System Coupling GUI Menus

This section provides quick-reference information on the menus available in the System Coupling GUI.

For more information, see:

Menu-Bar Menus

The Menu Bar contains the File, Setup, Solution, Settings, and Help menus.

Available menu options for each are shown in the tables below.

Note:   File menu options cannot be used after participants have been started.

Table 14: File Menu Options



Opens Select working directory dialog, which allows you to open a new working directory in the current GUI instance. By default, if multiple restart points exist, then System Coupling opens the analysis at the most recent one.

Use the dialog to browse to and select the working directory to be opened.

For details on the command corresponding to this operation, see Open() in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference documentation.

Open at step

Enabled when a Settings file and at least one Restart file exist in the SyC subdirectory of System Coupling's working directory.

After selecting this option, select the step where you want to open the co-simulation. System Coupling opens the analysis at the specified step.

For more information, see Restarting a Coupled Analysis.

For details on the command corresponding to this operation, see Open() in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference documentation.

Open at iteration

Enabled when a Settings file and at least one Restart file exist in the SyC subdirectory of System Coupling's working directory.

After selecting this option, select the iteration where you want to open the co-simulation. System Coupling opens the analysis at the specified iteration.

For more information, see Restarting a Coupled Analysis.

For details on the command corresponding to this operation, see Open() in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference documentation.

Open snapshot

Enabled when at least one snapshot exists in the SyCSnapshots directory. Opens an existing snapshot containing a previously saved state for the current co-simulation.

After selecting this option, use the dialog that opens to select the snapshot you want to open the co-simulation. System Coupling locates the corresponding restart archive(s) from the SyCSnapshots subdirectory of its working directory.

For details on the command corresponding to this operation, see OpenSnapshot() in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference documentation.

For more information, see Working with Coupled Analysis Snapshots.


System Coupling saves a Settings file and a Restart file to the SyC subdirectory of its current working directory:

For more information, see Saving a Coupled Analysis.

For details on the command corresponding to this operation, see Save() in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference documentation.

Save snapshot

Saves a snapshot of the current state of the coupled analysis.

After selecting this option, specify the snapshot name in dialog that opens. System Coupling saves the snapshot to an archive file in the SyCSnapshots subdirectory of the working directory.

For details on the command corresponding to this operation, see SaveSnapshot() in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference documentation.

For more information, see Working with Coupled Analysis Snapshots.

Load SCI file

Loads the specified System Coupling Input (.sci) file and pushes its information to the data model.

For details on the command corresponding to this operation, see ImportSystemCouplingInputFile() in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference documentation.

Note:  The recommended method of opening a Workbench-based analysis in one of System Coupling user interfaces is to export the coupling setup. For details, see Exporting a System Coupling Setup and Running an Exported System Coupling Setup.

Run script

Runs the specified Python script in System Coupling's Command Console tab.

After selecting this option, navigate to and select the script to be run.

Start journalling

Enables engine command journalling.

After selecting this option, specify path for the file to which a log of engine commands will be written as the commands are executed.

Stop journalling

Available when engine command journalling is enabled. Stops the journalling of executed commands.


Exits the co-simulation, ending the coupling run and signaling participants to end the run.

This produces a clean shutdown, generating the final restart point before System Coupling disconnects from participants.

Table 15: Setup Menu Options


Add Participant

Opens the Add Participant dialog.

Add Interface

Adds a coupling interface to the Coupling Interface branch.

Add Instancing

Adds an instancing object to the Instancing branch.

Add Named Expression

Adds a named expression to the Expression branch.

Add Reference Frame

Adds a reference frame to the Reference Frame branch.

Add Expression Funciton

Adds a Python expression function to the Expression Function branch.

Activate Hidden Features

Adds the Hidden Feature Control branch to the tree and activates hidden feature controls.

Table 16: Solution Menu Options



Enabled when the coupled analysis setup is free of data model errors and the solution is not currently executing.

Solves the coupled analysis.


Enabled when the solution is executing.

Interrupts the execution of the solution.


Enabled when the solution is executing.

Aborts the execution of the solution.


Enabled when the aerodamping coupled analysis setup is free of data model errors and the mapping is not currently executing.

Maps the coupled analysis.

Preview Mapping

Enabled before the aerodamping coupled analysis has been mapped.

Generates a mapping preview and opens it in EnSight.

Open Results in EnSight

Enabled when the solution is completed if EnSight-compatible results exist.

Opens results for the current analysis in EnSight.

Table 17: Settings menu options

Switch to dark theme/Switch to light theme

Sets the GUI into either the dark theme or light theme mode.

Light Theme


Dark Theme


Table 18: Help menu options


System Coupling User's Guide

Opens the System Coupling User's Guide.

Settings and Commands Reference

Opens the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference manual.

Participant Library APIs

Opens the System Coupling Participant Library documentation.


Opens the System Coupling Tutorials page.

Beta Features

Opens the System Coupling Beta Features documentation.

Release Notes

Opens to the System Coupling release notes page.


Opens a dialog containing product copyright, version, and build information.

Context Menus

When additional actions are available for an item in the Outline tree view, they are available as options in the corresponding context menu. Context options can be accessed by right-clicking the Setup branch, the Solution branch, and many of the items defined under them (branches, object containers, objects, and settings).

  • Unless otherwise noted, the context options listed in this section are available and enabled when the specified branch/data model item exists.

  • For settings with user-entered values, Cut, Copy, and Paste context options are usually available on the text-entry field. These options are not included in the tables that follow.

Available options are listed in the following tables:

Table 19: General Setup context options


Object Containers


Adds an object to the object container.


Add <object>

For singletons or object containers with child object containers, adds the specified object to the container.



Removes the object from the coupled analysis.


Changes the object's display name in the tree.



For settings with a user-entered value, performs the selected action on the text.



Table 20: Setup context options

Tree LocationItemContext OptionDescription



Add Participant

Adds a coupling participant to the Coupling Participant branch.

Add Coupling Interface

Adds a coupling interface to the Coupling Interface branch.

Activate Hidden Features

Adds the Hidden Feature Control branch to the tree and activates hidden feature controls.

Add Named Expression

Adds a named expression to the Expression branch.

Add Expression Function

Adds a Python expression function to the Expression Function branch.

Add Reference Frame

Adds a reference frame to the Reference Frame branch.

Add Instancing

Adds an instancing object to the Instancing branch.



Add Named Expression

Adds a named expression to the Expression branch.

Add Expression Function

Adds a Python expression function to the Expression Function branch.

Add Reference Frame

Adds a reference frame to the Reference Frame branch.

Add Instancing

Adds an instancing object to the Instancing branch.


Expression Function

Reload Expression Function Modules

Reloads the Python expression function modules into the coupled analysis.



Add Rotation Transformation

Adds a rotation transformation to the reference frame's Transformation branch and the Transformation Order list.

Add Translation Transformation

Adds a translation transformation to the reference frame's Transformation branch and the Transformation Order list.


Coupling Participant

Parallel solve setup

Opens the Parallel Partitioning dialog, which allows you to configure the participant's parallel execution settings for the coupled analysis.



Generate Input File

Available for Fluent participants when the Fluent input option is not set to Journal File.

Generates a solver input file for the participant.


Available for server participants.

Updates the participant setup with the changed input file.



Add Data Transfer

Adds a data transfer to the coupling interface's Data Transfer branch.


Add FSI Data Transfers

Adds available Force and Incremental Displacement transfers to the coupling interface's Data Transfer branch.

Add Thermal Data Transfers

Adds available non-surface-to-surface Temperature and Heat Rate transfers to the coupling interface's Data Transfer branch.

Add Thermal Data Transfers (Heat Rate)

Adds available surface to-surface Temperature and Heat Rate transfers to the coupling interface's Data Transfer branch.

Add Thermal Data Transfers ( Heat Transfer Coefficient )

Adds available surface-to-surface Temperature and Heat Transfer Coefficient / Convection Reference Temperature transfers to the coupling interface's Data Transfer branch.

Add Aerodamping Data Transfers

Adds selected Mode Shape data transfers to the coupling interface's Data Transfer branch.

Add Electric Arc Modeling Data Transfers

Adds selected Electric Arc Modeling data transfers to the coupling interface's Data Transfer branch.


Output Control

Add Live Visualization

Adds a live visualization object under a Live Visualization branch.

Table 21: Solution and Mapping context options





Enabled when the coupled analysis setup is free of data model errors and the solution is not currently executing.

Solves the coupled analysis.

Interrupt solve

Enabled when the solution is executing.

Interrupts the execution of the solution.

Abort solve

Enabled when the solution is executing.

Aborts the execution of the solution.

Open Results in EnSight

Enabled when the solution is completed if EnSight-compatible results exist.

Opens results for the current analysis in EnSight.


Mapping 1

Preview Mapping

Enabled before the aerodamping coupled analysis has been mapped.

Generates a mapping preview and opens it in EnSight.

No results are written by the CFD Server participant.


Enabled when the aerodamping coupled analysis setup is free of data model errors and the mapping is not currently executing.

Maps the coupled analysis.

Open Results in EnSight

Enabled when EnSight-compatible results exist.

Opens mapping results for the current analysis in EnSight.

1: Replaces the Solution branch for aerodamping analyses with one-way transfers of modal data.