B.1. Performing a CMS Generation Pass to Create File.EXB

Generating the body property file (file.exb) of a component in Mechanical APDL is very similar to a typical CMS generation pass. Follow the procedures outlined in The CMS Generation Pass, with the exceptions noted below.

B.1.1. Build a Model for the Component

Using the procedure recommended for a typical substructure analysis, build a finite element model that represents the component of interest. When building the model, follow these rules and guidelines:

  • It is highly recommended that the Global Cartesian coordinate system in Mechanical APDL is aligned with the coordinate system used in AVL EXCITE.

  • Build a 3D model; 2D models are not supported since AVL EXCITE is used mainly for simulation of 3D volumetric models.

  • There is no element limitation in general, but nested CMS superelements cannot be used.

B.1.2. Create the Superelement Matrices

Follow the procedure for creating the superelement matrices in a CMS generation pass, with the following exceptions:

  • Always use the lumped mass matrix formulation (LUMPM,ON).

  • Use the fixed-interface CMS method (CMSOPT,FIX). No other CMS method is allowed.

  • The CMS generation pass solution has static reduction modes defined by the master degrees of freedom on the substructure's interface, and dynamic reduction modes input by the user as NMODE on the CMSOPT command.

  • Specify IOkey = EXB on the CMSOPT command to trigger writing of the .exb file (CMSOPT,FIX,,,,,,EXB).

Following is an example of typical commands used in the CMS generation pass for the file.exb approach:


The above CMSOPT command specifies the fixed-interface method, 20 frequency modes, and writing of the of the .exb file from the CMS generation.

B.1.3. Other Useful Commands

The following command functionalities may be useful when creating an .EXB file.

  • The EXBOPT command enables you to control optional output items written to the .EXB file. For example, the command EXBOPT,,,,,,1 specifies that all rows of the transposed recovery matrix are output. See the EXBOPT command for a complete list of output controls.

  • Use the AUX2 auxiliary processor to dump the .exb file into a readable format. For example:


    This command sequence dumps all sub-matrices in the myresult.exb file to the output. Alternatively, you can use the command FORM,TEN to dump only the first ten numbers of each sub-matrix.