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1. Introduction
1.1. Explanation of Licensing Terms
1.1.1. The FlexNet License Manager Daemon (lmgrd)
1.1.2. The Vendor Daemon (ansyslmd)
1.1.3. Ansys Common Licensing (ACL)
1.1.4. Ansys Licensing Interconnect (ansysli_server)
1.1.5. The License File
1.1.6. The License Server Machines
2. Licensing Installation and Setup
2.1. Accessing the Ansys License Manager Installation Software
2.1.1. Downloading the Installation Files
2.2. Installing the License Manager
2.2.1. License Manager Installation Prerequisites
2.2.2. License Manager Installation Instructions - Windows
2.2.3. License Manager Installation Instructions - Linux
2.2.4. Silent License Manager Installation Instructions
2.3. Uninstalling the Ansys License Manager
2.4. Adding Licenses
2.5. Configuring the License Server
2.5.1. Specifying Firewall Settings
2.6. License Server Administrative Functions
2.6.1. Starting the Ansys License Manager
2.6.2. Stopping the Ansys License Manager
2.6.3. Viewing FlexNet Licenses
2.6.4. Displaying the FlexNet License Status
2.7. Installing the Enterprise Licensing Package
2.7.1. Default Directory Structure
2.7.2. Files Provided with the Enterprise Licensing Package
2.7.3. Files created by the Licensing Interconnect
2.7.4. Files You Create for the Licensing Interconnect
2.7.5. Files Created for and by FlexNet
2.7.6. Installing the Enterprise Licensing Package for the First Time
2.7.7. Installing the Enterprise Licensing Package Subsequent Times
3. Post-Installation Instructions
3.1. Start the Ansys License Manager at System Boot Time
3.1.1. Boot Time Startup Instructions using systemd
3.2. Starting the Ansys Licensing Tomcat Server at System Boot Time
4. Configuration Options
4.1. Configuring TCP/IP
4.1.1. Changing the Default Ansys Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet Port Numbers
4.2. Advanced Licensing Configuration Options
4.3. Modify License Manager Startup Options
4.4. Create a Group (Linux Only)
4.4.1. Defining Group Restrictions for the Licensing Interconnect
4.5. Specify User Privileges
4.5.1. Setting Idle Timeout
4.6. Specifying the License Server and License Files
4.7. Setting Up Redundant (Triad) Servers
5. License Server Administration Using Ansys License Management Center
5.1. Ansys License Management Center Browser Requirements
5.2. Accessing the Ansys License Management Center
5.3. Using the Ansys License Management Center
5.3.1. Adding a License
5.3.2. Starting the Ansys License Manager
5.3.3. Stopping the Ansys License Manager
5.3.4. Rereading the License Manager Settings
5.3.5. Displaying the License Server Machine Hostid Information
5.3.6. Viewing FlexNet Licenses
5.3.7. Viewing the Licensing Interconnect Log
5.3.8. Viewing the FlexNet Debug Log
5.3.9. Viewing the Ansys License Management Center Log
5.3.10. Viewing the Current License Usage
5.3.11. Viewing the License Usage History
5.3.12. Viewing the Peak License Usage
5.3.13. Viewing License Denials
5.3.14. Displaying the FlexNet License Status
5.3.15. Gathering Diagnostic Information
5.3.16. Displaying Queued Licenses
5.3.17. Specifying the License Manager Run Mode
5.3.18. Accessing the Help Options
5.4. Enabling Secure Connections to the Web Server (Optional)
5.4.1. Understanding Certificates
5.4.2. Configuring Tomcat Using Keytool
5.5. Modifying the Tomcat Port Number
5.6. Changing the Version of Java Used by Ansys License Management Center
5.6.1. Changing the Java Version During a New Installation of Ansys License Manager
5.6.2. Changing the Java Version on an Existing Installation of Ansys License Manager
6. License Administration Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility
6.1. Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility
6.1.1. Launch the Ansys License Management Center
6.1.2. Set License Preferences for User
6.1.3. Set Site Preferences
6.1.4. View Status/Diagnostic Options
7. Using Dongles with the Ansys License Manager
7.1. Assumptions, Restrictions, and Notes
7.2. File Information and Supported Dongle Driver Versions
7.3. Supported Platforms
7.4. Windows Procedures
7.4.1. Installing/Updating the Dongle Driver on Windows
7.4.2. Removing an Existing Dongle Driver on Windows
7.5. Linux Procedures
7.5.1. Installing/Updating the Dongle Driver on Linux
7.5.2. Removing an Existing Dongle Driver on Linux
7.6. Dongle Troubleshooting
8. Advanced Procedures
8.1. Running FlexNet and the Licensing Interconnect Separately on Linux/UNIX
8.2. Running FlexNet and the Licensing Interconnect Separately on Windows
8.2.1. Installing the Licensing Interconnect as a Windows Service
8.3. Determining the Version Number of the Licensing Interconnect
8.4. Shutting Down the Licensing Interconnect
8.5. Rereading the Licensing Interconnect
8.6. Installing a New License File
8.7. Caching License Information from Another License Server
8.8. Improving Licensing Performance
8.8.1. Running a Standalone Licensing Interconnect
8.8.2. Balancing the Load on a Triad
8.9. Managing Triads
8.10. Understanding Port Numbers
8.11. Using Virus Scanners
8.12. License Reporting Tools
8.13. Updating the Product Order File
8.14. Enabling License Manager Privacy Controls
9. Enterprise Licensing Reference
9.1. Environment Variables
9.2. Licensing Interconnect Command Options
9.3. ansyslmd.ini Keywords
9.4. Glossary
10. Troubleshooting
10.1. Gathering Diagnostic Information
10.2. Problem Situations
10.2.1. License Manager Will Not Start
10.2.2. License Manager Will Not Stop
10.2.3. Unable to stop the license server with the default lmutil.exe
10.2.4. License Manager Will Not Stop in a Three-Server Environment
10.2.5. License Manager Installation's Licensing Configuration Step to Update Site Preferences (Product Order) Fails
10.2.6. The Application Does Not Show the Correct License(s)
10.2.7. FlexNet Log File Shows Unexpected Messages When the License Manager Is Stopped
10.2.8. Unable to Check Out Licenses
10.2.9. Jobs Abort When a License Manager Goes Down in Three-Server Environment
10.2.10. Licensing Log File Not Created
10.2.11. Queuing Does Not Work
10.2.12. No Licensing Interconnect or FlexNet Path Available from Display the License Status Option
10.2.13. Unable to Retrieve License Preferences in ANSLIC_ADMIN
10.2.14. Cannot Enter Data in Text Fields
10.2.15. See a "File Not Found" Message When Running a Licensing Utility
10.2.16. Cannot See Attached Dongle
10.2.17. Unable to Run a Bookmarked Version Ansys License Management Center
10.2.18. Unable to View PDF Files in Ansys License Management Center
10.2.19. Unable to Search PDF Files in Ansys License Management Center
10.2.20. Starting Ansys License Management Center Causes Error Messages (Linux Only)
10.2.21. Manually Changing the Tomcat Port Number
10.2.22. Cannot Access a License After Disconnecting from VPN
10.2.23. The Ansys Licensing Interconnect Shuts Down Unexpectedly
10.2.24. I See CHECKIN/CHECKOUT Actions for Names that do Not Correspond to License Features in the License File
10.3. Licensing Error Messages
10.4. License Manager Installation Directory Errors
10.5. Ansys License Borrowing Errors
10.6. FlexNet License Log File Errors
10.7. Contacting Technical Support
10.8. Interpreting the ansysli_server.log File
10.8.1. Log File Keywords
10.9. Log File Error Messages