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1. Getting Started with FENSAP-ICE in Workbench
1.1. Introduction to Workbench
1.2. The Workbench Graphical User Interface
1.3. Creating CFX/Fluent-based Icing Systems
1.3.1. Fluid Flow - Icing (CFX/Fluent) Analysis System
1.4. Airflow Import Component System
1.5. Creating FENSAP-ICE Based Systems
1.5.1. FENSAP-ICE Based Analysis Systems Fluid Flow - Icing (FENSAP) Analysis System
1.5.2. FENSAP-ICE Based Component Systems Airflow - FENSAP Component Droplets Component Icing Component Results – FENSAP-ICE Component Mesh Import Component
1.6. Understanding Cell States with FENSAP-ICE in Workbench
1.7. Starting FENSAP-ICE in Workbench
1.7.1. Starting FENSAP-ICE from a FENSAP-ICE Based System
1.7.2. Starting Converter Tool from a FENSAP-ICE Based System
1.7.3. Launching FENSAP-ICE Calculations Within Workbench Specifying FENSAP-ICE Complete Run Settings Specifying FENSAP-ICE Run Settings Using Cell Properties
1.7.4. Specifying Other Setup and Solution Cell Properties
1.8. Saving Your Work in FENSAP-ICE with Workbench
1.9. Exiting FENSAP-ICE and Workbench
1.10. Getting Help for FENSAP-ICE in Workbench
2. Working with FENSAP-ICE in Workbench
2.1. Importing FENSAP-ICE Files in Workbench
2.1.1. Importing Files from Workbench Project Schematic Importing Mesh and Config Files Importing Solution Files Importing FENSAP-ICE Solution Files for the Purpose of Initialization
2.1.2. Importing Files Directly in FENSAP-ICE
2.2. Using the Update Command
2.3. Deleting Solution and Setup Cell Data for FENSAP-ICE Based Systems
2.3.1. Using the Reset Command from the Setup and Solution Cells of FENSAP-ICE Based Systems
2.4. Interrupting a Calculation
2.5. Monitoring FENSAP-ICE Solutions in Workbench
2.5.1. View Convergence Directly in FENSAP-ICE
2.6. Connecting Systems in Workbench
2.6.1. Connecting an Upstream Mesh to Multiple Setup Cells of FENSAP-ICE Systems
2.6.2. Connecting Systems by Dragging and Dropping a System from the Toolbox onto Another System
2.6.3. Connecting Systems by Dragging and Dropping FENSAP-ICE Based Results Cells onto Other Results Systems
2.7. Duplicating FENSAP-ICE Based Systems
2.8. Working with Input and Output Parameters in Workbench
2.9. Viewing Your FENSAP-ICE Data Using Ansys CFD-Post
2.10. Understanding the File Structure for FENSAP-ICE in Workbench
2.11. Working with Ansys Licensing
2.11.1. Shared Licensing Mode
2.12. Using FENSAP-ICE with the Remote Solve Manager (RSM)