalized mass calculation has been solved. | |
MCOEF | Mode coefficient of mode N . Returned values are valid only after
a spectrum analysis has been solved. The spectrum number M is specified
using After a PSD analysis, the diagonal of the dynamic modal covariance matrix is retrieved for the displacement solution. | |
DAMP | Damping ratio
of mode N . If retrieved after
a modal analysis that creates complex solutions (DAMP, QRDAMP, or
UNSYM eigensolvers) returned value is calculated from the complex
frequencies. If retrieved after a spectrum analysis, returned value is the effective damping ratio. Not a function of direction. Also retrievable following a harmonic analysis or transient analysis with mode-superposition. |
For all items except PFACT and MCOEF (as noted above), only the first 10000 values corresponding to significant modes will be returned.
The MODE file must be available to retrieve items PFACT and
MCOEF with specified Item2
. If Item2
is not specified, the last calculated value will
be returned.
All values retrieved correspond to the first load step values.
For a Campbell diagram analysis (multistep modal), *GET with Entity
= CAMP must be used.
Table 155: *GET Solution Items, Entity = DDAM
Entity = DDAM, ENTNUM = N (mode number) | ||
*GET,Par ,DDAM,N , Item1 , IT1NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
DSHOCK | Shock design value of mode N . |
If multiple DDAM analyses are performed, the last calculated value will be returned.
Postprocessing Items
*GET Postprocessing Entity Items
Table 156: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = ACTIVE
Entity = ACTIVE, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | |||
*GET,Par , ACTIVE, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | |||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description | |
SET | LSTP | Current load step number. | |
SBST | Current substep number. | ||
TIME | Time associated with current results in the database. | ||
FREQ | Frequency (for ANTYPE=MODAL, HARMIC, SPECTR; load factor for ANTYPE=BUCKLE). | ||
NSET | If Item2 is blank,
number of data sets on result file.
| ||
RSYS | Active results coordinate system. |
Table 157: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = ACUS
| ||
Par , ACUS, 0, Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
PWL | Radiated sound power level | |
PRES | Far-field pressure at a given point | |
PHASE | Far-field pressure phase at a given point | |
SPL | Far-field sound pressure level at a given point | |
SPLA | Far-field a-weighted sound pressure level at a given point | |
DG | Far-field directivity at a given point | |
PS | Far-field scattered pressure at a given point | |
TS | Far-field target strength at a given point | |
DFIN | Diffuse sound field incident power | |
SIMP | Magnitude of specific acoustic impedance on the selected surface | |
AIMP | Magnitude of acoustic impedance on the selected surface | |
MIMP | Magnitude of mechanical impedance on the selected surface | |
APRES | Magnitude of average pressure on the selected surface | |
FORC | Magnitude of average force on the selected surface | |
POWER | Acoustic power through the selected surface | |
BSPL | SPL over frequency band | |
BSPA | A-weighted SPL over frequency band | |
PWRF | Reference sound power | |
TL | Transmission loss | |
RL | Return loss | |
Item1 = PWL, PRES, SPL, SPLA, PHASE, DG, PS, and TS are available after issuing the PRFAR or PLFAR command. The maximum values are obtained from the current command. Item1 = SIMP, AIMP, MIMP, APRES, FORC, POWER, TL, and RL are available after issuing the corresponding PRAS command at the current frequency. The values are obtained at the current frequency, or at the last frequency for multiple load step and substep cases. Item1 = DFIN is available after the diffuse sound field solution. |
Table 158: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = CAMP
Entity = CAMP, ENTNUM = N (mode
number) | ||
*GET,Par , CAMP, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NBMO | Number of modes in the Campbell diagram
(ENTNUM not required). This value is the
maximum value for N . | |
NBST | Number of steps in the Campbell diagram: modal load
steps with rotational velocity (ENTNUM not
required). This value is the maximum value for M (see Item1 = FREQ). | |
WHRL | M | Whirl of mode N
at step M : -1 is
backward whirl, 1 is forward whirl, and 0 is undetermined. For default IT1NUM , it
corresponds to the whirl at the maximum rotational velocity. |
VCRI | Critical speed
for mode | |
FREQ | M | Natural frequency of mode (Hz) N at step M . It represents the complex part of the eigenvalue. |
STAB | M | Stability value (Hz) of mode N at
step M . It represents the real part of
the eigenvalue. |
UKEY | M | Instability key for mode N
at step M : 0 is
stable and 1 is unstable. For default
IT1NUM , it corresponds to the stability over
the whole rotational velocity range. |
VSTA | Stability limit for mode N. This value
is available when |
Note: If the sorting is activated (Option=ON
on the PRCAMP and PLCAMP commands),
all the parameters retrieved are in the sorted order.
Table 159: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = CINT
= CrackId (required Crack ID number) | ||
*GET,Par , CINT, CrackId ,
Item1 , IT1NUM ,
Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
CTIP | ctnum |
Returns JINT value if crack ID is JINT type; otherwise, returns 0.
Entity = CINT, ENTNUM =
CrackID (required Crack ID number) | ||
*GET, Par , CINT,
CrackId , Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM , Item3 ,
IT3NUM , Item4 ,
IT4NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
CTIP | ctnum |
Note: DLTK in a 3D XFEM-based fatigue crack-growth analysis is evaluated based on the smoothed SIFS values. The actual DLTK value can be easily calculated by issuing *GET for SIFS values and the stress (load) ratio. |
Entity = CINT, ENTNUM =
CrackID (required Crack ID number) | ||
*GET, Par , CINT,
CrackId , Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM , | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NNOD | Maximum number of nodes along the crack front. | |
Entity = CINT, ENTNUM =
CrackID (required Crack ID number) | ||
*GET, Par , CINT,
CrackId , Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NODE | ipos | IT1NUM = Position along the crack front (from 1 to NNOD). Default = 1. Returns node number at the given position along the crack front. (For XFEM, an internal node number is returned.) |
Table 160: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = CYCCALC
CYCSPEC specification numberGenerate date for cyclic results using CYCCALC before retrieving those items. | ||||
*GET,Par ,CYCCALC,spec ,
Item1 , IT1NUM ,
Item2 , IT2NUM | ||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Item2 | IT2NUM | Description |
FREQ | frequency point | SECTOR | sector | CYCSPEC result at the IT1NUM frequency and IT2NUM sector |
SECMAX | - | CYCSPEC maximum result at the IT1NUM frequency | ||
SECNUM | - | CYCSPEC sector with the maximum result at the IT1NUM frequency | ||
SECNODE | - | CYCSPEC node in the sector with the maximum result at the IT1NUM frequency | ||
The frequency point refers to the harmonic solution data set number (NSET on the SET command) |
Table 161: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = ELEM
Entity = ELEM, ENTNUM = N (element
number) | ||
*GET,Par , ELEM, N ,
Item1 , IT1NUM ,
Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
SERR[a] | Structural error energy. | |
SDSG[a] | Absolute value of the maximum variation of any nodal stress component. | |
TERR[a] | Thermal error energy. | |
TDSG[a] | Absolute value of the maximum variation of any nodal thermal gradient component. | |
SENE | "Stiffness" energy or thermal heat dissipation. Same as TENE. | |
TENE | Thermal heat dissipation or "stiffness" energy. Same as SENE. | |
KENE | Kinetic energy. | |
ASENE | Amplitude “stiffness” energy. | |
PSENE | Peak “stiffness” energy. | |
AKENE | Amplitude kinetic energy. | |
PKENE | Peak kinetic energy. | |
DENE | Damping energy. | |
WEXT[b] | Work due to external load. | |
JHEAT | Element Joule heat generation (coupled-field calculation). | |
JS | X, Y, Z | Source current density (coupled-field calculation) in the global Cartesian coordinate system. |
HS | X, Y, Z | Average element magnetic field intensity from current sources. |
VOLU | Element volume, as calculated during solution. | |
ETAB | Lab | Value of element table item Lab for element N (see
ETABLE command). |
EFOR | Nnum |
Element force at node In a dynamics analysis, the element forces returned are based on the type of
force requested. It is specified using the FORCE command for all
dynamics analyses, except for spectrum analyses where
SMISC | Snum | Value of element summable miscellaneous data at sequence number
Snum (as used on ETABLE
command). |
NMISC | Snum | Value of element non-summable miscellaneous data at sequence
number Snum (as used on
ETABLE command). |
FSOU | Element fluid flow source loading (poromechanics). |
[a] Some element- and material-type limitations apply. For more information, see the documentation for the PRERR command.
[b] WEXT is calculated for element-based loading only (and not for nodal-force loading). WEXT is stored on elements to which loading has been applied; if surface elements are added on top of other elements, for example, and pressure loading is applied to the surface elements, WEXT is available for the surface elements only.
Table 162: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = ETAB
Entity = ETAB, ENTNUM = N (column number) | ||
*GET,Par , ETAB, N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
LAB | Label for column N of the element table
(ETABLE). Returns a character parameter. | |
ELEM | E | Value in ETABLE column N for element number E . |
Entity = ETAB, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET,Par ,ETAB,0, Item1, IT1NUM,
Item2, IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NCOL | MAX | Total number of ETABLE columns. |
NLENG | MAX | Largest element number defined. |
Table 164: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = GSRESULT
Entity = GSRESULT, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) for generalized plane strain results in fiber direction | ||
*GET, Par , GSRESULT, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
LFIBER[a] | Fiber length change at ending point. | |
ROT[a] | X,Y | Rotation angle of end plane about X or Y axis. |
F[a] | Reaction force at ending point. | |
M[a] | X,Y | Reaction moment on ending plane. |
[a] These results are available only when both database and results files are read.
Table 165: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = MEMBER
N (GroupID) | ||
Item1 , IT1NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TEMP | MIN, MAX | Minimum or maximum temperature of members (individual reinforcings)
with GroupID = N in the selected set of reinforcing
elements. |
Entity = MEMBER, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
Item1 , IT1NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
TEMP | MIN, MAX | Minimum or maximum temperature in the selected set of reinforcing elements. |
Table 166: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = NODE
Entity = NODE ,
ENTNUM = N (node number) for nodal degree-of-freedom results: | |||||||||
*GET, Par , NODE, N ,
Item1 , IT1NUM ,
Item2 , IT2NUM | |||||||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description | |||||||
U | X, Y, Z, SUM | X, Y, or Z structural displacement or vector sum. Alternative get
functions: UX(N ), UY(N ), UZ(N ). | |||||||
ROT | X, Y, Z, SUM | X, Y, or Z structural rotation or vector sum. Alternative get
functions: ROTX(N ), ROTY(N ), ROTZ(N ). | |||||||
TEMP | Temperature. For SHELL131 and
SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use TBOT, TE2,
TE3, . . ., TTOP instead of TEMP. Alternative get functions: TEMP(N ), TBOT(N ),
TE2(N ), etc.For
SHELL294 element, use TBOT and TTOP in addition to TEMP.
Alternative get functions: TEMP( | ||||||||
PRES | Pressure. Alternative get function: PRES(N ). | ||||||||
GFV1, GFV2, GFV3 | Nonlocal field values 1, 2, and 3. | ||||||||
VOLT | Electric potential. Alternative get function: VOLT(N ). | ||||||||
CONC | Concentration. | ||||||||
MAG | Magnetic scalar potential. Alternative get function:
MAG(N ). | ||||||||
V | X, Y, Z, SUM | X, Y, or Z fluid velocity or vector sum in a fluid analysis. X, Y,
or Z nodal velocity or vector sum in a structural transient analysis (analysis with
ANTYPE,TRANS). Alternative get functions: VX(N ), VY(N ),
VZ(N ). | |||||||
A | X, Y, Z, SUM | X, Y, or Z magnetic vector potential or vector sum in an
electromagnetic analysis. X, Y, or Z nodal acceleration or vector sum in a structural
transient analysis (analysis with ANTYPE,TRANS). Alternative get
functions: AX(N ), AY(N ), AZ(N ). | |||||||
CURR | Current. | ||||||||
EMF | Electromotive force drop. | ||||||||
RF | FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, MZ, CSGZ, BMOM, RATE, DVOL, FLOW, HEAT, HBOT, HTOP, AMPS or CHRG, FLUX, CURT, VLTG | Nodal reaction forces in the nodal coordinate system. The
reaction forces returned are the total forces: static, plus damping, plus
inertial, as appropriate based on analysis type
(see PRRSOL command). The first exception is modal
analyses and mode-superposition transient analyses where static forces are returned.
The second exception is spectrum analyses where the
PRRFOR logic is used internally. In this case, the reaction
forces are based on the type of force requested (using
ForceType with combination commands, such as
SRSS, PSDCOM, etc.). The third exception is reaction forces at a node attached to a
SHELL294 element where HBOT and HTOP are always evaluated
using the PRRFOR logic internally. | |||||||
ORBT | A, B, PSI, PHI, YMAX, ZMAX, Whirl |
Whirl orbit characteristics:
Angles PSI and PHI are in degrees and within the range of -180 through +180. Orbits are available only after issuing a PRORB command. | |||||||
Note: Use this command carefully when N represents an internal node, as the nodal degrees of freedom may have different physical meanings. |
Entity = NODE ,
ENTNUM = N (node number) for averaged nodal results based on selected
elements: | ||||
Par , NODE, N , Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description | Item2 | |
S | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component stress. | Item2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels
are:AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results. ESOL- Use element-based results only. NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only. | |
1, 2, 3 | Principal stress. | |||
INT, EQV | Stress intensity or equivalent stress. | |||
MAXF | Maximum stress failure criterion. | |||
TWSI | Tsai-Wu strength failure criterion. | |||
TWSR | Inverse of Tsai-Wu strength ratio index failure criterion. | |||
EPTO | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, | Component total strain (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR). | ||
1, 2, 3 | Principal total strain. | |||
INT, EQV | Total strain intensity or total equivalent strain. | |||
EPEL | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component elastic strain. | Item2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels
are:AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results. ESOL- Use element-based results only. NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only. | |
1, 2, 3 | Principal elastic strain. | |||
INT, EQV | Elastic strain intensity or elastic equivalent strain. | |||
MAXF | Maximum strain failure criterion. | |||
EPPL | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component plastic strain. | Item2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels
are:AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results. ESOL- Use element-based results only. NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only. | |
1, 2, 3 | Principal plastic strain. | |||
INT, EQV | Plastic strain intensity or plastic equivalent strain. | |||
EPCR | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component creep strain. | Item2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels
are:AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results. ESOL- Use element-based results only. NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only. | |
1, 2, 3 | Principal creep strain. | |||
INT, EQV | Creep strain intensity or creep equivalent strain. | |||
ESIG | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Components of Biot’s effective stress. | ||
1, 2, 3 | Principal stresses of Biot’s effective stress. | |||
INT | Stress intensity of Biot’s effective stress. | |||
EQV | Equivalent stress of Biot’s effective stress. | |||
CDM | DMG | Damage variable | ||
LM | Maximum previous strain energy for virgin material | |||
GKS | X, XY, XZ | Gasket component stress. | ||
GKD | X, XY, XZ | Gasket component total closure. | ||
GKDI | X, XY, XZ | Gasket component total inelastic closure. | ||
GKTH | X, XY, XZ | Gasket component thermal closure. | ||
EPTH | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component thermal strain. | Item2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels
are:AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results. ESOL- Use element-based results only. NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only. | |
1, 2, 3 | Principal thermal strain. | |||
INT, EQV | Thermal strain intensity or thermal equivalent strain. | |||
EPSW | Swelling strain. | Item2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels
are:AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results. ESOL- Use element-based results only. NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only. | ||
FAIL | MAX | Maximum of all failure criterion defined for this node. | ||
EMAX | Maximum Strain failure criterion. | |||
SMAX | Maximum Stress failure criterion. | |||
TWSI | Tsai-Wu Failure Criterion Strength Index failure criterion. | |||
TWSR | Inverse of Tsai-Wu Strength Ratio Index failure criterion. | |||
USR1, USR2, ..., USR9 | User-defined failure criteria. | |||
HFIB | Hashin Fiber Failure Criterion. | |||
HMAT | Hashin Matrix Failure Criterion. | |||
PFIB | Puck Fiber Failure Criterion. | |||
PMAT | Puck Matrix Failure Criterion. | |||
L3FB | LaRc03 Fiber Failure Criterion. | |||
L3MT | LaRc03 Matrix Failure Criterion. | |||
L4FB | LaRc04 Fiber Failure Criterion. | |||
L4MT | LaRc04 Matrix Failure Criterion. | |||
NL | SEPL | Equivalent stress (from stress-strain curve). | ||
SRAT | Stress state ratio. | |||
HPRES | Hydrostatic pressure. | |||
EPEQ | Accumulated equivalent plastic strain. | |||
CREQ | Accumulated equivalent creep strain. | |||
PSV | Plastic state variable or plastic work/volume. | |||
PLWK | Plastic work/volume. | |||
TG | X, Y, Z, SUM | Component thermal gradient and sum. Note: IT1NUM = SUM is not supported for coupled
pore-pressure-thermal (CPT | ||
TF | X, Y, Z, SUM | Component thermal flux and sum. Note: IT1NUM = SUM is not supported for coupled
pore-pressure-thermal (CPT | ||
PG | X, Y, Z, SUM | Component pressure gradient and sum. | ||
EF | X, Y, Z, SUM | Component electric field and sum. | ||
D | X, Y, Z, SUM | Component electric flux density and sum. | ||
H | X, Y, Z, SUM | Component magnetic field intensity and sum. | ||
B | X, Y, Z, SUM | Component magnetic flux density and sum. | ||
CG | X, Y, Z, SUM | Component concentration gradient or vector sum. | ||
DF | X, Y, Z, SUM | Component diffusion flux density or vector sum. | ||
FMAG | X, Y, Z, SUM | Component electromagnetic force and sum. | ||
HS | X, Y, Z | Component magnetic field intensity from current sources (in the global Cartesian coordinate system). | ||
BFE | TEMP | Body temperatures (calculated from applied temperatures) as used in solution. | ||
FICT | TEMP | Fictive temperature. | ||
CAP | C0,X0,K0,ZONE, DPLS,VPLS | Material cap plasticity model only: Cohesion; hydrostatic compaction yielding stress; I1 at the transition point at which the shear and compaction envelopes intersect; zone = 0: elastic state, zone = 1: compaction zone, zone = 2: shear zone, zone = 3: expansion zone; effective deviatoric plastic strain; volume plastic strain. | ||
FFLX | X, Y, Z | Fluid flow flux in poromechanics. | ||
FGRA | X, Y, Z | Fluid pore pressure gradient in poromechanics. | ||
PMSV | VRAT, PPRE, DSAT, RPER | Initial void volume ratio, pore pressure, degree of saturation, and relative permeability for coupled pore-pressure CPT elements. | ||
MPDP | TOTA, TENS, COMP, RW | Microplane homogenized total, tension, and compression damages (TOTA, TENS, COMP), and split weight factor (RW). | ||
EPFR | Free strain in porous media | |||
DAMAGE | 1,2,3,MAX | Damage in directions 1, 2, 3 (1, 2, 3) and the maximum damage (MAX). | ||
GDMG | Damage | |||
IDIS | Structural-thermal dissipation rate | |||
CONT | STAT | Contact status. | ||
PENE | Contact penetration. | |||
PRES | Contact pressure. | |||
SFRIC | Contact friction stress. | |||
STOT | Contact total stress (pressure plus friction). | |||
SLIDE | Contact sliding distance. | |||
GAP | Contact gap distance. | |||
FLUX | Total heat flux at contact surface. | |||
CNOS | Total number of contact status changes during substep. | |||
FPRS | Actual applied fluid penetration pressure. | |||
SRES | SVARn | Selected result n th state variable. | ||
FLDUF0n | The n th user-defined field
variable. | |||
Element nodal results are the average nodal value of the selected elements. |
Table 167: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = PATH
= PATH, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , PATH, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
MAX | Lab | Maximum value of path item Lab from last path operation. Valid labels are the user-defined labels
on the PDEF or PCALC command. |
MAXPATH | Returns the maximum path number defined. | |
MIN | Lab | Minimum value of path item Lab from last path operation. Valid labels are the user-defined labels
on the PDEF or PCALC command. |
LAST | Lab | Last value of path item Lab from last path operation. Valid labels are the user-defined labels
on the PDEF or PCALC command. |
NODE | Value providing the number of nodes defining the path referenced in the last path operation. | |
ITEM | Lab | Item2 = PATHPT, IT2NUM = n The value of Lab at the n th
data point from the last path operation. |
POINT | n | Item2 = X,Y,Z, or CSYS. Returns information about the nth point on the current
path. |
NVAL | The number of path data points (the length of the data table) from the last path operation. | |
SET | n | Item2 = NAME. Returns the name of the nth data set on the current path. |
NUMPATH | Returns the number of paths defined. |
Entity = PATH, ENTNUM = n (path number) | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NAME | Returns the name of the nth path. |
Table 168: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = PLNSOL
Entity = PLNSOL[a], ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , PLNSOL, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
MAX | Maximum value of item in last contour display (PLNSOL, PLESOL). | |
MIN | Minimum value of item in last contour display (PLNSOL, PLESOL). | |
BMAX | Maximum bound value of item in last contour display (PLNSOL, PLESOL). | |
BMIN | Minimum bound value of item in last contour display (PLNSOL, PLESOL). |
[a] You must issue the /SHOW command before commands that produce a graphical output when running in batch mode to produce/export graphic files. For more details, see External Graphics Options in the Basic Analysis Guide.
Table 169: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = PRENERGY
Note: Available after the PRENERGY command is issued. Entity = PRENERGY, ENTNUM = N (component number) | ||
Item1 , IT1NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
Number of components ( | |
Number of energy types ( | |
TOTE | M | Total energy of type M of the model
(ENTNUM not required). Energy value is non-zero when
Cname1 is blank on prior PRENERGY
command. |
ENG | M | Energy of type M of component
N . Energy value is non-zero when
Cname1 is specified on prior PRENERGY
command. |
PENG | M | Percentage of energy of type M of
component N . Percentage of energy value is non-zero when
Cname1 is specified on prior PRENERGY
command. |
Ordering of N and
M corresponds to PRENERGY
output. |
Table 170: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = PRERR
Entity = PRERR, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , PRERR, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
SEPC[1] | Structural percent error in energy norm (PRERR). | |
TEPC[1] | Thermal percent error in energy norm (PRERR). | |
SERSM[1] | Structural error energy summation (PRERR). | |
TERSM[1] | Thermal error energy summation (PRERR). | |
SENSM[1] | Structural energy summation (PRERR). | |
TENSM[1] | Thermal energy summation (PRERR). |
Some element- and material-type limitations apply. For more information, see the documentation for the PRERR command.
Table 171: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = RAD
Entity = RAD, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , RAD, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
VFAVG | Value of the average view factor computed from the previous VFQUERY command. |
Entity = RAD, ENTNUM = n (enclosure number) | ||
*GET, Par , RAD, n , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NETHF | Value of the net heat flux lost by an enclosure.
Table 172: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = RSTMAC
Note: Available after RSTMAC command is issued. Entity = RSTMAC, ENTNUM = N (solution number on File1 ) | ||
*GET, Par , RSTMAC, 0 or N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NS1 | Total number
of solutions (modes for example) read on | |
NS2 | Total number of solutions (modes for example)
read on | |
MAC | M | Modal assurance criterion value (MAC) between the solution Note: |
MACCYC | M | Modal assurance criterion value (MAC) from compressed table
for CYCLIC between the solution N read on File1 and the
solution M read on File2 . Note: |
Table 173: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = SECR
Entity = SECR,
ENTNUM = n (element number)
For beam and pipe (including elbow) section results, return values for all elements if the element number
( | ||||
*GET, Par , SECR, n,
Item1 , IT1NUM ,
Item2 , IT2NUM | ||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description | Item2 | IT2NUM |
S | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component total stress |
MAX – Returns maximum MIN – Returns minimum MAXY – Returns section Y location of maximum MAXZ – Returns section Z location of maximum MINY – Returns section Y location of minimum MINZ – Returns section Z location of minimum IVAL – Returns value at section node or integration point at element I node JVAL – Returns value at section node or integration point at element J node KVAL – Returns value at section integration point at element K node (ELBOW290) --- For IVAL, JVAL, and KVAL: The ALL (or blank) option for the element number is not valid. A specified element (n) is required. |
These values apply only when Item2 = IVAL, JVAL, or KVAL. --- For beam and pipe elements: This value is the RST section-node number when KEYOPT(15) = 0. This value is the integration-point number when KEYOPT(15) = 1. For the ELBOW290 element: This value is the selected section- integration-station number. --- The numbers can be visualized via SECPLOT, ,6. |
1, 2, 3 | Principal stress value | |||
INT | Stress intensity value | |||
EQV | Equivalent stress value | |||
EPTO | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component total strain | ||
1, 2, 3 | Principal total strain value | |||
INT | Total strain intensity value | |||
EQV | Equivalent total strain value | |||
EPEL | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component elastic strain | ||
1, 2, 3 | Principal elastic strain value | |||
INT | Elastic strain intensity value | |||
EQV | Equivalent elastic strain value | |||
EPTH | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component thermal strain | ||
1, 2, 3 | Principal thermal strain value | |||
INT | Thermal strain intensity value | |||
EQV | Equivalent thermal strain value | |||
EPPL | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component plastic strain | ||
1, 2, 3 | Principal plastic strain value | |||
INT | Plastic strain intensity value | |||
EQV | Equivalent plastic strain value | |||
EPCR | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component creep strain | ||
1, 2, 3 | Principal component creep strain value | |||
INT | Component creep strain intensity value | |||
EQV | Equivalent component creep strain value | |||
EPTT | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component total mechanical and thermal and swelling strain | ||
1, 2, 3 | Principal total mechanical and thermal and swelling strain value | |||
INT | Total mechanical and thermal and swelling strain intensity value | |||
EQV | Equivalent total mechanical and thermal and swelling strain value | |||
EPDI | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Component diffusion strain | ||
1, 2, 3 | Principal diffusion strain value | |||
INT | Diffusion strain intensity value | |||
EQV | Equivalent diffusion strain value | |||
NL | SEPL | Plastic yield stress | ||
SRAT | Plastic yielding (1 = actively yielding, 0 = not yielding) | |||
HPRES | Hydrostatic pressure | |||
EPEQ | Accumulated equivalent plastic strain | |||
CREQ | Accumulated equivalent creep strain | |||
PLWK | Plastic work/volume | |||
YSIDX | TENS,SHEA | Yield surface activity status: 1 for yielded and 0 for not yielded. | ||
FPIDX | TF01,SF01, TF02,SF02, TF03,SF03, TF04,SF04 | Failure plane surface activity status: 1 for yielded and 0 for not yielded. Tension and Shear failure status are available for all four sets of failure planes. |
Table 174: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = SECTION
Entity = SECTION,ENTNUM = component (listed below). Generate data for section stress results, using PRSECT before retrieving these items. Valid labels for | |||
*GET, Par , SECTION, component , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | |||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Item2 | Description |
INSIDE | S | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Stress component at beginning of path. |
1, 2, 3 | Principal stress at beginning of path. | ||
INT, EQV | Stress intensity or equivalent stress at beginning of path. | ||
CENTER | S | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Stress component at midpoint of path. |
1, 2, 3 | Principal stress at midpoint of path. | ||
INT, EQV | Stress intensity or equivalent stress at midpoint of path. | ||
OUTSIDE | S | X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ | Stress component at end of path. |
1, 2, 3 | Principal stress at end of path. | ||
INT, EQV | Stress intensity or equivalent stress at end of path. |
Table 175: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = SORT
Entity = SORT, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , SORT, 0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
MAX | Maximum value of last sorted item (NSORT or ESORT command). | |
MIN | Minimum value of last sorted item (NSORT or ESORT command). | |
IMAX | Node/Element number where maximum value occurs. | |
IMIN | Node/Element number where minimum value occurs. |
Table 177: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = VARI
Entity = VARI, ENTNUM = N (variable number after POST26 data storage)
(for complex values, only the real part is returned with Item1 = EXTREM) | ||
*GET,Par,VARI,N , Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
EXTREM | VMAX | Maximum extreme value. |
TMAX | Time or frequency corresponding to VMAX. | |
VMIN | Minimum extreme value. | |
TMIN | Time or frequency corresponding to VMIN. | |
VLAST | Last value. | |
TLAST | Time or frequency corresponding to VLAST. | |
CVAR | Covariance | |
REAL | f | Real part of variable N at time or frequency f. |
IMAG | f | Imaginary part of variable N at frequency f. |
AMPL | f | Amplitude value of variable N at frequency f |
PHASE | f | Phase angle value of variable N at frequency f |
RSET | Snum | Real part of variable N at location Snum . |
ISET | Snum | Imaginary part of variable N at location Snum . |
Entity = VARI, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) (after POST26 data storage) | ||
*GET,Par ,VARI,0, Item1 , IT1NUM , Item2 , IT2NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
NSETS | Number of data sets stored. |
Table 178: *GET Postprocessing Items, Entity = XFEM
= XFEM, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) | ||
*GET, Par , XFEM, 0, Item1 ,
IT1NUM | ||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Description |
STAT | Element Number | Status of the element: 0 = uncracked, 1 = cracked |
= XFEM, ENTNUM = NODE | ||||
*GET, Par , XFEM, NODE, Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Item2 | IT2NUM | Description |
ELEM | Element Number | POS (or blank) |
1-4 (for 2D elements) 1-8 (for SOLID185) | Node number at position IT2NUM of cracked
element |
= XFEM, ENTNUM = PHI | ||||
*GET, Par , XFEM, PHI, Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Item2 | IT2NUM | Description |
ELEM | Element Number | NODE | Node Number | LSM Phi value for this node number of this element |
= XFEM, ENTNUM = PSI | ||||
*GET, Par , XFEM, PSI, Item1 ,
IT1NUM , Item2 ,
IT2NUM | ||||
Item1 | IT1NUM | Item2 | IT2NUM | Description |
ELEM | Element Number | NODE | Node Number | LSM Psi value for this node number of this element |