Electrical, thermal, and structural boundary conditions are applied:
The UZ displacements are constrained on the symmetry surface.
The UY displacements are constrained at the top and bottom surfaces of the model.
The UX displacements are constrained at the lower left end of the copper plate.

A convection boundary condition with a film coefficient of 20 pW/(μm)2(°C) to a bulk temperature of 50°C is specified for all surfaces except the symmetry plane. An initial temperature of 50°C is specified.

The end of one lead is grounded while a current of (2.85x1012)/2 pA (for the half model) is step-applied to the end of the other lead. The VOLT degree of freedom is coupled to distribute the current evenly.

These boundary conditions cannot be defined in the Mechanical user interface and are therefore defined through a command snippet using Named Selections NS_VOLT, NS_CPVOLT, and NS_CURRENT:

! Electrical d,NS_VOLT,volt,0 CMSEL,S,NS_CPVOLT CP,NEXT,VOLT,ALL ALLSEL,ALL f,NS_CURRENT,amps,1425e9 ! electric current, pA, half model
An initial unit normalized concentration is specified. This cannot be defined in the Mechanical user interface and is therefore defined through a command snippet.
ic,all,conc,1 ! initial normalized concentration
The above command snippets for the electrical and diffusion loading are inserted under Coupled Field Transient in the tree outline.