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1. Introduction
1.1. Benefits of Substructuring
1.2. General Equations and Assumptions
1.3. Component Mode Synthesis
1.3.1. Understanding Component Mode Synthesis
2. Using Substructuring
2.1. Step 1: Generation Pass
2.1.1. Building the Model
2.1.2. Applying Loads and Creating the Superelement Matrices
2.2. Step 2: Use Pass
2.2.1. Clear the Database and Specify a New Jobname
2.2.2. Build the Model
2.2.3. Apply Loads and Obtain the Solution
2.3. Step 3: Expansion Pass
2.4. Top-Down Substructuring
2.5. Nested Superelements
2.6. Prestressed Substructures
3. Using Component Mode Synthesis
3.1. The CMS Generation Pass
3.1.1. Creating the Superelement
3.1.2. Component Modes Storage
3.1.3. Calculating the Element Results
3.2. The CMS Use and Expansion Passes
3.3. Superelement Expansion in Transformed Locations
3.4. Plotting or Printing Mode Shapes
3.5. Component Mode Synthesis in a Multibody Analysis
4. Substructuring Examples
4.1. Single Superelement Substructuring Template
5. Component Mode Synthesis Example
5.1. Single Superelement CMS Example Template
5.2. Single Cyclic Symmetry Superelement CMS Example
5.3. Single Stage Cyclic Symmetry Superelement CMS Example
5.4. Modal Analysis of a 2D Tuning Fork
5.4.1. Problem Description
5.4.2. Fixed-Interface Method
5.4.3. Free-Interface Method
5.4.4. Residual-Flexible Free-Interface Method
5.4.5. Superelement Expansion in a Transformed Location
5.4.6. Reduce the Damping Matrix and Compare Full and CMS Results with RSTMAC
A. Rigid Body Dynamics and the Ansys-Adams Interface
A.1. Understanding the Ansys-Adams Interface
A.1.1. Building the Model
A.2. Modeling Interface Points
A.3. Exporting to Adams
A.3.1. Exporting to Adams via Batch Mode
A.3.2. Verifying the Results
A.4. Running the Adams Simulation
A.5. Transferring Loads from Adams
A.5.1. Transferring Loads on a Rigid Body
A.5.2. Transferring the Loads of a Flexible Body
A.6. Methodology Behind the Ansys-Adams Interface
A.6.1. The Modal Neutral File
A.6.2. Adding Weak Springs
A.6.3. Example Rigid-Body Dynamic Analysis
B. Ansys Interface to AVL EXCITE
B.1. Performing a CMS Generation Pass to Create File.EXB
B.1.1. Build a Model for the Component
B.1.2. Create the Superelement Matrices
B.1.3. Other Useful Commands