OSRESULT, Item, Comp, Freq, Cname
Controls the selected result data written to the database.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Item to output to the database. See Table 210: OSRESULT - Item and Component Labels.


Component of Item to output to the database. See Table 210: OSRESULT - Item and Component Labels.


Frequency to output to the database.



Writes every nth and last substep of each load step.



Writes up to n equally spaced substeps of each load step.



Writes every substep.



Writes the last substep of each load step (default).


The name of an element component (CM) defining the set of elements for which this specification is active. If not specified, the set is all elements.


OSRESULT controls output to the results database for the selected result defined by the item and component combination. The command activates output of the selected result for the specified substeps and elements. Multiple commands for the same result are cumulative. No selected results are written to the database unless specified via OSRESULT.

The saved selected quantities are accessible via standard postprocessing commands (ANSOL, ETABLE, ESOL, PLESOL, PLNSOL, PRESOL, and PRNSOL).

OSRESULT,ERASE deletes the existing output specifications.

OSRESULT,STATUS lists the current set of selected result specifications.

The output of selected results is valid for static (ANTYPE,STATIC) and transient (ANTYPE,TRANS) analysis types.

To select other results to output to the database, see OUTRES. (Element quantities specified via OUTRES can be redundant to those specified via OSRESULT. Avoid specifying redundant quantities, as they are stored and processed separately.)

All OSRESULT results are in the solution coordinate system.

This command is also valid in PREP7.

Table 210: OSRESULT - Item and Component Labels

Component Name Method
ERASE--Erases all selected result output specifications
STATUS --Lists the current set of selected result output specifications
SVAR1,2,3, …, NState variable number
FLDUF01, UF02, ... , UF09User-defined field variables
SX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, 1, 2, 3, INT, EQVComponent and derived (principal, intensity, equivalent ) stresses
EPELX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, 1, 2, 3, INT, EQVComponent and derived (principal, intensity, equivalent) elastic strains
EPPLX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, 1, 2, 3, INT, EQVComponent and derived (principal, intensity, equivalent) plastic strains
EPCRX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, 1, 2, 3, INT, EQVComponent and derived (principal, intensity, equivalent) creep strains
EPTHX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, 1, 2, 3, INT, EQVComponent and derived (principal, intensity, equivalent) thermal strains
CDMDMG, LMMullins effect damage variable (DMG) and maximum previous strain energy for virgin material (LM)
PMSVVRAT, PPRE, DSAT, RPERInitial void volume ratio (VRAT), pore pressure (PPRE), degree of saturation (DSAT), and relative permeability (RPER) for coupled pore-pressure-thermal CPT elements
FFLXX, Y, ZFluid flow flux components in poromechanics
FGRAX, Y, ZFluid pore pressure gradient components in poromechanics
BKSX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZTotal nonlinear kinematic backstress components
GDMGETA, ETAC, IDRA, DUCTGeneralized and ductile damage value (leave Comp Blank), local internal variable eta representing the local deformation (ETA), threshold of eta (ETAC), inelastic dissipation rate (IDRA), and ductile damage criterion (DUCT)
ESIGX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, 1, 2, 3, INT, EQVComponent and derived (principal, intensity, equivalent) Biot’s effective stresses
SENDELAS, PLAS, CREE, DAMA, VDAM, VREG, DISS, ENTOElastic strain energy density (ELAS), plastic strain energy density (PLAS), creep strain energy density (CREE), damage strain energy density (DAMA), viscoelastic dissipation energy density (VDAM), visco-regularization strain energy density (VREG), structural-thermal dissipation (DISS), and total strain energy density (ENTO)
MPLADMAC, DMAXMicroplane damage, macroscopic (DMAC) and maximum (DMAX) values.
TF[a]X, Y, ZThermal flux components
TG[a]X, Y, ZThermal gradient components
MPDPTOTA, TENS, COMP, RWMicroplane homogenized total, tension, and compression damages (TOTA, TENS, COMP), and split weight factor (RW).
EPFR Free strain in porous media (leave Comp Blank)
DAMA1, 2, 3, MAXDamage in directions 1, 2, 3 (1, 2, 3) and the maximum damage (MAX).
IDIS Structural-thermal dissipation rate (leave Comp Blank)

[a] Valid only for CPT212, CPT213, CPT215, CPT216, and CPT217 elements.

Example 10: Specifying and Retrieving Selected Result Output

OUTRES,ALL,NONE        ! Here we want only selected results output,
                       !   so we suppress solution-result data written
                       !   to the database via OUTRES.

! Issue OSRESULT to specify selected results.
OSRESULT,S,Y,ALL       ! Item = S,    Comp = Y
OSRESULT,S,EQV,ALL     ! Item = S,    Comp = EQV

! When issuing postprocessing commands to retrieve selected
!   results (SRES), specify ItemComp (Item + Comp combined) 
!   from OSRESULT.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.