Right-click the Solution object, select Insert, and select the following result options: Equivalent (Von-Mises) Stress, Normal Stress, Equivalent Plastic Strain, and Accumulated Equivalent Plastic Strain.
Plot the Equivalent (Von-Mises) Stress result and observe that the maximum calculated stress occurs at the notch tip (vertex near notch on the horizontal bottom edge) due to stress concentration (see red max label in Figure 31.16: Equivalent Plastic Strain). Plot the Normal Stress with orientation Y Axis, Equivalent Plastic Strain and Accumulated Equivalent Plastic Strain scoped to the notch tip. Observe in the Graph below that the maximum equivalent plastic strain increases with each cycle (ratcheting).
The accumulated equivalent plastic strain also increases with each cycle as seen in the following figure.
Insert a Chart plotting the Equivalent Plastic Strain and Normal Stress result objects added previously. Enter the settings shown below and observe that the chart shows the expected ratcheting effect for Chaboche Kinematic Hardening material model.