5.1. Single Superelement CMS Example Template

A sample input listing procedure to support residual vector in CMS analysis is shown below. The restart of the generation pass and the reduction of a complex load vector are also illustrated. This example assumes a model with one superelement and other non-superelements.

!             Sample input to support residual vector in CMS analysis
/FILNAME,FULL        ! Jobname = FULL (for example)
/PREP7               ! Enter PREP7
---                  ! Generate entire model, including both the
---                  !   superelement and nonsuperelement portions
SAVE                 ! Save the full model database.  It is required for
                     !   the (use pass and) expansion pass.
/FILNAME,GEN         ! Jobname = GEN (for example)
/SOLU                ! Enter SOLUTION
ANTYPE,SUBSTR        ! Substructure analysis type
SEOPT,GEN,...        ! Analysis options
CMSOPT,...           ! Specify the CMS method
ESEL,...             ! Select elements
NSLE                 ! Select nodes associated to the selected elements in the
                     !   superelement portion
D,                   ! Specify constraints
M,...                ! Master DOF
M,,,,,,,,,,ON        ! SUPPORT = ON to specify pseudo-constraints
                     !   when free-interface or RFFB methods are used, those master DOFs
                     !   are constrained during the mode-extraction analysis
F,...                ! Apply load on internal dof (not master dof) in the direction 
                     !   where residual mode needs to calculate. A reduced load vector 
                     !   will be generated and written to the superelement matrix file
RESVEC,ON            ! Activate residual mode calculation in the 1st solve of generation
                     !   pass
---                  ! Load step options
D,,,SUPPORT          ! Specify pseudo-constraints if rigid body motion is present         
                     !   when free-interface method or RFFB method is used
SOLVE                ! Initiate solution -- creates superelement matrix file GEN.SUB.
---                  ! Loading (D and M may not change) and SOLVE sequence can be
                     !   repeated for additional reduced load vectors (Up to 31 total).
                     !   It can also be done with restart as following.
                     ! To reduce complex load vector, real and imaginary parts should be reduced separately:
F,,,val_real         ! Apply real part with value of val_real
SOLVE                ! Add reduced load vector 2
F,,,val_imag         ! Apply imaginary part as a real load vector
                     !   with value of val_imag  
SOLVE                ! Add reduced load vector 3
!     USE PASS
/CLEAR               ! Clear database for use pass
/FILNAME,USE         ! Jobname = USE (for example)
RESUME,FULL,DB       ! Restore full model database (for nonsuperelements)
ESEL,...             ! Select elements
NSLE                 ! Select nodes associated to the selected elements in the
                     !   superelement portion
ET,...,MATRIX50      ! Superelement type (type number not used by nonsuperelements)
TYPE,...             ! Point to superelement type reference number
SE,GEN               ! Read in superelement matrix (GEN.SUB created above)
ANTYPE,...           ! Analysis type and analysis options
F,...                ! Loads on nonsuperelements
                     ! To apply the reduced complex load vector:
SFE,,2,SELV,1,1      ! Apply real load with, for instance, scale factor of 1
SFE,,3,SELV,2,1      ! Apply imaginary load with, for instance, scale factor of 1
---                  ! Load step options
SOLVE                ! Initiate solution -- calculates complete
                     !   solution for nonsuperelements (USE.RST, etc.)
                     !   and reduced solution for superelement (USE.DSUB)
/CLEAR               ! Clear database for expansion pass
/FILNAME,GEN         ! Change jobname back to generation pass jobname
RESUME,FULL,DB       ! Restore full model database
/SOLU                ! Enter SOLUTION
EXPASS,ON            ! Activate expansion pass
EXPSOL,...           ! Specifies the solution to be expanded
SEEXP,GEN,USE,...    ! Superelement name to be expanded
---                  ! Load step options (mainly output controls)
SOLVE                ! Initiate expansion pass solution.  Full
                     !   superelement solution written to GEN.RST (or
                     !   RTH or RMG).
/POST1               ! Review results of entire model in the general
                     ! postprocessor
FILE,USE,RST         ! Specify the use case result file
CMSFILE,ADD,GEN,RST  ! Add superelement result file
SET,...              ! Load results of interest
---                  ! Perform postprocessing steps

For more information, see the ANTYPE, SEOPT, CMSFILE, CMSOPT, M, ET, SE, EXPASS, SEEXP, and RESVEC commands.