2.3. Uninstalling the Ansys License Manager

These instructions shut down and remove the entire Ansys License Manager installation from your system. You should not uninstall the license manager if you still have products installed that use the license manager.

The procedures described in this section assume that you have installed the Ansys License Manager in the default locations. The default locations are:


C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\



If you have installed the Ansys License Manager to a non-default location, modify the steps accordingly.

Uninstalling on Linux License Servers

Follow these steps on the license server machine. You must be logged in as root or superuser.

  1. Stop the Ansys License Manager from the Ansys License Management Center by following the steps contained in Stopping the Ansys License Manager.

  2. Stop any Ansys Tomcat server processes running from this installation directory by running the stop_lmcenter script located in:


  3. Delete the shared_files subdirectory (/ansys_inc/shared_files/ by default).

    Note:  Do not delete this directory if Ansys products are also installed in the installation directory.

  4. Remove the Ansys License Manager automatic startup information by issuing the commands in Boot Time Startup Instructions using systemd.

  5. Remove the Tomcat automatic startup information by issuing the commands in Table 3.2: Removing Tomcat Automatic Startup Instructions.

Uninstalling on Windows License Servers

Follow these steps on the license server machine. All commands must be run in an administrator command prompt window.

  1. Stop the Ansys License Manager from the Ansys License Management Center by following the steps contained in Stopping the Ansys License Manager.

  2. Verify that the following processes are no longer running. If they are running, stop them before continuing the uninstall process.

    • ansysli_server.exe

    • ansysli_monitor.exe

    • ansyslmd.exe

    • lmgrd.exe

  3. Go to the directory path below and verify whether the ansysli_server.exe file is in this directory.

    <Install Directory>\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\winx64\

  4. To uninstall the Ansys License Manager service, you must use one of the following commands:

    If the ansysli_server.exe file is in your winx64 directory:

              "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\winx64\ansysli_server" 
         -k uninstall

    If the ansysli_server.exe file is NOT in your winx64 directory:

              sc delete "ANSYS, Inc. License Manager CVD"
  5. Uninstall the Ansys Licensing Tomcat service. You must use the following commands to do so:

              sc stop "ANSYSLicensingTomcat"
              sc delete "ANSYSLicensingTomcat"
  6. Delete the Shared Files subdirectory (C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files by default).

    Note:  Do not delete this directory if Ansys products are also installed in the installation directory.

  7. Remove the Ansys License Manager folder from the Start menu.

  8. Remove the ANSYSLIC_DIR and the ANSYSLIC_SYSDIR environment variables, if set.