This is usually a communication error, typically caused by network bandwidth saturation. Virus scanning software, too many client connections, or firewall software could be the cause. It could also be caused by applications unknown to the Licensing Interconnect trying to connect to the Licensing Interconnect port.
Feature XXX
does not exist in the
This error is given when there is a request for a capability for which no valid license exists on the license server. If you believe that a valid license does exist, be sure to reread both FlexNet and the Licensing Interconnect each time you install a new license.
The specified license path does not have any licenses for any product
This error typically indicates a cache problem. The license server from which you are trying to cache may be down or the path to the license server is incorrect.
Dependent feature XXX
in AND keyword is
not available
This error occurs when two or more different license features are requested for checkout and one or more are either not available or nonexistent.
A Workbench child application needs to wait for Workbench to recheckout its license
In the scenario where the Licensing Interconnect goes down and is restarted, for Workbench jobs that were running while the Licensing Interconnect was up, the main Workbench application must reconnect to the License Server before the job can proceed. This message will be seen for Workbench clients that are waiting until the main Workbench application has reconnected.