1.9. Exiting FENSAP-ICE and Workbench

You can end your FENSAP-ICE session by using the Save and then Close button on the bottom right corner of the graphical window.

If you want to end your FENSAP-ICE session without saving your work, you can use the Closebutton.

You can end your Workbench session by using the Exit command under the Workbench File menu. FileExit.

All open applications that are associated with your Workbench session, including any open instances of Ansys FENSAP-ICE, are automatically closed upon exiting Workbench. If there is any unsaved data in Workbench or any of the open applications associated with your Workbench session, the application will prompt you to save your project before exiting Workbench.

Important:  There are several other circumstances in which open instances of FENSAP-ICE as well as other applications are automatically closed:

  • Whenever you close the current project in Workbench, all open applications are automatically closed.

  • Whenever you open a different project in Ansys Workbench, all open applications associated with the original project are automatically closed.

  • Whenever a system is deleted, all open applications associated with that system are automatically closed.