Stopping a Coupled Analysis

For instructions on stopping a coupled analysis in a given user interface, see:

Stopping a Coupled Analysis in the GUI

When using the System Coupling GUI, right-click the Solution branch of the Outline tree, or open the Solution menu from the Menu Bar, and select one of the following options:

Interrupt solve

When the Interrupt solve option is selected, the coupled analysis is stopped and System Coupling ends participant processes with a clean shutdown — that is, the run continues until the current coupling step (or the current coupling iteration, for iteration-based steady analyses) is completed and System Coupling generates a corresponding restart point and Restart file before disconnecting.

Abort solve

When the Abort solve option is selected, the coupled analysis does not shut down cleanly — that is, System Coupling stops the run immediately without producing any restart data and signals participants that they should shut down, as well.

When the solution stops, the Solution Lock file is removed from the working directory. When System Coupling exits, the GUI Server file is removed from the working directory.

Stopping a Coupled Analysis in the CLI

When using the System Coupling CLI, you can stop a coupled analysis using the methods described below:

Run the Shutdown() command.

When using an interactive solve process described in Using Interactive Solve Commands, you can use the Shutdown() command to stop down the analysis at any point at which the solution is paused. This produces a clean shutdown, generating a restart point and writing the corresponding Restart file before System Coupling is disconnected.

Use a Shutdown file.

The Shutdown file is a text file named scStop that indicates whether the coupling run should be interrupted or aborted. When System Coupling finds the file in its working directory, it shuts down as soon as possible according to the contents of the file and signals participants that they should shut down, as well.

  • For command-line runs, you must create the Shutdown file and place it in System Coupling's working directory manually.

  • When a Shutdown file is used, System Coupling ends participant processes for participants that have been started automatically.

When the solution stops, the Solution Lock file is removed from the working directory. If System Coupling was run in GUI Server mode, the GUI Server file is removed from the working directory when System Coupling exits.