5.6. Changing the Version of Java Used by Ansys License Management Center

In some scenarios, it may be desirable to use a version of Java other than the version that was shipped and installed with Ansys License Manager. This section contains instructions for changing the Java version used by Ansys License Management Center.

Note:  Changing the version of Java is only possible when the Java version is newer than the version supplied as part of the Ansys installation. To view the version of Java installed by Ansys, open the Ansys License Management Center and run the View Licensing Configuration Details option.

5.6.1. Changing the Java Version During a New Installation of Ansys License Manager

Windows or Linux:

  1. Prior to performing the Ansys License Manager installation, set the following environment variable to point to the location of the Java version you want to use.


  2. Run the Ansys License Manager installation.

5.6.2. Changing the Java Version on an Existing Installation of Ansys License Manager


  1. Set the following environment variable to point to the location of the Java version you want to use.


  2. As an administrator, re-run the Ansys License Manager installation or run ansyslm_config.exe -usemyjava .

    By default, ansyslm_config.exe is located in:

    C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\tools\bin\winx64\


  1. Set the following environment variable to point to the location of the Java version you want to use.


  2. Stop any active version of Tomcat by running the stop_lmcenter script.

  3. Run the start_lmcenter script to configure Tomcat to use your version of Java and start Tomcat.

    Both the start_lmcenter script and the stop_lmcenter script are located in:
