
Reads the state of a coupled analysis data model. The data model state consists of settings to populate the data model and one or more restart points to restart the analysis at the end of a specified coupling step or iteration.

By default, this command looks for the SyC subdirectory in System Coupling's current working directory. By default, if multiple Restart files exist, it opens the most recent one.

When given optional arguments, behaves as described below in Optional Keyword Arguments.

Cannot be run after participants have started.

Optional Keyword Arguments

FilePath : ReadableUnicodeDirectory

Working directory containing the SyC directory (which contains the .h5 files to be read).

The directory path must contain only ASCII characters.

CouplingStep : int

Integer specifying the coupling step at which the coupled analysis is restarted. When used, System Coupling reads the corresponding Restart_step<#>.h5 file in the specified directory and restarts the analysis at the end of the specified coupling step.

When this argument is used, System Coupling automatically removes the output files related to all later coupling steps. If the files cannot be removed, then System Coupling generates an exception message instructing you to free up the files and reissue the Open() command with the CouplingStep argument.

If the simulation's Restart files are associated with coupling iterations, then System Coupling prints an error message indicating this.

CouplingIteration : int

Integer specifying the coupling iteration at which the coupled analysis is restarted. When used, System Coupling reads the corresponding Restart_iter<#>.h5 file in the specified directory and restarts the analysis at the end of the specified coupling iteration.

When this argument is used, System Coupling automatically removes the output files related to all later coupling iterations. If the files cannot be removed, then System Coupling generates an exception message instructing you to free up the files and reissue the Open() command with the CouplingIteration argument.

If the simulation's Restart files are associated with coupling steps, then System Coupling prints an error message indicating this.

Return Type



Example 40: Read the last solved coupling step or iteration from the default directory


Example 41: Read coupling step 6 from the specified working directory for a transient analysis

Open(FilePath = 'WorkingDirectoryWithRestartPoints', CouplingStep = 6)

Example 42: Read coupling iteration 2 from the specified working directory for a steady analysis

Open(FilePath = 'WorkingDirectoryWithRestartPoints', CouplingIteration = 2)

Example 43: Read analysis settings from a specified working directory containing only a Settings file

Open(FilePath = 'WorkingDirectoryWithOnlySettings')