Chapter 51: Multi-Filar Coil Inside a Tube Modeled with Beam-to-Beam Contact

This example problem demonstrates three methods to model a multi-filar coil inside of a tube. Each model uses a different contact scenario: surface-to-surface, beam-to-surface, or beam-to-beam. A comparison shows that the beam model using beam-to-beam contact offers the best advantage in terms of simplified modeling and reduced computation time.

This example is simulated using the Ansys Mechanical application. To see this example solved with Ansys Mechanical APDL see Multi-Filar Coil Inside a Tube Modeled with Beam-to-Beam Contact in the Technology Showcase: Example Problems.

The following features and capabilities are highlighted:


Analysis Type(s) Static Structural Analysis
Element Type(s) 3-D Solid, 3-D Beam, 3-D Pipe, 3-D Contact
Material Model(s)Linear Elastic, Neo-Hookean Hyperelastic
Solver Type(s) ANSYS Mechanical