Prepares the result file for a subsequent Campbell diagram of a prestressed structure.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Campbell action:



Do not prepare the result file. This option is the default behavior.



Prepare the result file (Jobname.rstp) for a subsequent Campbell diagram of a prestressed structure.


For an analysis involving a prestressed structure, the CAMPBELL command specifies whether or not to prepare the result file to support a Campbell diagram analysis (PRCAMP or PLCAMP).

To prestress a structure, the program performs a static solution before the linear perturbation modal solution. For specific information about rotating structures, see Considerations for Rotating Structures.

The CAMPBELL command requires that modal and static analyses be performed alternately. It works only when the number of static analyses is the same as the number of modal analyses. Any number of analyses can be performed, but the same number of each (static and modal) is expected. The modal solutions are appended in the results file (Jobname.rstp).

For an example of CAMPBELL command usage, see Example 5.1: Commands used in a Campbell Diagram Analysis of a Prestressed Structure in the Rotordynamic Analysis Guide.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.