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Using This Manual
1. The Contents of This Manual
2. The Contents of the Ansys Polyflow Manuals
3. Typographical Conventions
1. Getting Started with Ansys Polyflow in Ansys Workbench
1.1. Introduction to Ansys Workbench
1.1.1. Limitations
1.2. The Workbench Graphical User Interface
1.3. Creating Polyflow-Based Systems
1.3.1. Creating Polyflow-Based Analysis Systems
1.3.2. Creating Polyflow-Based Component Systems
1.4. Understanding Cell States with Polyflow in Workbench
1.5. Starting Polyflow Applications in Workbench
1.5.1. Starting Polyfuse from a Polyflow-Based System
1.5.2. Starting Polymat from a Polyflow-Based System
1.5.3. Starting a Preference Editor from a Polyflow-Based System
1.5.4. Starting Polydata from a Polyflow-Based System
1.5.5. Starting Polyflow from a Polyflow-Based System
1.5.6. Starting a Listing Viewer from a Polyflow-Based System
1.5.7. Starting Polycurve from a Polyflow-Based System
1.5.8. Starting Polystat from a Polyflow-Based System
1.6. Saving Your Work in Polyflow with Workbench
1.7. Exiting Polydata and Workbench
1.8. An Example of a Polyflow Analysis in Workbench
1.9. Getting Help for Polyflow in Workbench
2. Working with Ansys Polyflow in Ansys Workbench
2.1. Generating Meshes in Ansys Meshing for Polyflow
2.1.1. Named Selections and PMeshes
2.1.2. CutCell Meshes
2.1.3. Length Unit
2.2. Importing Mesh and Data Files
2.3. Using the Update Command
2.4. Refreshing Polyflow Input Data
2.5. Deleting Solution and Setup Cell Data for Polyflow-Based Systems
2.6. Connecting Systems in Workbench
2.6.1. Connecting Systems by Dragging and Dropping a System from the Toolbox onto Another System
2.6.2. Connecting Systems By Dragging and Dropping Polyflow-Based Solution Cells Onto Other Systems
2.7. Duplicating Polyflow-Based Systems
2.8. Stopping, Restarting, and Continuing a Calculation
2.9. Using Output Files from a Completed Simulation
2.9.1. Initializing a New Simulation Using Output Files
2.9.2. Converting Output Files Example 1 Example 2
2.10. Working with Input and Output Parameters in Workbench
2.11. Viewing Your Polyflow Data Using Ansys CFD-Post
2.12. Understanding the File Structure for Polyflow in Workbench
2.12.1. Polyflow File Naming in Workbench
2.13. Working with ANSYS Licensing
2.13.1. Shared Licensing Mode
2.14. Using Custom Systems
2.15. Polyflow Project Templates
2.15.1. Choosing a Polyflow Project Template
2.15.2. Using a Polyflow Project Template
2.16. Recording Session Journals with Polyflow in Workbench