3.2. Starting the Ansys Licensing Tomcat Server at System Boot Time

You can set Tomcat to start automatically at system boot time on Linux machines. This task is optional but is recommended and should be done regardless of which type of license server configuration you use. The License Management Center runs using the Tomcat web server. This task is required to be able to run the License Management Center.

Table 3.1: Tomcat Automatic Startup Instructions details the steps that must be performed on each Linux license server to start Tomcat automatically when the system is rebooted.

Note:  The procedure described in this section starts Tomcat at boot time as root. It is not essential that Tomcat be started by the root user; it may be run by a non-privileged user, depending on your preference. If you do not want Tomcat to be started by root, modify the LMUSER value in the init_ansyslm_tomcat boot script to include the user login name you want to use at boot time. This user must have read/write access to all files contained in the following directories:

<Install Directory>/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/conf

<Install Directory>/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/logs

<Install Directory>/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/bin

Table 3.1: Tomcat Automatic Startup Instructions

Linux: Red Hat, SuSE and CentOS

Issue the Tomcat startup instructions:

cp /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/init_ansyslm_tomcat /etc/init.d 
chmod 555 /etc/init.d/init_ansyslm_tomcat 
chkconfig --add init_ansyslm_tomcat 
chkconfig init_ansyslm_tomcat on

Once the procedure is in place for starting Tomcat automatically at boot time, reboot the system to verify that the automatic boot procedure is working correctly.

When the system comes back up, check to see that Tomcat is running by typing the appropriate ps command and looking for init_ansyslm_tomcat in the resulting display under the column labeled COMMAND. For example:

ps -ef|grep tomcat

Removing the Tomcat Automatic Startup Information

If you remove the license manager server installation from a machine and need to remove Tomcat Automatic Startup capability, follow the instructions below.

Table 3.2: Removing Tomcat Automatic Startup Instructions

Linux: Red Hat, SuSE and CentOSIssue the following commands:
/etc/init.d/init_ansyslm_tomcat stop
chkconfig --del init_ansyslm_tomcat
rm /etc/init.d/init_ansyslm_tomcat