2.5. Monitoring FENSAP-ICE Solutions in Workbench

In Ansys Workbench, you can view FENSAP-ICE convergence plots or solution monitors in a FENSAP-ICE based system in one of the following ways:

  • from within the active FENSAP-ICE session.

The information about monitoring solution convergence in Workbench is described in details in the following sections:

View Convergence Directly in FENSAP-ICE.

2.5.1. View Convergence Directly in FENSAP-ICE

By default, when you start any calculations for a FENSAP-ICE based system, FENSAP-ICE launches and runs in Foreground. This prompts the graphical window of FENSAP-ICE Run settings. You can then move from tab to tab and view the following:

  • Run Execution: shows the main solver execution steps, for example, read grid, read initial solution, compute each time step, etc. Successful completion or error messages, if any, are also displayed in the window.

  • Run Log: shows the output file of the solver. Its contents vary from solver to solver.

  • Run Graphs: monitors the convergence plots. Different variables can be plotted depending on the solver.

For further details on the monitoring of a run, see Monitoring a Run.

  • The graphical window of FENSAP-ICE will automatically open when the calculations start and automatically close once the calculations are completed.

  • For FENSAP-ICE based systems, the graphical window for each of the Solution (Flow/Droplets/Ice) cell automatically opens when the calculations start and automatically closes when the simulations converge or the number of iterations are reached. For example, in a Fluid Flow – Ice (FENSAP) analysis system, when the system gets updated, the Setup Flow cell gets updated, and the Solution Flow cell launches the FENSAP graphical window, starts the airflow calculations, and closes once the calculations are complete. Next, the Setup Droplet cell gets updated, and then the Solution Droplets cell launches the DROP3D graphical window, starts the droplet calculations, and closes once the calculations are complete. This behaviour continues downstream with the Setup Ice and Solution Ice cells.

Tip:  You can view the convergence plots and logs at any time for all completed FENSAP-ICE calculations by double-clicking any of Solution (Flow/Droplets/Ice) cells to open the graphical window.