1.1. Introduction to Workbench

Ansys Workbench combines access to Ansys applications with utilities that manage the product workflow.

Applications that can be accessed from Workbench include: Ansys DesignModeler and Ansys SpaceClaim Direct Modeler (for geometry creation, modification and preparation); Ansys Meshing (for mesh generation); Ansys Fluent or Ansys CFX (for setting up and solving fluid dynamics analyses); and Ansys CFD-Post (for post processing the results). In addition, Ansys FENSAP-ICE (for air, droplet & icing analyses) can also be accessed from Workbench. In Workbench, a project is composed of a group of systems. The project is driven by a schematic workflow that manages the connections between the systems.

From the schematic, you can interact with workspaces that are native to Workbench, such as Design Exploration (parameters and design points), and you can launch applications that are data-integrated with Workbench (such as Ansys Fluent, Ansys CFX or Ansys FENSAP-ICE). Data-integrated applications have separate interfaces, but their data is part of the Workbench project and is automatically saved and shared with other applications as needed. This makes the process of creating and running a CFD simulation more streamlined and efficient.

Workbench allows you to construct projects composed of multiple dependent systems that can be updated sequentially based on a workflow defined by the project schematic. For instance, you can construct a project using one Fluent component system which is then connected to two FENSAP-ICE based systems that share the same solution data. When you have two systems connected in this way, you can modify the droplet and icing conditions once and then update the results for both systems with a single mouse click without having to open DROP3D/ICE3D or Fluent.

In addition, Workbench also allows you to duplicate systems in order to efficiently perform and compare multiple similar analyses.

Workbench also provides parametric modeling capabilities in conjunction with optimization techniques to allow you to efficiently investigate the effects of input parameters on selected output parameters.

FENSAP-ICE is a 3D, state-of-the-art, complete, modular, design and aid-to-certification simulation system conceived to provide enhanced aerodynamic and in-flight icing protection solutions in a cost-effective manner. FENSAP-ICE distinguishes itself by its ability to unify CFD with in-flight icing physics and therefore brings a comprehensive and robust methodology to the aerospace industry.

FENSAP-ICE addresses five major aspects of in-flight icing simulations: airflow (CFD), droplet impingement limits and shadow zones, ice shapes, aerodynamic degradation and anti- and de-icing heat loads. It is compatible with widely-used CAD-based mesh generators and other Ansys CFD codes, therefore enhancing workflow, has no geometric limitations and is applicable to aircraft, rotorcraft, UAVs, jet engines, nacelles, probes, detectors and environmental control systems. FENSAP-ICE runs on a wide variety of computer platforms, ranging from PCs and workstations to massively parallel machines.

Important:  FENSAP-ICE is a system containing six main modules that form a complete, versatile, flexible in-flight icing system. The current implementation in Workbench exposes only a subset of the full FENSAP-ICE capabilities and modules, allowing airflow, droplet impingement, and icing accretion calculations to be performed using a Fluid Flow - Icing Workbench analysis system available in the Workbench Toolbox menu. Therefore, any mention of FENSAP-ICE in Workbench refers to the combination of the three modules.

Different types of icing analysis can be performed in Workbench with the current release of FENSAP-ICE when using:

  • Fluent for airflow solutions, single-shot and multishot droplet impingement and ice accretion (rime and glaze) calculations can be performed.

  • FENSAP for airflow solutions, single-shot and multishot droplet impingement and ice accretion (rime and glaze) calculations can be performed.

  • CFX for airflow solutions, single-shot droplet impingement and ice accretion (rime only) calculations can be performed.