Running an Exported System Coupling Setup

You can set up a coupled analysis in Workbench (as described in Exporting a System Coupling Setup), export the setup, and load the coupled analysis into either of System Coupling's user interfaces for execution.

For instructions on running an exported coupling setup in one of System Coupling's user interfaces, see:

Running an Exported Partial Setup

For information on running an exported partial coupling setup in System Coupling's GUI or CLI, see:

Running an Exported Partial Setup in the GUI

To run an exported partial coupling setup in the GUI, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the System Coupling GUI in the coupled analysis working directory.

    1. From the Windows Start menu, select Ansys 2024 R2 > System Coupling 2024 R2.

      The Select Folder dialog opens.

    2. Navigate to the newly created/specified coupled analysis working directory, select the directory, and click Select Folder.

      The GUI opens in the working directory and the exported setup is loaded.

      On the Messages tab, note that there are four "Action Required" icons, indicating that setup is still required for these items. Because the setup was only partially completed in Workbench, the data model is populated only with coupling participant information.

  2. Specify Solution Control settings.

    1. Click Solution Control.

      Corresponding settings are shown in the Properties pane, with the Duration Option setting set to End Time by default.

    2. Define the analysis duration according to the DurationOption value:

      • If keeping the default End Time value, enter a value for End Time.

      • If using Number of Steps, specify any missing setting values (these are highlighted in red).

    3. Enter a value for Time Step Size.

  3. Add a coupling interface, as described in Adding a Coupling Interface in the GUI.

  4. Add at least one data transfer, as described in Adding a Single Data Transfer in the GUI.

    On the Messages tab, note that all the issues requiring attention have been addressed.

  5. Execute the analysis.

    Right-click the Solution branch and select Solve.

Running an Exported Partial Setup in the CLI

To run an exported partial coupling setup in the CLI, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the System Coupling CLI.

    1. Open the shell for your operating system in the newly created/specified coupling working directory.

    2. Execute the command for the platform you are using:

      • Windows

        > "%AWP_ROOT242%\SystemCoupling\bin\systemcoupling"
      • Linux

        $ "$AWP_ROOT242/SystemCoupling/bin/systemcoupling"

      The command prompt says, "Starting Command Console...", indicating that System Coupling has started.

  2. Load the exported setup by running the Open() command without arguments.


    The command prompt says, "Reading settings", indicating that the data model is being populated from the Settings.h5 file. When you are returned to the prompt, this means that the setup is loaded.

  3. Verify that the data model is fully populated and passes validation.

    1. Run the PrintSetup() command.

      The coupled analysis setup is written to the Transcript, confirming that the data model is populated.

    2. Scroll to the bottom of the Transcript output and verify that Output Control is the last section. (Any existing validation errors will be listed after this section.)

      Because the setup was only partially completed before being exported from Workbench, required values are missing. The resulting validation errors are written to the end of the output, as shown below:

      | Errors were found during data model validation.                             |
      | Error: TimeStepSize not defined for Transient analysis                      |
      | Error: EndTime not defined for Transient analysis                           |
      | Error: Create at least one interface for this coupled analysis.             |
  4. Specify the missing SolutionControl settings.

    1. For ease of reference, create a variable for path of the SolutionControl object container.

      sc = DatamodelRoot().SolutionControl
    2. Set the analysis end time.

      sc.EndTime = '1.0 [s]'
    3. Set the time step size.

      sc.TimeStepSize = '0.1 [s]'
  5. Add a coupling interface by running the AddInterface() command, as described in Adding a Coupling Interface in the CLI.

    AddInterface(SideOneParticipantName = 'AEDT-1',
          SideOneRegionNames = ['Volume5'],
          SideTwoParticipantName = 'MAPDL-2', 
          SideTwoRegionNames = ['FVIN_1'])
  6. Add a data transfer by running the AddDataTransfer() command, as described in Adding a Single Data Transfer in the CLI.

    AddDataTransfer(Interface = 'Interface-1',
        	TargetSide = 'Two',
        	SourceVariable = 'Loss',
        	TargetVariable = 'HGEN')
  7. Execute the analysis by running the Solve() command.


Running an Exported Full Setup

For information on running an exported full coupling setup in System Coupling's GUI or CLI, see:

Running an Exported Full Setup in the GUI

To run an exported full coupling setup in the GUI, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the System Coupling GUI in the coupled analysis working directory.

    1. From the Windows Start menu, select Ansys 2024 R2 > System Coupling 2024 R2.

      The Select Folder dialog opens.

    2. Navigate to the newly created/specified coupled analysis working directory, select the directory, and click Select Folder.

      The GUI opens in the working directory and the exported setup is loaded. Because the setup was fully completed in Workbench, the data model is populated with all information needed to run the analysis.

  2. Execute the analysis.

    Right-click the Solution branch and select Solve.

Running an Exported Full Setup in the CLI

To run an exported full coupling setup in the CLI, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the System Coupling CLI.

    1. Open the shell for your operating system in the newly create/specified coupling working directory.

    2. Execute the command for the platform you are using:

      • Windows

        > "%AWP_ROOT242%\SystemCoupling\bin\systemcoupling"
      • Linux

        $ "$AWP_ROOT242/SystemCoupling/bin/systemcoupling"

      The command prompt says, "Starting Command Console...", indicating that System Coupling has started.

  2. Load the exported setup by running the Open() command without arguments.


    The command prompt says, "Reading settings", indicating that the data model is being populated from the Settings.h5 file. When you are returned to the prompt, this means that the setup is loaded.

  3. Verify that the data model is fully populated and passes validation.

    1. Run the PrintSetup() command.

      The coupled analysis setup is written to the Transcript, confirming that the data model is populated.

    2. Scroll to the bottom of the Transcript output and verify that Output Control is the last section. (Any existing validation errors will be listed after this section.)

      Because the setup was fully completed before being exported from Workbench, values are specified for all required settings.

      If there are no other validation errors, the coupled analysis is ready to solve.

  4. Execute the analysis by running the Solve() command.
