14.4.1. Overview

The mixture model is a simplified multiphase model that can be used in different ways. It can be used to model multiphase flows where the phases move at different velocities, but assume local equilibrium over short spatial length scales. It can be used to model homogeneous multiphase flows with very strong coupling and phases moving at the same velocity.

The mixture model can model phases (fluid or particulate) by solving the momentum, continuity, and energy equations for the mixture, the volume fraction equations for the secondary phases, and algebraic expressions for the relative velocities. Typical applications include sedimentation, cyclone separators, particle-laden flows with low loading, and bubbly flows where the gas volume fraction remains low.

The mixture model is a good substitute for the full Eulerian multiphase model in several cases. A full multiphase model may not be feasible when there is a wide distribution of the particulate phase or when the interphase laws are unknown or their reliability can be questioned. A simpler model like the mixture model can perform as well as a full multiphase model while solving a smaller number of variables than the full multiphase model.

The mixture model allows you to select granular phases and calculates all properties of the granular phases. This is applicable for liquid-solid flows.