This example problem couples structural, piezoelectric, and acoustic elements to analyze the acoustic response of a flextensional transducer to voltage excitation using a Coupled Field Harmonic System.
This example is simulated using the Ansys Mechanical application. To see this example solved with Ansys Mechanical APDL see Analysis of a Piezoelectric Flextensional Transducer in Water in the Technology Showcase: Example Problems
The following features and capabilities are highlighted:
Structural-acoustic coupling using fluid-structure interaction (FSI) in 2D and 3D
Defining piezoelectric material properties in Engineering Data
Use of infinite acoustic elements to absorb outgoing acoustic waves in 2D
Use of the Robin boundary condition to absorb outgoing acoustic waves in 3D
Use of an acoustic Physics Region in 3D
Far-field postprocessing of an acoustic field in 2.5D models
Analysis Type(s) | Coupled Field Harmonic |
Element Type(s) | |
Solver Type(s) | Ansys Mechanical |