Chapter 1: Introduction

This document contains detailed instructions relating to the administration of the Ansys License Manager.

License administration functions are performed via the Ansys License Management Center and the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility (server and client). For more information on the using these tools, see License Server Administration Using Ansys License Management Center and License Administration Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility.

Supported Hardware Platforms

This document details information about running the Ansys License Manager on the hardware platforms listed below. The name in parentheses indicates the directory name for each platform (referred to as <platform> throughout this document).

  • Linux x64 (linx64)

  • Windows x64 (winx64)

For specific operating system requirements, refer to the installation guide for the platform you are running. For platform support information, see the Platform Support section of the Ansys Website.

Intended Audience

The Ansys License Management Guide is intended for the person responsible for licensing administration of Ansys, Inc. products at a site. This person is typically the system administrator.

FlexNet Usage

Ansys, Inc. uses the FlexNet license manager for all of its licensed products. FlexNet is best known for its ability to allow software licenses to be available (or float) anywhere on a network.

The Ansys License Manager uses the following versions of FlexNet:

Table 1.1: FlexNet Versions

PlatformFlexNet VersionLMGRD Version

Compatibility with Other FlexNet-Licensed Software

Because of FlexNet's popularity, you may have FlexNet licenses from more than one vendor. We do not recommend or support running the Ansys License Manager with license files that have been combined with other software vendors' license files.

Summary of New and Changed Features

Listed below is a summary of those licensing items that are either new or have been changed since the last release. For a list of all major new and changed features of any product, see the Release Notes document for that product.

  • The overall licensing experience has been enhanced to provide improved performance, stability and security.

Links to FlexNet

For more information on using FlexNet refer to the FlexNet License Administration Guide. You can access this document from the Ansys License Management Center.

Summary of New and Changed Features

Listed below is a summary of those licensing items that are either new or have been changed since the last release. For a list of all major new and changed features of any product, see the Release Notes document for that product.

  • Ansys License Manger has been updated to version

  • The location of the FlexNet Debug Log file has been moved. If you have installed the Ansys License Manager 2024 R1 or newer on a machine that has never had the Ansys License Manager installed, the license.log can be found in "C:\ProgramData\AnsysLmd\".

  • The License Management Center "Viewing the Licensing Interconnect Log" and "Specifying the License Manager Run Mode" options have been removed. If you have installed the Ansys License Manager 2024 R1 or newer on a machine that has never had the Ansys License Manager installed, you will not see this option.