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/- What You Need to Know
- 1. Brake-Squeal Analysis
- 2. Nonlinear Analysis of a 2D Hyperelastic Seal Using Rezoning
- 3. Fluid-Pressure-Penetration Analysis of a Sealing System
- 4. Ring-Gear Forging Simulation with Rezoning
- 5. Delamination of a Stiffened Composite Panel Under a Compressive Load
- 6. Thermal-Stress Analysis of a Cooled Turbine Blade
- 7. Nonlinear Transient Analysis of a Camshaft Assembly
- 8. Nuclear Piping System Under Seismic Loading
- 9. Reliability Study of a Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessel
- 10. Lumbar Motion Segment Simulation
- 11. Rocket Nozzle Extension Simulation: Fabrication
- 12. Dynamic Simulation of a Nuclear Piping System Using RSA Methods
- 13. Centrifugal Impeller Analysis Using Cyclic Symmetry and Linear Perturbation
- 14. Rotordynamics of a Shaft Assembly Based on a Representative Model of Nelson-Vaugh Rotor
- 15. Calibrating and Validating a Hyperelastic Constitutive Model
- 16. Evaluation of Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors and T-stress for 3-D Surface Flaws
- 17. Impact of a Metal Bar on a Rigid Wall
- 18. Viscoelastic Analysis of an All-Ceramic Fixed Partial Denture (FPD)
- 19. Transient Dynamic Analysis of a Digger-Arm Assembly
- 20. Dynamic Simulation of a Printed Circuit Board Assembly Using Modal Analysis Methods
- 21. Buckling and Post-Buckling Analysis of a Ring-Stiffened Cylinder Using Nonlinear Stabilization
- 22. Modal and Harmonic Frequency Analyses of an Automotive Suspension Assembly Using CMS
- 23. Modal Analysis of a Wind Turbine Blade Using Beam Elements
- 24. Hydrostatic Fluid Analysis of an Inflating and Rolling Tire
- 25. Cardiovascular Stent Simulation
- 26. Nonlinear Analysis of a Rubber Boot Seal
- 27. Hot-Rolling Structural Steel Analysis with Nonlinear Mesh Adaptivity
- 28. Friction Stir Welding (FSW) Simulation
- 29. Rocket Nozzle Extension Simulation: Operation
- 29.1. Introduction
- 29.2. Problem Description
- 29.3. Modeling Overview
- 29.4. Setting up the ACP (Pre) System
- 29.4.1. Insert ACP (Pre) and define a custom material in Workbench
- 29.4.2. Specify Modeling Details in Mechanical
- 29.4.3. Specify Composite Layers in ACP
- 29.4.4. Transfer Modeling and Composite Specifications to Downstream Thermal and Structural Analyses in Workbench
- 29.4.5. View the Transferred Composite Layers in Mechanical
- 29.5. Material Properties
- 29.6. Boundary Conditions and Loading
- 29.7. Analysis and Solution Controls
- 29.8. Results and Discussion
- 29.9. Recommendations
- 29.10. Workbench Input Files and Project Files
- 30. Acoustic Analysis of a Small Speaker System
- 31. Fitting Parameters for a Chaboche Kinematic Hardening Model
- 31.1. Introduction
- 31.2. Problem Description
- 31.3. Geometry
- 31.4. Modeling
- 31.5. Modeling and Meshing
- 31.6. Material Properties: Chaboche Kinematic Hardening Material Model
- 31.7. Boundary Conditions and Loading
- 31.8. Analysis Settings
- 31.9. Results
- 31.10. References
- 31.11. Workbench Input Files and Project Files
- 32. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Simulation
- 33. Analysis of a Piezoelectric Flextensional Transducer in Water
- 34. Dynamic Simulation of a Nuclear Island
- 35. Elastoplastic Creep Analysis of Lead-Free Solder Bumps
- 36. VCCT-Based Crack-Growth Simulation of a Composite Laminated T-Joint
- 37. Bolt Thread
- 38. Large-Deformation Neo-Hookean Analysis (via UserMat Subroutine)
- 39. Wire Bonding Ultrasonic Transducer
- 40. Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) with Thermal Effect
- 41. Acoustic Analysis of a Viscothermal Resonator
- 42. Wire Crimping Modeled with General Contact
- 43. Contact Surface Wear Simulation
- 44. C*-integral Evaluation for 3-D Surface Flaws
- 45. Forced-Response Analysis of a Mistuned Bladed Disk with Aerodamping
- 46. Surface Subsidence Caused by Reservoir Depletion
- 47. Electromigration in a Solder Ball
- 48. Active and Passive Lateral Earth Pressure Analysis
- 49. Load Limit Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Slab
- 50. Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus Analysis Using Hyperelastic Material
- 51. Multi-Filar Coil Inside a Tube Modeled with Beam-to-Beam Contact
- 52. Sequential Construction of an Embankment on a Clay Layer
- 53. Acoustic Analysis of a MEMS Microphone
- 54. Reinforced Concrete Joint Analysis
- 55. Inverse-Solving Analysis of a Rotor Fan Blade with Disk
- 56. Threaded Connection Analysis
- 57. Tire Performance Simulation
- 58. Suction Pile Analysis
- 59. Thermal-Structural Analysis of a Printed Circuit Board
- 60. Accelerated Thermomechanical Fatigue Analysis of Thermal-Barrier Coatings
- 61. Underconstrained Coil Spring Under Compression
- 62. Inverse-Solving Analysis of a Cardiovascular Structure
- 63. (reserved)
- 64. Fretting Fatigue Damage with Adaptive Wear Scaling
- 65. FFT Frequency Calculation Based on Impulse Load
- 66. Sintering Simulation of a Printed Bridge
- 67. Crystal Plasticity with Hall-Petch Effect
- 68. Hydrostatic Extrusion of Hyperelastic-Plastic Material
- 69. Accelerated Fatigue Analysis of Solder Joints in a Chip Resistor Assembly
- 70. Adaptive Crack-Initiation and -Propagation
- 71. Effect of Fretting Wear on Bolt Self-Loosening