Activates a previously defined coordinate system.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Specifies the active coordinate system, as follows:

0 (default)





Cylindrical with global Cartesian Z as the axis of rotation




4 or WP


Working Plane



Cylindrical with global Cartesian Y as the axis of rotation



Cylindrical with global Cartesian X as the axis of rotation

11 or greater


Any previously defined local coordinate system


The CSYS command activates a previously defined coordinate system for geometry input and generation. The LOCAL, CLOCAL, CS, CSKP, and CSWPLA commands also activate coordinate systems as they are defined. To set the active element coordinate system attribute pointer, issue the ESYS command.

The active coordinate system for files created via the CDWRITE command is Cartesian (CSYS,0).

This command is valid in any processor.

CSYS,4 (or CSYS,WP) activates working plane tracking, which updates the coordinate system to follow working plane changes. To deactivate working plane tracking, activate any other coordinate system (for example, CSYS,0 or CSYS,11).

CSYS,5 is a cylindrical coordinate system with global Cartesian Y as the axis of rotation. The local x, y and z axes are radial, θ, and axial (respectively). The R-Theta plane is the global X-Z plane, as it is for an axisymmetric model. Thus, at θ = 0.0, CSYS,5 has a specific orientation: the local x is in the global +X direction, local y is in the global -Z direction, and local z (the cylindrical axis) is in the global +Y direction.

CSYS,6 is a cylindrical coordinate system with global Cartesian X as the axis of rotation. The local x, y and z axes are axial, radial, and θ (respectively). The R-Theta plane is the global Y-Z plane, as it is for an axisymmetric model. Thus, at θ = 0.0, CSYS,6 has a specific orientation: the local x is in the global -Z direction, local y is in the global +Y direction, and local z (the cylindrical axis) is in the global +X direction.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Create Surface>Sphere>At Node
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Active CS to>Global Cartesian
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Active CS to>Global Cylindrical
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Active CS to>Global Spherical
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Active CS to>Specified Coord Sys
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Active CS to>Working Plane
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Offset WP to>Global Origin