26.4. Setting Up the Mixture Model

For background information about the mixture model and the limitations that apply, refer to Overview in the Theory Guide.

26.4.1. Defining the Phases for the Mixture Model

Instructions for specifying the necessary information for the primary and secondary phases and their interaction for a mixture model calculation are provided below. Defining the Primary Phase

The procedure for defining the primary phase in a mixture model calculation is the same as for a VOF calculation. See Defining the Primary Phase for details. Defining a Non-Granular Secondary Phase

To define a non-granular (that is, liquid or vapor) secondary phase in a mixture multiphase calculation, go to the Phases tab of the Multiphase Model dialog box and perform the following steps:

  1. Select the phase (for example, phase-2) in the Phases list.

    Figure 26.46: Defining the Secondary Phase for the Mixture Model

    Defining the Secondary Phase for the Mixture Model

  2. In the Phase Setup group box, enter a Name for the phase (for example, sand).

  3. Specify which material the phase contains by choosing the appropriate material in the Phase Material drop-down list.

  4. Define the material properties for the Phase Material, following the same procedure you used to set the material properties for the primary phase (see Defining the Primary Phase). For a particulate phase (which must be placed in the fluid materials category, as mentioned in Steps for Using a Multiphase Model), you need to specify only the density; you can ignore the values for the other properties, since they will not be used.

  5. Specify the Diameter of the bubbles, droplets, or particles of this phase ( in Equation 14–166 in the Theory Guide). You can specify a constant value, or use a user-defined function. See the Fluent Customization Manual for details about user-defined functions. Note that when you are using the mixture model without slip velocity, this input is a characteristic length scale.

  6. Click Apply. Defining a Granular Secondary Phase

To define a granular (that is, particulate) secondary phase in a mixture model multiphase calculation, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the phase (for example, phase-2) in the Phases list.

    Figure 26.47: Defining a Granular Phase in the Mixture Model

    Defining a Granular Phase in the Mixture Model

  2. In the Phase Setup group box, enter a Name for the phase (for example, sand).

  3. Specify which material the phase contains by choosing the appropriate material in the Phase Material drop-down list.

  4. Define the material properties for the Phase Material, following the same procedure you used to set the material properties for the primary phase (see Defining the Primary Phase). For a granular phase (which must be placed in the fluid materials category, as mentioned in Steps for Using a Multiphase Model), you need to specify only the density; you can ignore the values for the other properties, since they will not be used.

    Important:  Note that all properties for granular flows can be defined by user-defined functions (UDFs).

    See the Fluent Customization Manual for details about user-defined functions.

  5. Enable the Granular option.

  6. Specify the Diameter of the particles. You can select constant in the drop-down list and specify a constant value, or select user-defined to use a user-defined function. See the Fluent Customization Manual for details about user-defined functions.

  7. In the Granular Properties group box, specify the following properties of the particles of this phase:

    Granular Viscosity

    specifies the method for computing the kinetic () and collisional () components of the granular viscosity (Equation 14–139 in the Fluent Theory Guide). Selecting constant, syamlal-obrien (Equation 14–141 in the Fluent Theory Guide), or gidaspow (Equation 14–142 in the Fluent Theory Guide) will use these expressions for the kinetic portion of the viscosity and will calculate the collisional portion of the viscosity from Equation 14–140 in the Fluent Theory Guide. Alternatively, you can select user-defined to use a user-defined function. Note that if you select user-defined, your user-defined function must include both the kinetic portion and the collisional portion of the viscosity in the value it returns.

    Frictional Pressure

    specifies the pressure gradient term, , in the granular-phase momentum equation. Choose none to exclude frictional pressure from your calculation, johnson-et-al to apply Equation 14–371 in the Theory Guide, syamlal-obrien to apply Equation 14–268 in the Theory Guide, based-ktgf, where the frictional pressure is defined by the kinetic theory  [38]. The solids pressure tends to a large value near the packing limit, depending on the model selected for the radial distribution function. You must hook a user-defined function when selecting the user-defined option. See the Fluent Customization Manual for information on hooking a UDF.

    Frictional Modulus

    is defined as


    with , which is the derived option. You can also specify a user-defined function for the frictional modulus.

    Friction Packing Limit

    specifies a threshold volume fraction at which the frictional regime becomes dominant. The default value is 0.61.

    Granular Temperature

    specifies temperature for the solids phase and is proportional to the kinetic energy of the random motion of the particles. Choose either the algebraic, the constant, or user-defined option.

    Solids Pressure

    specifies the pressure gradient term, , in the granular-phase momentum equation. Choose either the lun-et-al, the syamlal-obrien, the ma-ahmadi, or the user-defined option.

    Radial Distribution

    specifies a correction factor that modifies the probability of collisions between grains when the solid granular phase becomes dense. Choose either the lun-et-al, the syamlal-obrien, the ma-ahmadi, the arastoopour, or a user-defined option.

    Elasticity Modulus

    is defined as


    with .

    Choose either the derived or user-defined options.

    Packing Limit

    specifies the maximum volume fraction for the granular phase. For monodispersed spheres, the packing limit is about 0.63, which is the default value in Ansys Fluent. In polydispersed cases, however, smaller spheres can fill the small gaps between larger spheres, so you may need to increase the maximum packing limit.

  8. Click Apply. Defining the Interfacial Area Concentration via the Transport Equation

If you want to solve the transport equation for interfacial area concentration of the secondary phase in the mixture model (Interfacial Area Concentration in the Fluent Theory Guide, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Phases tab of the Multiphase Model dialog box, select the phase (for example, phase-2) from the Phases list.

    Figure 26.48: The Multiphase Model Dialog Box Displaying the Interfacial Area Concentration Settings

    The Multiphase Model Dialog Box Displaying the Interfacial Area Concentration Settings

  2. In the Phase Setup group box, enter a Name for the phase (for example, water-vapor).

  3. Specify which material the phase contains by choosing the appropriate material in the Phase Material drop-down list.

  4. Define the material properties for the Phase Material.

  5. Enable the Interfacial Area Concentration option. Make sure the Granular option is disabled for the Interfacial Area Concentration option to be visible in the interface.

  6. Specify the Diameter of the particles or bubbles. You can select constant in the drop-down list and specify a constant value, or select user-defined to use a user-defined function. See the Fluent Customization Manual for details about user-defined functions. The Diameter recommended setting is sauter-mean, allowing for the effects of the interfacial area concentration values to be considered for mass, momentum and heat transfer across the interface between phases.

  7. In the Interfacial Area Concentration Properties group box, specify the following properties of the particles of this phase:

    Min/Max Diameter

    are the limits of the bubble diameters.

    Coalescence Kernel, Breakage Kernel

    allow you to specify the coalescence and breakage kernels. You can select none, constant, hibiki-ishii, ishii-kim, yao-morel, or user-defined. The three options, hibiki-ishii, ishii-kim and yao-morel are described in detail in Interfacial Area Concentration in the Theory Guide.

    In addition to specifying the hibiki-ishii, ishii-kim, and yao-morel as the coalescence and breakage kernels, you can also tune the properties of the three models by using the /define/phases/iac-expert/hibiki-ishii-model, /define/phases/iac-expert/ishii-kim-model, and /define/phases/iac-expert/yao-morel-model text commands.

    For each of the three models you can specify the parameters listed in Table 26.12: Parameters for the Coalescence and Breakage Kernels

    Table 26.12: Parameters for the Coalescence and Breakage Kernels

    Hibiki-Ishii Ishii-Kim ModelYao-Morel Model
    Coefficient Gamma_c Coefficient Crc Coefficient K_c1
    Coefficient K_c Coefficient Cwe Coefficient K_c3
    Coefficient Gamma_b Coefficient C Coefficient K_b1
    Coefficient K_b Coefficient Cti alpha_max
    alpha_max alpha_max

    These values are discussed in greater detail in Interfacial Area Concentration in the Theory Guide.

    Nucleation Rate

    is a source term for the interfacial area concentration that models the rate of formation of the dispersed phase. You can choose from constant or user-defined.

    Surface Tension

    specifies the surface tension at the liquid-air interface. You can select either the hibiki-ishii or the ishii-kim model.

    Critical Weber Number

    will need to be specified if you selected ishii-kim or yao-morel for the Breakage Kernel.

    Dissipation Function

    gives you the option to choose the formula which calculates the dissipation rate used in the hibiki-ishii and ishii-kim models. You can choose amongst constant, wu-ishii-kim, fluent-ke, and user-defined for the dissipation function.

    The wu-ishii-kim option uses a simple algebraic correlation for :




    where , , , and are the mixture density, mixture velocity, mixture molecular viscosity, and hydraulic diameter of the flow path.

    When you select the wu-ishii-kim model, you will set an additional input for Hydraulic Diameter.

    Hydraulic Diameter

    is the value used in Equation 26–19, should you use the wu-ishii-kim formulation.

  8. Click Apply.

Note:  When solving a steady-state problem, the preferred setting for the Under-Relaxation Factor is 1.0, as the interfacial area equation for the boiling models is currently under-relaxed using a locally defined pseudo time step. If you want extra explicit under-relaxation, you may set the value of the Under-Relaxation Factor to less than one, this may be done only in case of serious convergence problems with the interfacial area transport equation. To improve convergence you can switch to a pseudo time step for the interfacial area concentration only, using the define/phases/iac-expert/iac-pseudo-time-step text command and set the local pseudo time step to less than 1. Defining the Algebraic Interfacial Area Concentration

If you have chosen not to solve the transport equation for Interfacial Area Concentration as described in Defining the Interfacial Area Concentration via the Transport Equation, then you can select an algebraic model to estimate the interfacial area from the secondary phase diameter specified in the Phases tab of the Multiphase Model dialog box. To choose an algebraic interfacial area model perform these steps.

  1. In the Multiphase Model dialog box, go to the Phase Interaction > Interfacial Area tab.

  2. Select the desired algebraic model from the Interfacial Area drop-down list:


    considers both the primary and secondary phase volume fractions in estimating the interfacial area.


    considers the secondary phase volume fraction in estimating the interfacial area.


    considers the volume fraction gradient at the interface between two phases in estimating the interfacial area.


    uses different algebraic interfacial area models for different regimes. This item is available only for the regime flow modeling. See Using the Flow Regime Modeling for more information about this method.


    See DEFINE_EXCHANGE_PROPERTY in the Fluent Customization Manual.

In addition to these models, Ansys Fluent provides the Gradient-Symmetric model, which is available via the text user interface. You can use the following text commands to enable this model:


switch to ia-grad-symmetric option? [yes] yes

See Algebraic Models in the Fluent Theory Guide for details about the theory behind algebraic interfacial area models. Defining Drag Between Phases

For mixture multiphase flows with slip velocity, you can specify the drag function to be used in the calculation.

To specify drag laws, go to the Phase Interaction > Forces tab in the Multiphase Model dialog box (Figure 26.49: The Multiphase Model Dialog Box for the Mixture Model (Forces Tab)) and make the appropriate selections in the Drag Coefficient group box.

Figure 26.49: The Multiphase Model Dialog Box for the Mixture Model (Forces Tab)

The Multiphase Model Dialog Box for the Mixture Model (Forces Tab)

The drag coefficients available here are a subset of those discussed in Specifying the Drag Function.

In addition, for cases that involve flow regime modeling, the drag-hybrid method is available as described in Using the Flow Regime Modeling.

Relative (Slip) Velocity and the Drift Velocity in the Theory Guide  provides theoretical background information. Defining the Slip Velocity

If you are solving for slip velocities during the mixture calculation, you can modify the slip velocity definition in the Phase Interaction > Forces tab in the Multiphase Model dialog box (Figure 26.49: The Multiphase Model Dialog Box for the Mixture Model (Forces Tab)).

Under Slip Velocity, you can specify the slip velocity function for each secondary phase with respect to the primary phase by choosing the appropriate item in the adjacent drop-down list. Including Surface Tension and Wall Adhesion Effects

You can include the effects of surface tension along the interface between one or more pairs of phases as described in Including Surface Tension and Adhesion Effects. For more information about the theoretical background, see Surface Tension and Adhesion in the Fluent Theory Guide.

  • The surface tension option in recommended for cases with sharp/dispersed interface modeling type.

  • Jump adhesion is not supported with the Mixture Multiphase model.

26.4.2. Including Mixture Drift Force

If you are solving for slip velocity and using one of the turbulence models in your Mixture multiphase calculation, you can also include the effects of the slip velocity on the momentum and turbulence equations. To include these effects, enable Mixture Drift Force in the Viscous Model Dialog Box. The turbulent dispersion effect will be included in the slip velocity equation (Equation 14–135 in the Fluent Theory Guide). Note that the inclusion of these terms can slow down convergence noticeably. If you are looking for additional accuracy, you may want to compute a solution first without these sources, and then continue the calculation with these terms included. In most cases these terms can be neglected.

26.4.3. Using the Flow Regime Modeling Limitations for the Flow Regime Modeling

The following limitation exists with the flow regime modeling:

  • The flow regime modeling is supported only with the algebraic slip model, which is valid for low Stokes numbers. Setting the Flow Regime Modeling

To use the flow regime modeling framework, follow the steps outlined below. Only the steps that are pertinent to the flow regime modeling are listed here. For the theory behind the flow regime modeling, see Flow Regime Modeling in the Fluent Theory Guide.

  1. In the Models tab of the Multiphase Model dialog box, set up the following models and options.

     Setup Models Multiphase  Edit...

    1. In the Model group box, enable Mixture.

    2. In the Model Parameters group box, enable Slip Velocity.

      Once you have selected Slip Velocity, the Flow Regime Modeling option appears in the Model Parameters group box.

    3. Enable Flow Regime Modeling.

      Once you have enables Flow Regime Modeling, Ansys Fluent automatically enables the following options:

      • Sharp/Dispersed interface modeling type in the Options group box

      • Regime Based Discretization in the Interface Modeling Options dialog box.

      Note:  Although the Dispersed interface modeling type is available, using this option in your simulation may yield less accurate results for some analyses. For instance, the free surface evolution may not be captured well with this option.

    4. Click the Interface Modeling Options... button and in the Interface Modeling Options dialog box, specify the appropriate settings.

      The default values for both the Bubbly/Droplet Flow Limiter and Free Surface Flow Limiter are 1.5, which should be suitable for most cases. You can modify these values as needed for your analysis. See The Compressive Scheme and Interface-Model-based Variants in the Fluent Theory Guide for more information about the slope limiters.

  2. Click Apply.

  3. In the Phases tab, define the phases for your simulation.

    Figure 26.50: The Multiphase Model Dialog Box - Hybrid Phase Morphology

    The Multiphase Model Dialog Box - Hybrid Phase Morphology

    1. Define the primary and secondary phases as appropriate.

    2. For each phase, select either Liquid or Gas from the Phase State group box.

    3. Select the Phase Morphology from the following options:

      • Continuous

      • Dispersed (available for secondary phases only)

      • Hybrid

      See Flow Regime Modeling in the Fluent Theory Guide for details about phase morphologies.

    4. For phase with either the Dispersed or Hybrid morphology, specify Diameter of the particles, droplets, or bubbles (depending on the flow regime).

  4. Click Apply.

  5. In the Phase Interaction tab, define the interaction between the phases.

    For different phase pair interactions, different methods and defaults are available, depending on the phase morphologies. The possible combinations of the phase-pair morphologies are:

    • Continuous-Continuous

    • Continuous-Dispersed

    • Dispersed-Dispersed

    • Hybrid-Continuous

    • Hybrid-Dispersed

    • Hybrid-Hybrid

    The methods and default settings available for each phase pair morphology are described below.

    1. In the Forces tab, set the interfacial forces between the phase pairs.

      1. Select the drag coefficient and slip velocity from the Drag Coefficient and Slip Velocity drop-down lists.

        The default settings for the drag coefficient and slip velocity for different phase-pair morphology combinations are listed in the table below.

        Phase-Pair Morphology Drag Coefficient Slip Velocity





        schiller-naumann (default)







        manninen-et-al (default)










        manninen-et-al (default)



        Note the following:

        • The zero-resistance method (available only for Continuous-Continuous systems) is equivalent to an infinite drag, which forces the velocities of the continuous phases to be equal. See Phase Pair Interaction for Hybrid Morphology in the Fluent Theory Guide for more information.

        • If you do not want to consider the drag force or slip velocity, choose none.

        • The drag-hybrid method uses different drag coefficient methods for different flow regimes. You can select other than the default drag coefficient methods as further described. For more information, see Flow Regime Modeling in the Fluent Theory Guide.

        For more information about the drag coefficients, see Defining Drag Between Phases.

        For more information about the slip velocity methods, see Defining the Slip Velocity.

      2. For the drag-hybrid method, you can modify the selection of the drag coefficients for the free surface, bubbly, and droplet flow regimes.

        1. Click Edit... next to the selected drag-hybrid drag coefficient.

          Figure 26.51: The Hybrid Drag Model Parameters Dialog Box

          The Hybrid Drag Model Parameters Dialog Box

        2. In the Hybrid Drag Model Parameters dialog box that opens, select the appropriate draft coefficient methods from the Free Surface Drag, Bubbly Flow Drag, and Droplet Flow Drag drop-down lists.

          The available methods for different flow regimes are listed in the table below.

          Flow Regime Drag Coefficient

          Free Surface Drag


          Bubbly Flow Drag

          Droplet Flow Drag

          schiller-naumann (default)






      3. Click Apply.

    2. In the Interfacial Area tab, define the interfacial area parameters. See Algebraic Interfacial Area Density Method for Flow Regime Blending in the Fluent Theory Guide for more information.

      1. For each pair of phases, select the interfacial area method.

        The available methods for different phase pair morphologies are listed in the table below.

        Phase-Pair Morphology Interfacial Area Methods





        ia-symmetric (default)




        ia-symmetric (default)






        For information about these methods, see Algebraic Models in the Fluent Theory Guide.

        For the theory behind the ia-hybrid method, see Algebraic Interfacial Area Density Method for Flow Regime Blending in the Fluent Theory Guide.

      2. For the ia-hybrid method, you can modify the selection of the area density parameters for the free surface, bubbly, and droplet flow regimes.

        1. Click Edit... next to the selected ia-hybrid interfacial area.

          Figure 26.52: The Hybrid Area Density Parameters Dialog Box

          The Hybrid Area Density Parameters Dialog Box

        2. In the Hybrid Area Density Parameters dialog box that opens, select the appropriate area density methods from the Free Surface Area Drag, Bubbly Flow Area Density, and Droplet Flow Area Density drop-down lists.

          The available methods for different flow regimes are listed in the table below.

          Flow Regime Area Density

          Free Surface Area Density



          Blending Method



        3. Select the Blending Method from the following options:


          is the algebraic interfacial area density (AIAD) method described in Algebraic Interfacial Area Density Method for Flow Regime Blending in the Fluent Theory Guide.


          allows you to provide your own blending factors for the flow regime modeling. Refer to DEFINE_VECTOR_EXCHANGE_PROPERTY in the Fluent Customization Manual for details.

      Note:  The default values for the AIAD method parameters are suitable for most simulations. If needed, you can adjust these values using the following text commands:


      Specifies the critical volume fraction of either gas or liquid for calculating the blending factors for the bubbly and droplet flows ( and in Equation 14–178 in the Fluent Theory Guide).


      Specifies the critical gradient fraction for determining the intermediate transition width for the free surface blending factor ( in Equation 14–183 in the Fluent Theory Guide).


      Specifies the volume fraction width for the intermediate transition ( in Equation 14–178 in the Fluent Theory Guide).


      Specifies the cell number across the interface for determining the interfacial width for free surface flow ( in Equation 14–182 in the Fluent Theory Guide).

      See Alphabetical Listing of Field Variables and Their Definitions for their definitions.

    3. Click Apply. Solution Strategies

Since the algebraic slip model is applicable only to low Stokes number (~1) regimes, you should examine the postprocessing results of the Relaxation Time field variable, which indicates the validity of the algebraic slip model.

The slip velocity treatment is explicit; therefore, lowering the slip velocity under-relaxation factor can improve convergence. Postprocessing for Flow Regime Modeling Simulations

The following additional postprocessing variables will become available for postprocessing under the Phase Interaction... category:

  • Slip X-velocity

  • Slip Y-velocity

  • Slip Z-velocity (3D only)

  • Flow Regime Blending Factors Fcc, Fcd, Fdc, and Fdd

  • Relaxation Time

See Field Function Definitions for their definitions.

26.4.4. Using the Singhal et al. Expert Cavitation Model

In addition to the Schnerr-Sauer and Zwart-Gerber-Belamri mechanisms described in Cavitation Mechanism, you can also use the Singhal et al. expert model for special mixture multiphase cases to model the effects of cavitation. For the theory behind this model, refer to Expert Cavitation Model in the Fluent Theory Guide.

The procedure for setting up the Singhal et al. cavitation model is presented below:

  1. Issue the following text command:

    Enable? [no] yes
  2. Enable the Singhal-Et-Al Cavitation Model option that now appears in the Multiphase Model dialog box under the Phase Interaction > Heat, Mass, Reactions tab.

  3. Specify the following parameters to be used in the calculation of mass transfer due to cavitation:

    • Vaporization Pressure: The default value of is 3540 Pa, the vaporization pressure for water at ambient temperature. Note that and the surface tension are properties of the liquid, depending mainly on temperature.

    • Surface Tension Coefficient

    • Non-Condensable Gas Mass Fraction: The mass fraction of dissolved gases, which depends on the purity of the liquid.

When multiple species are included in one or more secondary phases, or the heat transfer due to phase change must be taken into account, the mass transfer mechanism must be defined before enabling the cavitation model. It may be noted, however, that for cavitation problems, at least two mass transfer mechanisms are defined:

  • mass transfer from liquid to vapor.

  • mass transfer from vapor to liquid.

To disable Singhal et al. cavitation model:

  1. Disable the Singhal-Et-Al Cavitation Model option in the Heat, Mass, Reaction tab.

  2. Issue the following text command:

    Enable? [yes] no

26.4.5. Including Semi-Mechanistic Boiling Overview and Limitations for the Semi-Mechanistic Boiling Model

The semi-mechanistic boiling model can be used only with the following models and conditions:

  • Mixture multiphase

  • Turbulent kinetic energy-based models (such as - or -)

  • Activated gravity along with zero operating density

  • Surface tension coefficient (specified in the Phase Interaction > Forces tab of the Multiphase Model dialog box)

  • Boiling walls with either temperature or conjugate heat transfer boundary conditions

    Note:  If your case has a boiling wall with heat flux boundary condition, you can add a small thickness of solid and apply heat flux to the solid boundary. Thus you will be able to apply heat flux boundary condition indirectly at the boiling wall through conjugate heat transfer boundary condition.

  • Binary mixtures with the fixed mixture composition only (pseudo-fluid approach). All the properties and saturation data for the pseudo-fluid must be provided according to the mixture fixed composition.

For the theoretical background on the semi-mechanistic boiling model, see Semi-Mechanistic Boiling Model in the Fluent Theory Guide. Using the Semi-Mechanistic Boiling Model

To use the semi-mechanistic boiling model, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Multiphase Model dialog box under the Phase Interaction > Heat, Mass, Reactions tab, specify the Number of Mass Transfer Mechanisms and then select the liquid and vapor phases in the From Phase and To Phase drop-down lists, respectively.

  2. Select evaporation-condensation from the Mechanism drop-down list.

  3. In the Evaporation-Condensation Model dialog box that opens, select Semi-Mechanistic as the Boiling Model.

    The Evaporation-Condensation Model dialog box expands to reveal additional Boiling Parameters.

    Figure 26.53: The Evaporation-Condensation Model Dialog Box

    The Evaporation-Condensation Model Dialog Box

    Note:  For the Semi-Mechanistic boiling model, the Saturation Temperature can be only specified using either the tabular-pt-sat or tabular-ptl-sat option.

  4. In the Boiling Parameters group box, specify the following parameters:

    Bulk Temperature

    is a temperature of bulk fluid away from the wall. Typically, the inlet temperature of the coolant is used as the bulk temperature.

    Length Scale

    is used in the calculation of the reference Reynolds number. It is typically taken to be the hydraulic diameter.

  5. To access additional boiling settings for advanced control, select Boiling Model Advanced Settings to reveal more options.

  6. In the Boiling Model Reference Quantities group box, you can specify the following:

    Reference Velocity

    is the velocity of the fluid away from a heated wall at some reference location. This quantity is used to calculate the reference Reynolds number in Equation 14–639 in the Fluent Theory Guide. You can choose one of the following specification methods:


    (default) calculates the reference velocity away from the boiling wall at = 250 using standard wall functions for turbulence. Here, is a normalized wall distance. You can adjust its value in the Ystar Far field.


    specifies a constant value for the reference velocity.


    uses a user-defined function for the reference velocity calculation.

    Reference Temperature

    is the temperature of fluid away from a heated wall at some reference location ( in Equation 14–639 in the Fluent Theory Guide). Fluid properties used for the reference Reynolds number computation are calculated at the reference temperature. You can choose one of the following specification methods:


    (default) takes the reference temperature from a user-defined Bulk Temperature value.


    calculates the reference temperature at =250 using standard wall functions for turbulence. In this case, a value specified for Bulk Temperature serves as the minimum reference temperature.


    uses a user-defined function for the reference temperature calculation.

  7. In the Boiling Methods group box, you can select:


    (default) calculates the boiling heat flux as a weighted superposition of single-phase heat flux (forced convective) and nucleate boiling heat flux. See Semi-Mechanistic Boiling Model in the Fluent Theory Guide for details about this method.


    uses a framework provided by Ansys Fluent to hook user-defined correlations for all of the relevant inputs.

  8. Enter the value for the Power Law Superposition Constant ( in Equation 14–627 in the Fluent Theory Guide). This constant is used to blend single phase and nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficients based on asymptotic power law. The default value is 2. The typical range is from 1 to 3.

  9. In the Single Phase Heat Flux Parameters group, you can set:

    • Heat Transfer Coefficient: is in Equation 14–628 in the Fluent Theory Guide. The following specifications methods are available:

      • standard: Uses a built-in treatment of the heat transfer coefficient for a liquid phase.

      • constant

      • user-defined

    • Convective Augmentation Factor: specifies the single-phase heat flux augmentation factor due to the bubble agitation. The following specification methods are available:

      This input parameter is available only when Chen is selected in the Boiling Methods group box.

    • Heat Flux Multiplier: is an additional factor to adjust a single-phase heat flux ( in Equation 14–626 in the Fluent Theory Guide). This factor can be used when the single phase-heat flux is not predicted well due to an under-developed turbulent flow, uncertainties in surface roughness, interaction of thermal and momentum boundary layers when starting from different points or other factors. You can choose a constant or user-defined specification method. The default value is 1.

  10. In the Nucleate Boiling Heat Flux Parameters group, you can set:

  11. Postprocess the solution results.

    When the calculation is complete, the following additional field variables are available in the Wall Fluxes... category.

    • SMB Single Phase Heat Flux

    • SMB Nucleate Boiling Heat Flux

You can use the DEFINE_MASS_TR_PROPERTY UDF to define input parameters for the semi-mechanistic boiling model. See DEFINE_MASS_TR_PROPERTY in the Fluent Customization Manual for details. Cell Zone Specific Boiling

By default, boiling is enabled in all the cell zones. When boiling is expected only in certain zones, you can disable boiling in other zones to make the calculation faster. This can be done by clearing Boiling Zone in the Fluid dialog box (Multiphase tab). Expert Options for the Semi-Mechanistic Boiling Model

You can access expert options for the semi-mechanistic boiling model by issuing the following text commands:


show expert options in semi-mechanistic boiling model? [yes] yes

The evaporation-condensation model dialog box expands to show boiling model expert options.

Figure 26.54: Boiling Model Expert Options

Boiling Model Expert Options

You can adjust the following parameters:

Minimum Superheat

is the minimum superheat required for the onset of nucleate boiling. You can define the Minimum Superheat as:

  • constant

  • hsu

  • user-defined

The hsu method uses the expression proposed by Hsu [67]:


= minimum superheat


= single phase heat transfer coefficient for liquid


= thermal conductivity

The remaining notation is the same as in Semi-Mechanistic Boiling Model in the Fluent Theory Guide.

Maximum Superheat

is the maximum superheat used in the nucleate boiling heat flux expressions.

Wall Liquid Wetting Fraction

is the area fraction of the wall wetted by liquid. Since a wall may be completely wetted by liquid even if the neighboring cell liquid volume fraction is below 1, this is a crucial parameter for the proper estimation of the heat flux.

You can choose one of the following methods:


(default) is the wetting fraction that controls the transition from a completely wet to a completely dry wall state. When the liquid volume fraction in the wall neighboring cells exceeds a value of the Critical Liquid Volume Fraction that you specified, the wall is assumed to be completely wetted by liquid. The wetting fraction is calculated as:


= volume fraction of liquid

= Critical Liquid Volume Fraction (default = 0.2)


= transition constant (default = 20)

The dependency of the wetting function on the liquid volume fraction is shown in Figure 26.55: Transition Function vs. Volume Fraction of Liquid.

Figure 26.55: Transition Function vs. Volume Fraction of Liquid

Transition Function vs. Volume Fraction of Liquid


calculates the wetting fraction through the neighboring cell volume fractions.


allows you to specify the wall liquid wetting fraction as a constant value.


allows you to hook a user-defined function that specifies custom values for the wall liquid wetting fraction. Solution Strategies for the Semi-Mechanistic Boiling Model

If you face difficulties in convergence for the energy equation while using the conjugate heat transfer boundary condition, you can use the following strategies:

  • It is recommended to use meshes with y+ > 5 for better stability.

  • Use low order schemes for turbulence kinetic energy and momentum.

  • Reduce the relaxation factor for turbulence kinetic energy to a value between 0.5-0.75.

  • Reduce the relaxation factor for heat flux to a value between 0.3-0.5.

  • In case of steady-state simulations that use a pseudo time method with automatic time-scale, reduce the fluid Time Scale Factor to 0.1.

  • For a large change in heat flux, you can modify the heat flux relaxation factor using the following text command:


    heat flux relaxation factor for semi-mechanistic boiling model [0.8] 0.3

    The heat flux relaxation factor will be modified as follows:

    where and are the new and old heat fluxes, respectively, and is the heat flux relaxation factor that you specified.

Note:  To carry out validations against experimental data, you should first run simulations under non-boiling conditions. If the single-phase heat flux differs from the available data, you should adjust the single-phase heat flux multiplier prior to carrying out the boiling simulations. There is no unique choice of nucleate boiling correlations; therefore, the default nucleate boiling correlation is not guaranteed to work under all the operating conditions. Ansys Fluent provides flexibility either to tune in the existing methods or to hook user-defined properties for all supported boiling model inputs.