
Saves the state of the coupled analysis data model.

When this command is issued, saves the following items to the SyC subdirectory in System Coupling's working directory:

  • Analysis settings are written to a single Settings file which can be used to reload analysis settings.

  • Restart files for all restart points in the current co-simulation are written to this directory.

    Restart files are named according to the convention Restart_step<#>.h5 or Restart_iter<#>.h5, where "#" is the index of the corresponding coupling step or iteration. Existing restart files from previous System Coupling versions will be renamed to conform to the new naming scheme.

Returns a Boolean value of True if the files were saved successfully. Otherwise, returns a value of False.

Cannot be run after participants have been started. This command will raise an exception if another instance of System Coupling is solving in the current working directory.

If given optional arguments, then behaves as described below in Optional Keyword Arguments.

Optional Keyword Arguments

FilePath : WritableUnicodeDirectory

Writeable directory to which the SyC directory is added. The Settings file and (when applicable) the Restart file(s) will be written to the SyC directory.

The directory path must contain only ASCII characters.

Return Type



Example 55: Save the state of a coupled analysis in a SyC directory in the current working directory



Example 56: Save the state of a coupled analysis in a SyC directory in a new, specified working directory

Save(FilePath = 'WorkingDirectory')
