

A utility that centralizes the various Ansys product licensing administrative functions.

Ansys License Manager

The Ansys License Manager consists of three components. The first two are FlexNet components; the last one is an Ansys component. See the definitions of each for more information.

  • lmgrd

  • ansyslmd

  • ansysli_server


see Licensing Interconnect

Ansys License Management Center

The Ansys License Management Center is a browser-based user interface that centralizes many of the Ansys licensing administrative functions.


A component of the Licensing Interconnect that is run by Ansys applications on client systems. No user configuration or administration is required or associated with this component.


The ansysli_monitor runs on the same machine where the ansysli_server is running and ensures that the Licensing Interconnect is functioning correctly. If the Licensing Interconnect is not running, ansysli_monitor can restart it. If the Licensing Interconnect is running but is not responsive, ansysli_monitor can kill and restart it.


A component of the Licensing Interconnect that is run on the license server systems. Use ANSLIC_ADMIN to manage (start, stop, etc.).


The Licensing Interconnect log file, it provides a chronicle of Licensing Interconnect licensing activity, including problems. The Licensing Interconnect log file is located in the licensing directory by default.

ansysli port number

Communication channel by which the Ansys, Inc. applications communicate with the Licensing Interconnect. The default ansysli port number is 2325.


An environment variable that may be used to specify the license server machine from which you want to check out a license.


This is one of the FlexNet components of the Ansys license manager used to process Ansys product licensing requests, including issuing and returning licenses. ansyslmd, often referred to as the vendor daemon, is started by lmgrd and must be running to perform the aforementioned tasks.


File that resides in the licensing directory. It is created by ANSLIC_ADMIN utility options Specify the license server machine and Modify license manager startup options.

backup server

In a three-server (redundant triad) network, the two servers not chosen to be the master are the backup servers. If the master server goes down, the backup server listed next in the license file automatically assumes the role of master.

borrowable license

A borrowable license is a license that you can use temporarily outside of the company facility (such as at home on a laptop). A special license key is required before any license can be borrowed.

build date

The build date is the year, month, and date the Ansys application was built. The version field in the license file specifies the latest build date that can be run using that license. It may also appear as 9999.9999 if a maintenance agreement is not applicable.


Ansys, Inc. has assigned identifiers to each of the specific areas of functionality in the software. We refer to these identifiers as capabilities, which you may see in Ansys, Inc. licensing displays and logs. Each capability can be satisfied by at least one license feature; often, multiple license features can satisfy a particular capability.


A client is a machine that requests licenses but is not a license server machine (that is, does not have licenses installed on it).


The word feature, when used in the descriptions of the licensing utilities, refers to the Ansys product. See the Ansys customer site for the list of Ansys products and their corresponding license features.


A component of the Ansys license manager used for all Ansys products. Also called FlexNet License Manager. The FlexNet component authenticates and processes all license requests.

FlexNet license log file

Typically referred to as the FlexNet Debug Log File, it contains information relevant to licensing activity. This file provides a way of tracking licensing problems that may occur. The licensing log file, license.log, is located in the licensing directory by default.

FlexNet port number

Communication channel by which the license manager communicates with the client (Licensing Interconnect). The default FlexNet port number is 1055.

floating license

Anyone on the network can run a licensed Ansys product, up to the limit specified in the license file. Floating licenses require the license manager daemon (lmgrd) and the vendor daemon (ansyslmd) to be running to count the concurrent usage of the licenses.


See license task.

license borrowing

License borrowing allows a user to take a license for use outside of the company facility, such as for an engineer to take a license home on his laptop.

license file

A license file grants access to run specified products. Each licensed product will have an entry in the license file, ansyslmd.lic or ansoft.lic, which will reside in the license_files directory. Proper installation of a license file grants access to Ansys products. Install the license file using the Ansys License Management Center or during the installation process.

license key

The actual full license for the product.


Typically referred to as the FlexNet Debug Log File, it contains information relevant to licensing activity. This file provides a way of tracking licensing problems that may occur. The licensing log file is located in the licensing directory by default.

license manager

Software used for licensing Ansys, Inc. products. The Ansys License Manager has two components: the FlexNet software and the Licensing Interconnect.

license options file

A FlexNet file containing license manager-related resource information. By default, the file is named ansyslmd.opt and resides in the license_files directory. You may specify the following information in the options file:

  • Licenses that are reserved for individuals, groups, or machines

  • Those individuals, groups, or machines that are denied access to licenses

license server machine

A license server machine is a computer that you have designated to be the administrator of Ansys product licenses; the licenses are installed on the server machine(s). One or three systems (redundant triad) can be used to administer any particular set of Ansys product licenses.

license task

Each concurrent use of an Ansys product is a license task. Each use of an Ansys product will take a number of license tasks from the total number available.

licensing directory

The default location for the licensing files. On Linux systems, the licensing directory is /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing. On Windows systems, the default licensing directory is <OS_Drive>\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing, located in the same drive as the operating system.

Licensing Interconnect

Communications between the Ansys applications, lmgrd, and ansyslmd are handled by an intermediary process called the Ansys Licensing Interconnect. The Ansys Licensing Interconnect communicates with the FlexNet license manager to authenticate and process all license requests.

Licensing Interconnect Log File

Provides a chronicle of Licensing Interconnect licensing activity, including problems. The Licensing Interconnect log file, ansysli_server.log, is located in the licensing directory by default.


A group of users that you designate to have the ability to perform license administrative tasks that are considered disruptive.


One of the FlexNet components of the Ansys License Manager, used to process Ansys product licensing requests, including issuing and returning licenses.


lmutil is a FlexNet-supplied utility that will perform various license administrator functions including: rereading the license file, shutting down the license manager, starting the license manager, and listing the users of licensed products. lmutil is the underlying process in several of the Ansys License Management Center and ANSLIC_ADMIN options.

master server

In a three-server (redundant triad) network, one of the servers must be the master server. The server listed first in the license file automatically assumes the role of master. The other two license servers machines are backup servers. In a one-server network, that server is automatically the master.

options file

See license options file.


When used in the context of a license file path, the list of places that are searched in order to locate a valid license file. The path is built from values in the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable, settings in the ansyslmd.ini file, or an actual license file.


You may designate either one or three machines to be license servers. In a three-server (redundant triad) network, license manager daemons must be running on the majority (2) of the server machines (a quorum) before requests for licenses will be processed.

redundant (triad) servers

Having multiple machines designated as license servers for an Ansys product. Redundancy can be achieved either by having three license server machines working together in tandem, where two of the three must be running at all times but serving from a single set of licenses, or by having any number of license server machines running independently, each serving from different license files.


See license server.

Tamper Resistant License

A sixty character encryption used in the licensing file.


See license task.


Tamper Resistant License

vendor daemon

FlexNet terminology used to refer to the vendor-specific component of the FlexNet license manager. The Ansys vendor daemon is ansyslmd.