2.6.2. Connecting Systems By Dragging and Dropping Polyflow-Based Solution Cells Onto Other Systems

The following figures demonstrate the procedure for creating a transfer data connection by dragging a Solution cell from a Polyflow-based system and dropping it onto a compatible cell in another system:

Figure 2.5: An Example of Two Unconnected Systems

An Example of Two Unconnected Systems

Figure 2.6: An Example of Dragging and Dropping a Solution Cell onto Another Compatible Cell

An Example of Dragging and Dropping a Solution Cell onto Another Compatible Cell

Figure 2.7: An Example of Two Connected Systems

An Example of Two Connected Systems

The following table lists the compatible drop targets for the Solution cell from a Polyflow-based system:

Table 2.1: Connecting Systems By Dragging and Dropping the Solution Cell

From CellTo Cell
Solution Polyflow: Setup (mesh data only)
Polyflow: Solution (results data only)
Fluid Flow (Polyflow): Solution (results data only)
Fluid Flow (Polyflow): Results
Results (of any fluid system or a Results system)

Important:  As shown in Table 2.1: Connecting Systems By Dragging and Dropping the Solution Cell, the Solution cell cannot be connected to the Setup cell of a Polyflow-based analysis system, whereas it can be connected to the Setup cell of a Polyflow-based component system.