4.1. Single Superelement Substructuring Template

A sample command input listing for a substructuring analysis is shown below. This example assumes a single superelement which is possibly combined with nonsuperelements.

! Build the model (superelement portion)
/FILNAME,GEN         ! Jobname = GEN (for example)
/PREP7               ! Enter PREP7
---                  ! Generate superelement portion of model
! Apply loads and create the superelement matrices
/SOLU                ! Enter SOLUTION
ANTYPE,SUBST         ! Substructure analysis
SEOPT,GEN,...        ! Superelement name and other substructure analysis options
M,...                ! Master DOF
D,...                ! Specify constraints
F,...                ! Loads.  A load vector will be generated and
---                  !   written to the superelement matrix file
---                  ! Load step options
SOLVE                ! Initiate solution -- creates GEN.SUB file
                     !   containing superelement matrix and load vector
---                  ! Loads for second load vector (D and M may not changed)
SOLVE                ! Add reduced load vector 2
---                  ! Repeat loading and SOLVE sequence for additional load vectors
---                  !    (Up to 31 total)
SAVE                 ! Save the database for later expansion pass
!       USE PASS
! Build the model
/CLEAR               ! Clear the database (or exit and re-enter program)
/FILNAME,USE         ! Jobname = USE (for example)
/PREP7               ! Enter PREP7
ET,1,MATRIX50        ! MATRIX50 is the superelement type
ET,2,...             ! Element type for nonsuperelements
---                  ! Generate nonsuperelement model
TYPE,1               ! Point to superelement type reference number
SETRAN,...           ! May be required for node number offset
SE,...               ! Read in the superelement created by SETRAN
EPLOT                ! Verify location of superelement
NSEL,...             ! Select nodes at interface
CPINTF,ALL           ! Couple node pairs at interface (required if
                     !   node numbers at interface don't match)
! Apply loads and obtain the solution
/SOLU                ! Enter SOLUTION
ANTYPE,...           ! Analysis type and analysis options
F,...                ! Loads on nonsuperelements
SFE,...              ! Apply superelement load vector
---                  ! Load step options
SAVE                 ! Save database before solution
SOLVE                ! Initiate solution -- calculates complete solution
                     !   for nonsuperelements (USE.RST, RTH or RMG) and
                     !   reduced solution for superelements (USE.DSUB)
! ... Review results in nonsuperelements
/CLEAR               ! Clear the database
/FILNAME,GEN         ! Change jobname back to generation pass jobname
RESUME               ! Restore generation pass database
/SOLU                ! Enter SOLUTION
EXPASS,ON            ! Activate expansion pass
SEEXP,GEN,USE...     ! Superelement name to be expanded (GEN, unless SETRAN used)
---                  ! Load step options (mainly output controls)
SOLVE                ! Initiate expansion pass solution.  Full
                     !   superelement solution written to GEN.RST (or
                     !   RTH or RMG).
! ... Review results in superelements

For more information, see the ANTYPE, SEOPT, M, ET, SETRAN, SE, CPINTF, EXPASS, and SEEXP command descriptions.