4.4. Create a Group (Linux Only)

You may want to create a group of users with specific usage capabilities, such as users with licensing administrative privileges, or users who are authorized to shut down the license manager. An lmadmin group is the most common type of group.

To specify a list of users with access to licensing administrative options, you need to create an lmadmin group on computers from which license administration will be performed. If you create an lmadmin group, you must include root in order for root to continue to have access to these functions. For more details on using an lmadmin group, see the FlexNet License Administration Guide (accessible from the Ansys License Management Center). This option is available for Linux platforms only.

Follow the instructions below for your hardware platform to create an lmadmin group.

Linux  —  Add a line to the file /etc/group as follows:


where nn represents any unique group number and user1, user2, user3, ..., usern represent a list of n users in the group.

4.4.1. Defining Group Restrictions for the Licensing Interconnect

On Linux machines only, you can specify who can shut down the Ansys License Manager by using the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility's Modify Startup Options. By default, anyone can stop the license manager. You can restrict shutdown capabilities to only the user who started it, or to a group, such as lmadmin. If you choose group, you will need to specify the name of the group. Note that the user who started the license manager will still be able to shut it down, even if he is not part of a group with shutdown capabilities.

If you specify a group restriction, any users in that group who want to perform that operation must have the specified group as their primary group. For example, adding the following restriction:


restricts the ability to shut down the license manager to only members of the lmadmin group. Any user who is a member of the lmadmin group and wants to shut down the license manager must have lmadmin as his primary group:

machineabc{user1}: groups
other testing dev1 lmadmin

In the above example, user1 is a member of the groups other, testing, dev1, and lmadmin, where other is the primary group and testing, dev1, and lmadmin are secondary groups.

To change a group from a secondary to a primary group, issue the newgrp (or equivalent) command:

machineabc{user1}: newgrp lmadmin

In this example, user1 now has lmadmin as the primary group and will be able to shut down the license manager:

machineabc{user1}: groups
lmadmin other testing dev1