Chapter 16: Evaluation of Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors and T-stress for 3-D Surface Flaws

This example problem shows how to evaluate mixed-mode stress-intensity factors and T-stresses for cracks in structural components. Stress intensity factors are used to evaluate the state of stress in the region around the crack front. They can be used to evaluate the propensity for the crack to grow. T-stress represents the forces on crack faces under a mode I type loading.

Analyses of a simple semicircular surface flaw in a rectangular block and a warped flaw along a tubular joint are discussed. This example problem is solved using the Ansys Mechanical application. To see this example solved using Ansys Mechanical APDL see Evaluation of Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors and T-stress for 3D Surface Flaws in the Technology Showcase: Example Problems.

The following features and capabilities are highlighted:

  • Evaluating mode-I stress-intensity factors and T-stresses for a semicircular surface flaw in a rectangular block using a Semi-Elliptical Crack object.

  • Evaluation of mixed-mode Stress-intensity factors and T-stresses for a warped semi-ellipical surface flaw in a tubular joint using a Pre-Meshed Crack object.

  • Meshing around a crack front in 3-D structures.


Analysis Type(s)Linear Static Structural
Element Type(s) 3-D Solid (SOLID186 and SOLID187)
Solver Type(s) Ansys Mechanical