4.1. Introduction

Finite element analysis plays a significant role in designing and analyzing complex metal-forming processes that improve product quality. Successful simulation of these processes is often complicated due to the nonlinear nature of the problems involved. Causes for nonlinearity in such problems include large-deformation analysis, material plasticity, and the contact needed between the work piece and the dies.

Rezoning is a powerful tool for overcoming problems that can arise due to mesh distortion, including reduced simulation accuracy and convergence difficulties. This technology can automatically repair a distorted mesh during the simulation to capture local deformations in more detail and improve solution convergence and accuracy. Rezoning is not intended for cases where the material or structure becomes unstable or where the mesh deformation has become too severe to repair. Rezoning is implemented through the Nonlinear Adaptive Region feature in the Ansys Mechanical application.

If necessary, several regions can be repaired at the same time (horizontal rezoning), and multiple rezoning operations are allowed on a region at different times during the analysis (vertical rezoning).