5.3. Using the Ansys License Management Center

The left side of the Ansys License Management Center (LM Center) includes links accessing a variety of licensing administration functions. Additionally, an icon informing you of the status of the Ansys License Management Center is also located in the title bar. (Running is displayed as a green check mark while Stopped is displayed as a red stop sign.)

5.3.1. Adding a License

Important:  When adding a license file, the Add a License File option in the Ansys License Management Center validates the new license file for the system, attempts to correct issues that it recognizes, and ensures port number consistency.  For this reason, you must use the Ansys License Management Center to add license files, rather that manually placing them in the license_files directory.

This option validates a user-specified license file and, if the license file is found to be valid, installs it into the license_files directory. After installing the license file, this option communicates the new license file's information to the Ansys License Manager either by starting /restarting the license manager or by rereading the license manager's settings.

If a vendor license file is already installed for the vendor contained in the license file you are installing, the previously-installed license file will be renamed to have the form license_<vendor>_<timestamp>.lic and moved to the backup subdirectory in the license_files directory.

You must perform this process, using the same license file, on each license server machine.

To add a license file:

  1. Save the license file that you received from your Ansys sales representative to a temporary file.

    Caution:  Do not save license files in Microsoft Word format.

  2. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  3. Click the Add a License File option.

    The Add a License File page is displayed.

  4. Click the Browse button.

  5. Browse to locate the saved license file from step #1.

  6. Select the license file and click Open.

  7. If the selected license file is not valid, the process ends with the Status pane displaying an error message containing details.

  8. If the license file is valid, the Add a License File dialog box is displayed:

    • If the Ansys License Manager is not running, you are informed that it will be started when the license file is added.

    • If the Ansys License Manager is running, you are given the option of either restarting it or rereading the license manager settings. Click the appropriate options. For more information, see Rereading the License Manager Settings.

  9. The Status pane displays a message informing you of the steps taken successfully along with any errors that were encountered.

Special Considerations for Three Server (Redundant Triad) Environments

You must perform this process, using the same license file, on each license server machine.

5.3.2. Starting the Ansys License Manager

In order for client machines to run licensed Ansys products, the Ansys License Manager must be running on the license server.

To use the Ansys License Management Center to start the license manager, Ansys License Management Center (including the Ansys Licensing Tomcat Server and the license manager) must be installed on the same computer. Additionally, a valid license file must be installed prior to starting the license manager.

To start the Ansys License Manager:

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the Start button located on the right side of the page.

    The Status pane displays a message informing you whether the Ansys License Manager started successfully or if any errors have been encountered. Additionally, a "green check mark" status icon is displayed indicating that the license manager is running.

    Note:  Every seven seconds, the Ansys License Management Center verifies that the license manager is running and updates the status icon.

The ansyslmd.lic and/or ansoft.lic file is provided by an Ansys sales representative and contains licensing for all the Ansys, Inc. products that you are entitled to use.

Special Considerations for Three Server (Redundant Triad) Environments

The Ansys License Manager must be running on at least two of the three servers before an Ansys product can be run.

In a three-server environment, you may see a delay in starting the Ansys License Manager until two of the three servers are running.

5.3.3. Stopping the Ansys License Manager

The following procedure should be used to shut down the Ansys License Manager on all machines listed in the license file.

To stop the Ansys License Manager:

Before shutting down the Ansys License Manager, check that no products that use it are currently running.

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the Stop button located on the right side of the page.

    You are asked to confirm that the license manager should be shut down. Remember that the license manager must be running in order to run products that use it for their licensing.

    The Status pane displays a message informing you whether the license manager stopped successfully or if any errors have been encountered. Additionally, a "red stop sign" icon is displayed indicating that the license manager is no longer running.

Caution:  (Linux systems) Do not use kill -9 to shut down the Ansys License Manager. Use the Ansys License Management Center, the ansysli_stop script or ansysli_server -k stop [port@host] to perform the shutdown.

Special Considerations for Three Server (Redundant Triad) Environments

In a three-server environment, you may see a delay in stopping the license manager until two of the three servers are stopped.

5.3.4. Rereading the License Manager Settings

Use this option to reread the license manager settings. This option should be used when you have made changes that will affect the license manager and want to incorporate these changes without stopping and restarting the license manager.

This option:

  • Rereads the ansyslmd.ini file to get any new settings, such as log file size or change of name

  • Appends or opens a new Licensing Interconnect log file

  • Rereads the site license preferences

  • Recaches the installed license files

  • Issues a FlexNet reread

  • Recaches the servers

  • Informs other servers about changes

Be aware that if you change the Licensing Interconnect port number, you will need to restart the license manager; a reread will not update the port number.

Note:  If you chose to configure your license manager to run the Licensing Interconnect without FlexNet or run the Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet independently, then selecting this option will affect only the Licensing Interconnect components including recaching the license file when running the Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet independently.

To reread the License Manager:

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the Reread License Manager Settings option.

  3. Click the Reread button.

    The Status pane displays a message informing you whether the Ansys License Manager's settings were successfully reread.

5.3.5. Displaying the License Server Machine Hostid Information

Use this option to obtain and display the FlexNet hostid of the machine you wish to create licenses for and set up as a license server.

If you wish to use a FLEXID9 dongle as the hostid, make sure the device is inserted and the correct device driver is installed. For more information, see Using Dongles with the Ansys License Manager. Dongles are only available for those sites that require the ability to run Ansys products on an isolated network.

Accessing the Hostid

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the Get System Hostid Information option.

    The hostid information is displayed on the right-hand side of the page. The HOSTNAME, Hostid, IDTYPE and PLATFORM information is included. Windows systems use the physical machine disk serial number and Linux systems use the MAC address by default.

  3. To save this information out to a file, click the SAVE TO FILE button. By default, the file is named ansysid.machinename.txt.

5.3.6. Viewing FlexNet Licenses

Use this option to view the FlexNet license files. You can view license files that are in use (or will be in use) in the Ansys License Manager.

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the View FlexNet Licenses option.

    A field containing the name of one of your FlexNet license files is displayed.

  3. Select the FlexNet license file you want to view by clicking the arrow located on the right side of the field and choosing the appropriate file from the drop-down menu. Note the drop-down menu is populated with any FlexNet license files (.lic) contained in the following directory:


    \Program Files\Ansys Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\license_files


  4. The contents of the FlexNet license is displayed on the right side of the page.

5.3.7. Viewing the Licensing Interconnect Log

Note:  This option has been removed as of Ansys Release 2024 R1. If you have installed the Ansys License Manager 2024 R1 or newer on a machine that has never had the Ansys License Manager installed, you will not see this option.

Use this option to view the Licensing Interconnect log file (named ansysli_server.log by default). The Licensing Interconnect log file contains all of the actions that the Ansys license server has taken since startup.

Accessing the Licensing Interconnect Log

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the View Licensing Interconnect Log option.

    The Licensing Interconnect log file is displayed on the right side of the page.

  3. To download a text version of the interconnect debug log file, click the SAVE TO FILE button.

  4. To manually refresh the Licensing Interconnect log file, click the REFRESH button.

    Note:  The Licensing Interconnect log file does not automatically refresh.

The Licensing Interconnect log file (ansysli_server.log) can be found in the "licensing" directory. To manually access this file, go to the following locations (by default):


\Program Files\Ansys Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\ansysli_server.log



5.3.8. Viewing the FlexNet Debug Log

Use this option to view the FlexNet license log file (named license.log by default). The FlexNet debug log includes the following message types:

  • General informational messages describing the current status of FlexNet features

  • Messages describing configuration issues

  • License manager error messages associated with the FlexNet component of the license manager.

Accessing the FlexNet Debug Log

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the View FlexNet Debug Log option.

    The FlexNet debug log is displayed on the right side of the page.

  3. To download a text version of the FlexNet debug log, click the SAVE TO FILE button.

  4. To manually refresh the FlexNet debug log, click the REFRESH button.

    Note:  The FlexNet debug log does not automatically refresh.

The FlexNet debug log (license.log) can be found within the "licensing" directory structure by default. To manually access this file, go to the following location:


\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\license.log

Note:  The Windows location of this file has been changed as of Ansys Release 2024 R1. If you have installed the Ansys License Manager 2024 R1 or newer on a machine that has never had the Ansys License Manager installed, the license.log can be found in "C:\ProgramData\AnsysLmd\".



5.3.9. Viewing the Ansys License Management Center Log

Use this option to view the Ansys License Management Center log (named ansyslmcenter.log by default).

Accessing the Ansys License Management Center Log

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the View License Management Center Log option.

    The Ansys License Management Center log is displayed on the right side of the page.

  3. To download a text version of the Ansys License Management Center log, click the SAVE TO FILE button.

  4. To manually refresh the Ansys License Management Center log, click the REFRESH button.

    Note:  The log does not automatically refresh.

The Ansys License Management Center log (ansyslmcenter.log) can be found within the "licensing" directory structure. To manually access this file, go to the following location:


\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\tools\lmcenter\logs\ansyslmcenter.log



5.3.10. Viewing the Current License Usage

This option extracts data from your license manager to produce a live current license usage report. This report displays the number of feature licenses used by each user in a bar chart format. Additionally, a tabular chart displays maximum licenses available, user count, user names, host IDs and usage start date for each feature license.

Viewing the Current License Usage

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the View Current License Usage option.

    The current license usage is displayed on the right side of the page.

  3. To view the data in a tabular format, click the Show tabular data button.

5.3.11. Viewing the License Usage History

Use this option to extract data directly from your FlexNet debug log file and backup log files to produce a line chart displaying historical license usage for a specific product.

Viewing the License Usage History

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the View License Usage History option.

  3. Select the appropriate date range (or a custom range) from the available drop-down menu and click Generate.

    Note:  Based upon the date range selected, data may be extracted from your FlexNet debug log file (located in the licensing directory) and your backup log files (located in the logs_backup directory) to produce the chart.

    The history for the default settings is displayed.

  4. Select the appropriate product from the drop-down menu to display usage history for that feature license.

  5. Set any combination of the following options to customize the data displayed:

    • Select username - To view the usage history of a specific user, select the appropriate name from the drop-down menu.

    • Select hostname - To view the usage history for a specific host computer, select the appropriate computer from the drop-down menu.

    • Select working hours/days - The working hour/days options are:

      • All (24/7) - Displays all data available for the duration you select.

      • Monday to Friday (24/5) - Displays all data available for Monday through Friday for the duration you select.

      • Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm - Displays data for Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM for the duration you select.

    • Select duration to display - Click the From and to fields to specify the date range that you wish to display. Clicking the Reset to all button resets the From and to date duration values to the minimum and maximum dates found in the log files the for user, host and product you have selected.

    A graph is dynamically displayed showing license usage history for the options selected.

5.3.12. Viewing the Peak License Usage

This option extracts raw data from the FlexNet debug log file and backup log files to produce a graphical display of peak usage for a selected license feature for the duration you select.

Viewing the Peak License Usage

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the View Peak License Usage option.

  3. Select the appropriate date range (or a custom range) from the available drop-down menu and click Generate.

    Note:  Based upon the date range selected, data may be extracted from your FlexNet debug log file (located in the licensing directory) and your backup log files (located in the logs_backup directory) to produce the chart.

    The peak license usage for the default settings is displayed.

  4. Select the appropriate product from the drop-down menu to display peak usage for that feature license.

  5. Set any combination of the following options to customize the data displayed:

    • Select username - To view the usage history of a specific user, select the appropriate name from the drop-down menu.

    • Select hostname - To view the usage history for a specific host computer, select the appropriate computer from the drop-down menu.

    • Select working hours/days - The working hour/days options are:

      • All (24/7) - Displays all data available for the duration you select.

      • Monday to Friday (24/5) - Displays all data available for Monday through Friday for the duration you select.

      • Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm - Displays data for Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM for the duration you select.

    • Select duration to display - Click the From and to fields to specify the date range that you wish to display. Clicking the Reset to all button resets the From and to date duration values to the minimum and maximum dates found in the log files the for user, host and product you have selected.

    A graph is dynamically displayed showing peak license usage for the options selected.

  6. You can export the data that is currently displayed to a CSV (comma separated value) file by clicking the Export to csv file button.

  7. To view the data in a tabular format, click the Show tabular data button. The tabular view shows the peak license usage for each day as well as the average for each week and the selected period.

5.3.13. Viewing License Denials

This option extracts raw data from the FlexNet debug log file and backup log files to produce a license denial report. This report displays the number of license denials that occurred for a feature on a specified day in a graphical format.

Viewing License Denials

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the View License Denials option.

  3. Select the appropriate date range (or a custom range) from the available drop-down menu and click Generate.

    Note:  Based upon the date range selected, data may be extracted from your FlexNet debug log file (located in the licensing directory) and your backup log files (located in the logs_backup directory) to produce the chart.

    The license denials for the default settings are displayed.

  4. Select the appropriate product from the drop-down menu to display denials for that feature license.

  5. Set any combination of the following options to customize the data displayed:

    • Select username - To view the usage history of a specific user, select the appropriate name from the drop-down menu.

    • Select hostname - To view the usage history for a specific host computer, select the appropriate computer from the drop-down menu.

    • Select working hours/days - The working hour/days options are:

      • All (24/7) - Displays all data available for the duration you select.

      • Monday to Friday (24/5) - Displays all data available for Monday through Friday for the duration you select.

      • Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm - Displays data for Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM for the duration you select.

    • Select duration to display - Click the From and to fields to specify the date range that you wish to display. Clicking the Reset to all button resets the From and to date duration values to the minimum and maximum dates found in the log files the for user, host and product you have selected.

    A graph is dynamically displayed showing the license denial history for the options selected.

  6. To view the data in a tabular format, click the Show tabular data button. The tabular view shows the license denials for each day as well as the average for each week and the selected period.

  7. You can export the data that is currently displayed to a CSV (comma separated value) file by clicking the Export to csv file button.

5.3.14. Displaying the FlexNet License Status

Use this option to display the FlexNet licensing activity (lmstat). The license server information, vendor daemon status and license usage information are displayed in the status window, along with the users of those features.

Viewing the FlexNet License Status

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the Display FlexNet License Status option.

    The FlexNet license status is displayed on the right-hand side of the page.

5.3.15. Gathering Diagnostic Information

This option gathers various licensing-related files, logs and information about your license server system and places them in a single compressed file. This information is useful when requesting support for the Ansys License Manager.

Note:  On Windows, this process may take a few minutes when msinfo32.exe is running.

Using the Gather Diagnostic Information option:

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the Gather Diagnostic Information option.

  3. Click the SAVE TO FILE button.

    The Ansys License Management Center begins to collect the files and information. After the collection process is complete, all files that are found and included in the compressed file are listed.

  4. Based upon how your default browser is configured, you will either be prompted for a location to save the compressed file or the compressed file will be automatically saved to your pre-defined location. Gathering Diagnostic Information outside of Ansys License Management Center

If you are unable to access the Ansys License Management Center but still wish to gather diagnostic information about your server system, you can run the gatherdiagnostics script located in the following directory:


\Program Files\Ansys Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\



On Windows you must run this script from an administrator command line (do not double-click the batch file). Running this script from a command line produces a single compressed file. This file contains the same licensing related files, logs and information produced by running the Gather Diagnostic Information option within the Ansys License Management Center.

5.3.16. Displaying Queued Licenses

Use this option to see a list of license features that are queued and awaiting availability, and the applicable licenses that are being used. The report will have the following format:

FEATURE       TIMESTAMP              TYPE           NAME           COUNT     HOST                STATUS
Feature1      YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS    USER           User1          1         HostMachine1        IN USE
              YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS    USER           User2          1         HostMachine2        QUEUED 
              YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS    USER           User2          1         HostMachine2        QUEUED        
              N/A                    HOST_GROUP     HPC_CLUSTER    1                             RESERVED         

Where the first line shows information for the requesting user, and subsequent lines under that license feature show information for the users who are currently using the licenses for each of the licensed products that satisfy the requested license feature.

Column Content Descriptions:

FEATURE: The license feature that is being used to satisfy the requested capability.

TIMESTAMP: The date and time that the current license was requested.

TYPE: The type of user. Typically USER but can also be the reserve type from the FlexNet Publisher options file RESERVE lines for the FEATURE.

NAME: The network username that requested the license. This column could also contain the name of the RESERVE option from the FlexNet Publisher options file.

COUNT: The number of license(s) requested by the user.

HOST: The host computer requesting the license(s).

STATUS: The current status of the license request. The status can be:

  • In Use: The requested license(s) are in use and currently unavailable to other users.

  • Queued: The requested license(s) are currently unavailable and the request has been placed in a queue until the license(s) become available.

  • Reserved: One or more licenses have been reserved. For more information on reserved license types, see the FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide.

Displaying Queued Licenses

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the Display Queued Licenses option.

    The queued license status is displayed on the right-hand side of the page.

5.3.17. Specifying the License Manager Run Mode

Note:  This option has been removed as of Ansys Release 2024 R1. If you have installed the Ansys License Manager 2024 R1 or newer on a machine that has never had the Ansys License Manager installed, you will not see this option.

This option specifies how the Ansys Licensing Interconnect is administered in conjunction with FlexNet. In addition to the default configuration (Run the Ansys Licensing Interconnect with FlexNet) which should satisfy most users, Ansys, Inc. offers two advanced licensing configuration "modes":

Run the Ansys Licensing Interconnect without FlexNet –Use this option if you want to run a local copy of the Ansys Licensing Interconnect on another machine in addition to the Licensing Interconnect being run on the license server machine. Your site must still have the Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet running on the license server machine. With this option, FlexNet licenses will be taken from another server machine. Note that this is not the default way to set up an Ansys license server machine and should be done only if it has been determined that you need this special type of setup. Examples of when this special type of setup might be used include increasing performance if your server machine is in a remote location or managing the server load better if your license server machine serves many users.

Run the Ansys Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet independently –Use this option if you want to manage FlexNet Licensing independently of the Ansys Licensing Interconnect. In this option, you would continue to manage the Ansys Licensing Interconnect via the Ansys License Management Center and FlexNet Licensing would be managed via another tool, such as Flexera Software's FlexNet Manager. Note that this is not the default way to set up an Ansys license server machine and should be done only by experienced users with well-established licensing procedures.

These options are available for license server machines via the Ansys License Management Center’s Specify License Manager Run Mode option only after an Ansys License Manager installation has been run on this machine.

Specifying the Ansys License Manager run mode:

Caution:  Changing the run mode will cause the Ansys License Manager to be shut down and restarted.

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the Specify License Manager Run Mode option.

    The License Manager Run Mode Specification page, containing each of the run modes, is displayed.

    Note:  The default run mode is Run the Ansys Licensing Interconnect with FlexNet.

  3. Select the run mode you want to use.

  4. Click the SUBMIT button to change the run mode.

    Note:  Clicking any option that is not relevant to your current run mode will cause Ansys License Management Center to display a page informing you that this option is not supported by the current run mode.

5.3.18. Accessing the Help Options

The Ansys License Management Center "Help" options give you access to documentation and related product information.

The Help options are:

  • View Ansys Licensing Guide: This option accesses the current PDF version of this guide.

  • View FlexNet Licensing Guide: This option accesses the current PDF version of the FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide.

  • View Licensing Configuration Details: This option displays a table that lists the location, executable name and current version of programs/tools used for license management functions (FlexNet, Java, Tomcat, etc.).

  • About License Management Center: The option includes the Ansys License Management Center product information (version number, copyright, etc.).