2.2. Using the Update Command

The Update command is available from:

  • the context menu of all cells.

  • the context menu for the system.

  • the Workbench Toolbar.

  • the Workbench Tools menu.

  • the context menu for the Project Schematic.

When selected from a cell, the Update command updates the current cell and all upstream cells that must be updated to bring the current cell to Up-to-Date. When a cell is updated, any new upstream data is passed to it before performing the update command.

When selected from the system, the Update command updates the out-of-date cells in the current system, as well as any cells in upstream systems that must be updated to bring the current system to Up-to-Date.

When selected from the Workbench Toolbar, the Workbench Tools menu, or the context menu for the Project Schematic, the Update command updates all out-of-date cells in the project.

When updating the Solution Flow/Droplet/Ice cell in a FENSAP-ICE based system, the following steps take place:

  1. FENSAP/DROP3D/ICE3D launches.

  2. FENSAP/DROP3D/ICE3D performs either the number of iterations (or time-steps) specified in the settings or the number of iterations required to reach convergence.

  3. FENSAP/DROP3D/ICE3D writes the output files as mentioned in Saving Your Work in FENSAP-ICE with Workbench and in more detail in List of Output Files.

While updating the Solution Flow/Droplets/Ice cell, you can visually monitor the solution convergence data for your FENSAP-ICE simulations directly in FENSAP/DROP3D/ICE3D.