C Commands

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C*** - Places a comment in the output.
CALC - Specifies "Calculation settings" as the subsequent status topic.
CAMPBELL - Prepares the result file for a subsequent Campbell diagram of a prestressed structure.
CBDOF - Activates cut-boundary interpolation (for submodeling).
CBMD - Specifies preintegrated section mass matrix for composite-beam sections.
CBMX - Specifies preintegrated cross-section stiffness for composite beam sections.
CBTE - Specifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a composite beam section.
CBTMP - Specifies a temperature for composite-beam input.
CDOPT - Specifies format to be used for archiving geometry.
CDREAD - Reads a file of solid model and database information into the database.
CDWRITE - Writes geometry and load database items to a file.
CE - Defines a constraint equation relating degrees of freedom.
CECHECK - Check constraint equations and couplings for rigid body motions.
CECMOD - Modifies the constant term of a constraint equation during solution.
CECYCMS - Generates the constraint equations for a multistage cyclic symmetry analysis.
CEDELE - Deletes constraint equations.
CEFILTER - Controls the automatic solution termination of models having constraint equations with too many terms.
CEINTF - Generates constraint equations at an interface.
CEIMS - Generates constraint equations at the interstage boundary in a multistage cyclic symmetry analysis.
CELIST - Lists the constraint equations.
CENTER - Defines a node at the center of curvature of 2 or 3 nodes.
CEQN - Specifies "Constraint equations" as the subsequent status topic.
CERIG - Defines a rigid region.
CESEL - Selects constraint equations via predefined reference numbers.
CESGEN - Generates a set of constraint equations from existing sets.
CFACT - Defines complex scaling factors to be used with operations.
*CFCLOS - Closes the "command" file.
*CFOPEN - Opens a "command" file.
/CFORMAT - Controls the graphical display of alphanumeric character strings for parameters, components, assemblies, and tables.
*CFWRITE - Writes a Mechanical APDL command (or similar string) to a "command" file.
CGLOC - Specifies the origin location of the acceleration coordinate system.
CGOMGA - Specifies the rotational velocity of the global origin.
CGROW - Specifies crack-growth options in a fracture analysis.
CHECK - Checks current database items for completeness.
CHKMSH - Checks area and volume entities for previous meshes.
CINT - Defines parameters associated with fracture-parameter calculations.
CIRCLE - Generates circular arc lines.
CISOL - Stores fracture parameter information in a variable.
CJUMP - Initiates a cycle-jump analysis.
/CLABEL - Specifies contour labeling.
/CLEAR - Clears the database.
CLOAD - Initiates a cyclic-loading analysis.
CLOCAL - Defines a local coordinate system relative to the active coordinate system.
CLOG - Forms the common log of a variable
/CLOG - Copies the session log file to a named file.
CLRMSHLN - Clears meshed entities.
CM - Groups geometry items into a component.
CMACEL - Specifies the translational acceleration of an element component
/CMAP - Changes an existing or creates a new color mapping table.
CMATRIX - Performs electrostatic field solutions and calculates the self and mutual capacitances between multiple conductors.
CMDELE - Deletes a component or assembly definition.
CMDOMEGA - Specifies the rotational acceleration of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis.
CMEDIT - Edits an existing assembly.
CMGRP - Groups components and assemblies into an assembly.
CMLIST - Lists the contents of a component or assembly.
CMMOD - Modifies the specification of a component.
CMOMEGA - Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis.
CMPLOT - Plots the entities contained in a component or assembly.
CMROTATE - Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component in a brake-squeal analysis.
CMSEL - Selects a subset of components and assemblies.
CMSFILE - Specifies a list of component mode synthesis (CMS) results files for plotting results on the assembly.
CMSOPT - Specifies component mode synthesis (CMS) analysis options.
CMWRITE - Writes node and element components and assemblies to a file.
CNCHECK - Provides and/or adjusts the initial status of contact pairs.
CNKMOD - Modifies contact element key options.
CNTR - Redirects contact pair output quantities to a text file.
CNVTOL - Sets convergence values for nonlinear analyses.
/COLOR - Specifies the color mapping for various items.
/COM - Places a comment in the output.
*COMP - Compresses a matrix using a specified algorithm.
COMBINE - Combines distributed memory parallel (DMP) files.
COMPRESS - Deletes all specified sets.
CON4 - Creates a conical volume anywhere on the working plane.
CONE - Creates a conical volume centered about the working plane origin.
/CONFIG - Assigns values to Mechanical APDL configuration parameters.
CONJUG - Forms the complex conjugate of a variable.
/CONTOUR - Specifies the uniform contour values on stress displays.
/COPY - Copies a file.
CORIOLIS - Applies the Coriolis effect to a rotating structure.
COUPLE - Specifies "Node coupling" as the subsequent status topic.
COVAL - Defines PSD cospectral values.
CP - Defines (or modifies) a set of coupled degrees of freedom.
CPCYC - Couples the two side faces of a cyclically symmetric model for loadings that are the same on every segment.
CPDELE - Deletes coupled degree of freedom sets.
CPINTF - Defines coupled degrees of freedom at an interface.
/CPLANE - Specifies the cutting plane for section and capped displays.
CPLGEN - Generates sets of coupled nodes from an existing set.
CPLIST - Lists the coupled degree of freedom sets.
CPMERGE - Merges different couple sets with duplicate degrees of freedom into one couple set.
CPNGEN - Defines, modifies, or adds to a set of coupled degrees of freedom.
CPSEL - Selects coupled degree-of-freedom sets via predefined reference numbers.
CPSGEN - Generates sets of coupled nodes from existing sets.
CQC - Specifies the complete quadratic mode combination method.
*CREATE - Opens (creates) a macro file.
CS - Defines a local coordinate system by three node locations.
CSCIR - Locates the singularity for non-Cartesian local coordinate systems.
CSDELE - Deletes local coordinate systems.
CSKP - Defines a local coordinate system by three keypoint locations.
CSLIST - Lists coordinate systems.
CSWPLA - Defines a local coordinate system at the origin of the working plane.
CSYS - Activates a previously defined coordinate system.
/CTYPE - Specifies the type of contour display.
CURR2D - Calculates current flow in a 2D conductor.
CUTCONTROL - Controls time-step cutback during a nonlinear solution.
/CVAL - Specifies nonuniform contour values on stress displays.
CVAR - Computes covariance between two quantities.
/CWD - Changes the current working directory.
CYCCALC - Calculates results from a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition analysis using the specifications defined by CYCSPEC.
/CYCEXPAND - Graphically expands displacements, stresses and strains of a cyclically symmetric model.
CYCFILES - Specifies the data files where results are to be found for a cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic analysis.
CYCFREQ - Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic analysis.
*CYCLE - Bypasses commands within a do-loop.
CYCLIC - Specifies a cyclic symmetry analysis.
CYCOPT - Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry analysis.
CYCPHASE - Provides tools for determining minimum and maximum possible result values from frequency couplets produced in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.
CYCSPEC - Defines the set of result items for a subsequent CYCCALC command in postprocessing a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition analysis.
CYL4 - Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume anywhere on the working plane.
CYL5 - Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume by end points.
CYLIND - Creates a cylindrical volume centered about the working plane origin.
CZDEL - Edits or clears cohesive zone sections.
CZMESH - Create and mesh an interface area composed of cohesive zone elements.