
Opens a snapshot containing a previously saved state of the simulation.

This command looks for snapshots in the SyCSnapshots subdirectory in System Coupling's current working directory. If only one snapshot exists, then it opens that snapshot by default. If multiple snapshots exist, then you must specify the name of an existing snapshot using the SnapshotName argument described below in Optional Keyword Arguments.

All state files and directories in the snapshot are restored to the coupled analysis working directory and overwrite the current simulation state. Other files and directories (that is, those which are not included in the snapshot) are not affected.

Cannot be run after participants have been started. This command will raise an exception if another instance of System Coupling is solving in the current working directory.

For more information, see Working with Coupled Analysis Snapshots in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Optional Keyword Arguments

SnapshotName : string

String indicating the name of the snapshot to be opened.

Optional only if a single snapshot exists. Otherwise, required.

If the specified snapshot does not exist, then System Coupling generates an error message indicating this.

Return Type



Example 45: Open the only snapshot for the coupled analysis to the first time step


Example 46: Open a snapshot by name

OpenSnapshot(SnapshotName = 'Step2State')