Restarting a Coupled Analysis

You can restart a completed or interrupted coupled analysis from either the final restart point or an intermediate restart point. Based on the restart point selected, System Coupling automatically finds all the necessary restart files (both for itself and for all participants) and then restarts the run from the designated point in the analysis. Details for the restarted run are appended to the end of the existing scLog.scl file.

Note that some participants may not allow restarts. For example, Mechanical participants do not support restarts for steady-state thermal and transient thermal analyses.

If any participant does not support restarts, then restarts are disabled for the coupled analysis. A participant's restart capabilities may vary according to the type of analysis being performed.

Restarts from the final result

Restarts from the final restart point are possible only with analyses that have been completed or interrupted (not aborted).

If restarting from a final restart point, you must extend the analysis to perform the restart.

Restarts from an intermediate result

Restarts from an intermediate restart point are possible with any analysis for which intermediate start points have been generated. An aborted run can be restarted from an intermediate restart point that was completed before the analysis was aborted.

When an analysis is restarted from an intermediate restart point, all subsequent restart points are removed.

  • To keep restart data for one of these later coupling steps or iterations, save the analysis state to a snapshot before starting participants. For more information, see Working with Coupled Analysis Snapshots.

  • If the files for subsequent restart points cannot be removed — for example, if restart points from the previous run are currently being viewed in EnSight or another postprocessing application — then System Coupling generates an exception message instructing you to free up the files and attempt the restart again.

To return to the beginning of an analysis and start over, the recommended method is to use the initial snapshot created by System Coupling, as described in Working with Coupled Analysis Snapshots. Alternatively, you can delete all the Restart files. In this case, however, you may need to edit settings to return the data model to its original state because the Settings file contains the values used for the most recent run.

Tip:  Editable restart scripts may be generated for Mechanical and Fluent coupling participants. For details, see:

Creation of Restart Points

Restarts of a coupled analysis require corresponding restart points in System Coupling and in each of the coupling participants. Restart points are generated at the end of a coupling step or coupling iteration. A new restart point can be created by the following methods:

  • When requested by:

  • When the analysis is shut down cleanly because:

    • the solution has completed;

    • the solution was interrupted by the GUI's Interrupt solve menu option or a Shutdown file, or

    • the analysis was stopped by the Shutdown() command.

For each restart point created, the Settings file is updated and a Restart file is generated. These files contain the information necessary to resume the analysis at the designated point.

Tip:  The commands noted above can be used both in the CLI and on the GUI's Command Console tab. For more information, see Using Interactive Solve Commands.

Restarting a Coupled Analysis in the GUI

When restarting a coupled analysis in the System Coupling GUI, you can restart from either the final restart point or an intermediate restart point. The steps vary according to whether the analysis is being restarted by opening a new instance of the GUI or by specifying restart details in an existing instance of the GUI. For more information, see:

Restarting a Coupled Analysis in a New GUI (Final Restart Point)

When you start the System Coupling GUI in a working directory in which the state of a previous coupling run has been saved (that is, Restart files have been written to the SyC subdirectory), System Coupling automatically loads that analysis in its most recent state. Based on the state of the analysis, the restart may occur from either the final or an intermediate restart point.

To restart a coupled analysis by opening a new instance of the System Coupling GUI, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the System Coupling GUI using one of the methods described in Starting the System Coupling GUI.

  2. On the Select working directory dialog, navigate to the working directory of the coupled analysis to be restarted, select the directory, and click Select Folder.

    The coupled analysis opens at the end of the last coupling step or iteration completed in the previous run and loads all information (both for System Coupling and participants) required to restart from that point.

    If this point is also the final step or iteration defined for the analysis (that is, the solution was completed in the previous run), then the Transcript indicates that the analysis must be extended in order to be restarted.

  3. If applicable, extend the analysis using the Number of Steps or End Time setting (defined under Solution Control).

  4. If desired, make any additional changes to analysis settings for System Coupling and/or participants.

    Changes saved prior to the restart (either in System Coupling or in any participant except Mechanical) are written to the Settings file and included in the restarted run.

  5. Right-click the Solution branch and select Solve.

System Coupling automatically starts all participants from the selected coupling step or iteration and continues the solution with the next step or iteration.

Restarting a Coupled Analysis in an Existing GUI (Final or Intermediate Restart Point)

In an instance of the System Coupling GUI that is already open, you can restart an analysis from either a final or an intermediate restart point. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Select File > Open at step or File > Open at iteration, depending on the type of Restart files generated for the analysis.

    • By default, the dialog opens to the SyC working directory. If the Restart files are saved to a non-default location, then navigate to that directory.

    • Restart files may have been generated for either coupling steps or coupling iterations, based on the type of the analysis and whether the participants involved support the creation of restart points per iteration. For more information, see Restart Files.

  2. In the dialog that opens, select the Restart file from which you want to restart the analysis and click Open. (To start from the final restart point, select the most recent file created.)

    The coupled analysis opens at the end of the specified step or iteration. If the final step or iteration defined for the analysis has completed, then the Transcript indicates that the analysis must be extended in order to be restarted.

    Note:  If the files for subsequent restart points cannot be removed, then System Coupling generates an exception message instructing you to free up the files and reattempt the Open at step or Open at iteration operation.

  3. If applicable, extend the analysis using the Number of Steps or End Time setting (defined under Solution Control).

  4. If desired, make any additional changes to analysis settings for System Coupling and/or participants.

    Changes saved prior to the restart (either in System Coupling or in any participant except Mechanical) are written to the Settings file and included in the restarted run.

  5. Right-click the Solution branch and select Solve.

System Coupling automatically starts all participants from the selected coupling step or iteration and continues the solution with the next step or iteration.

Tip:  Alternatively, you can run the solution interactively by issuing commands on the Command Console tab. For more information, see Using Interactive Solve Commands.

Restarting a Coupled Analysis in the CLI

When restarting a coupled analysis in the System Coupling CLI, the steps vary according to whether the analysis is being restarted from final or an intermediate restart point. For more information, see:

Restarting from the Final Restart Point in the CLI

To restart a coupled analysis from the final restart point in the System Coupling CLI, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the Open() command without arguments.

    Tip:  If your Restart files are not saved to the default SyC directory, then use the optional FilePath argument to specify the directory.

    By default, System Coupling finds the last coupling step or iteration completed in the previous run and loads all information (both for System Coupling and participants) required to restart from that step or iteration.

  2. If the previous run completed, extend the analysis using the NumberOfSteps or EndTime setting (defined under SolutionControl).

  3. If desired, make any necessary changes to analysis settings for System Coupling and/or participants.

    Changes saved prior to the restart (either in System Coupling or in any participant except Mechanical) are written to the Settings file and included in the restarted run.

  4. Start the solution using your preferred solve process (using either the Solve() command or interactive solve commands).

System Coupling automatically starts all participants from the last completed coupling step or iteration and continues the solution with the next step or iteration.

Restarting from an Intermediate Restart Point in the CLI

To restart a coupled analysis from an intermediate restart point in the System Coupling CLI:

  1. Run the Open() command with the CouplingStep or CouplingIteration argument set to the number of the step or iteration from which you want to restart the analysis.

    • By default, the dialog opens to the SyC working directory. If your Restart files are not saved to the default SyC directory, then use the optional FilePath argument to specify the directory.

    • Restart files may have been generated for either coupling steps or coupling iterations, based on the type of the analysis and whether the participants involved support the creation of restart points per iteration. For more information, see Restart Files.

    System Coupling automatically finds the specified coupling step or iteration and loads all information (both for itself and participants) required to restart from that step or iteration.

    Note:  If the files for subsequent restart points cannot be removed, then System Coupling generates an exception message instructing you to free up the files and reissue the Open() command with the CouplingStep or CouplingIteration argument.

  2. If desired, make any necessary changes to analysis settings for System Coupling and/or participants.

    Changes saved prior to the restart (either in System Coupling or in any participant except Mechanical) are written to the Settings file and included in the restarted run.

  3. Start the solution using your preferred solve process (using either the Solve() command or interactive solve commands).

System Coupling automatically starts all participants from the specified coupling step or iteration and continues the solution with the next step or iteration.